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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:27:22 )

      @Wildfire: Yeah, they're in the shop.
      And I need to start sticking around and chatting more if I'm going to be able to get one. lol

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:27:34 )
@Aisukohi: That is the beauty of a good relationship... go knock him off the chair!! -is evil- (it actually sounds like me and my hubby!)

@koah: it is -checks- 71*F out there (here) right now, according to my phone weather app. It's sunny, and very pretty...
You'll have time to set up your chairs... when "frigid" isn't the word of the day! :3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:28:14 )
@Anarchist Beauty: I saw! Well, you're welcome to hang out here and chat. We're currently talking about napping outside - lol!!!


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:32:09 )
@Koah: Aw man! Do you think you might have a bit of a warmer (or at least not frigid) day you could put them up soon?

@Wildfire: Right? xD Like lemme steal the warm spot you just made!! He does the same with me though since I tend to camp on my computer on his side of the bed, and then I scooch when he's ready to settle down for the night, so he gets my warm spot. :P

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:33:14 )
We've got our fireplace running and because of it's awkward spot, I'm thinking of hanging a sky chair nearby, maybe if there's a stud in the right spot. hehehe.

We're touching into winter now. So only cold weather now until spring.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:34:04 )

      @Wildfire: Napping outside, used to be my default.
      When I was in high school I earned the nickname 'Sleeping Beauty' because I would take cat naps everywhere.
      Park benches, friends patios, in them lil tunnel things at the park playgrounds... lol
      I was the nap master.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:35:43 )
That sounds like a comfy spot for a sky chair!

I wonder if it'll get cold enough for us to use the fireplace this year. Florida is hit or miss with winters lol.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:36:40 )
@Aisukohi: That sounds well balanced!!

@Koah: Oh, I remember those days. Where are you? (If you mentioned it, I don't remember; and I'm just curious - don't reveal if you don't want to)
But now I'm in central-west Florida and the weather is getting really nice and will likely stay like this until February (except for those couple of weeks where it actually gets freezing-type cold)!! <3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:38:28 )
@Anarchist Beauty: LOL! <3 Why were you always napping?

@Aisukohi: It's cooler this year, overall, IMO. Even August wasn't as stifling as it usually is. I'd imagine that you will have a chance to use the fireplace (which means we'll be Freezing).


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:40:25 )
oh my gosh, yeah, I've got family in Florida. I've heard about your winters. lol
I'm more familiar with snowy cold winters.
I'm from Washington State, [twilight area] so SUPER rainy. However, I spent most of my teen years traveling the U.S. and most of my adulthood has been up in the Wyoming mountains.
Now, I'm a permanent resident in Oregon. Bought a house. whoohoo. c:

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:41:05 )

      @Wildfire: Uh, depression mostly. lol
      And then that gave me a good cover to fake nap sometimes, too.
      I had good friends, no one ever talked smack on me even when they believed I was asleep.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:44:31 )
@Wildfire: lol I get cold easily as is. It's 68 here but feels like 73, and I had 2 layers of long sleeves on. :P But you're right, it has felt cooler this year than last, so there's hope!

@Koah: See that weather is exactly what I'm not used to, since I've lived within decent driving distance from beaches most of my life. xD So anything below like 50s and 60s is too cold for me haha.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:46:43 )
@Koah: I'm a Florida transplant. In some ways, I'm still getting used to the seasons here. They are very different from most of the rest of the country. I don't think I could deal with rainy Northwest though - ugh. But to each our own, right? Congrats on the house! <3

@Anarchist Beauty: That would do it. It does sound like you had some really good friends!


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:49:16 )
@Aisukohi: I'm loving this weather, but I usually get cold quickly too. My thresh-hold is a little lower though, temperature-wise... and I'm usually fine unless the weather stays cold for several days in a row (which isn't always an issue in Fl, as you know). BTW 50*F here (FL) feels significantly colder than 50*F in the northeast!!


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:53:29 )
Oh my gosh, you guys. lol. I am in a cowboy/desert town in Oregon, so my first summer here [i'm new to OR], was up to 105F.
Now that it's getting into winter, it feels like WA summers. I DO NOT miss the Washington peninsula. omg. It's a beautiful area, but even summer was wet and chilly from the coast.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:53:59 )

      @Wildfire: I did, until one turned on me and the others followed.
      But eh, old news. lol

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 20:57:47 )
@Anarchist Beauty: Oh the trials of our young days. I'm sorry you had that kind of experience! <3

@Koah: LOL. It's the humidity here that usually is the killer. But my sliding doors to the lanai only clouded over ... twice I think, this summer from the difference in humidity levels between inside and out (we usually keep our AC around 77 or 78*F). So it wasn't horrible here. There have been summers where there are mini storm fronts on the sliding doors (etc) just about every day!


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 21:00:22 )
lol yeah, I know humidity is a huge thing when it comes to temperatures.

When I was in Idaho visiting my fiance, we went up to the mountains where there was still some snow so we could go sledding. Thought I would be FREEZING, but it honestly wasn't so bad with the few layers I had on, and I chalk that up to the humidity (or lack thereof).
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 21:03:04 )
Yes, the number of the temperature doesn't really mean a whole lot - it's the other things like humidity, wind chill, etc. that really matter.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/11/18 21:04:09 )
The dry heat I like a LOT more than the humid stuff. I did some summers in Hawaii and Virginia Beach. I prefer the midwest dry heat.

@Aisukohi: It makes me so happy you visited the mountains in Idaho. I'm sure I've been wherever it is you went.

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