Forums Serious Talk Post your Rants
Boy, when I do something, I sure do it spectacularly. X____x;;;;
I sliced my index finger open on the inner seal of my coffee cream, which was aluminum.
Gushed like hell. So now not only does my finger freaking KILL, but I have to clean up a mess.
totally should not be typing, but whatever
I will not be deterred
I sliced my index finger open on the inner seal of my coffee cream, which was aluminum.
Gushed like hell. So now not only does my finger freaking KILL, but I have to clean up a mess.
totally should not be typing, but whatever
I will not be deterred

a few months ago something happened. something not so good that helped me realize that I needed to change the way I lived in this household. I won't go into specifics-- I'll just say my mom threatened to send me to the hospital. The next day I went to the psychologist and I bawled to him what happened the night before. He told me promptly that my family and I needed counseling right away. I agreed to this and promised to speak with my mother and father as soon as possible on the matter. Of course, tho, life got in the way and I was too afraid to stand up and say something. Today I finally worked up the nerve to talk to my father at least. It was after a phone call with my mother who he put on speaker as she cussed about not being able to get the 'fucking christmas tree'. It instilled fear into that what happened months ago might happen again so I cried to him 'we need to see a family counselor'. I explained why and gave what happened as an example. He the looked to me as if I was crazy. As if what i said was silly and childish thinking. So were his responses to me. I was begging with every part of my body for something to reach him and say 'you should agree' but to no avail. He continued to talk to me as if it was a some trivial game. it was pointless to say anything to him. even when i told him that the doctor suggested that we go he practically scoffed.
The problem with this WHOLE situation is one, mom will never get help because that's the MAIN reason I wanted this to happen was because of her. She is so very stressed pretty much ALL THE TIME and it rubs off on me. My father, well, is just stuck it in the middle. Counseling would help him if anything too so he could know what to do in another happening.
Two, I'm the one being blamed and ultimately pinned as the one who exclusively gets medicated and counseling. Mother won't stop at nothing to pull the whole I'm gonna call the hospital on your ass' card in those situations. Its not above her to do that again and again and again. Meaning its all being put on me whenever those situations happen. But it takes two to tango is what she fails to realize.
Three, 'I'm the child so why shouldn't they listen to me' is their mentality.
In the end---- I have no idea what to do.
Will we end up just broken pieces?
The problem with this WHOLE situation is one, mom will never get help because that's the MAIN reason I wanted this to happen was because of her. She is so very stressed pretty much ALL THE TIME and it rubs off on me. My father, well, is just stuck it in the middle. Counseling would help him if anything too so he could know what to do in another happening.
Two, I'm the one being blamed and ultimately pinned as the one who exclusively gets medicated and counseling. Mother won't stop at nothing to pull the whole I'm gonna call the hospital on your ass' card in those situations. Its not above her to do that again and again and again. Meaning its all being put on me whenever those situations happen. But it takes two to tango is what she fails to realize.
Three, 'I'm the child so why shouldn't they listen to me' is their mentality.
In the end---- I have no idea what to do.
Will we end up just broken pieces?

1. People take themselves way too seriously. Here... There... Everywhere!
2. Reading comprehension is lacking as a whole. ugh.
Never taking the bait. But I will say this.
Your opinions are boring and you're annoying. What a pitiful existence.
Your opinions are boring and you're annoying. What a pitiful existence.
STAAHHHHHP. Being cute doesn't make this better.
P.S. You suck at writing, don't touch my paperwork again you heathen that I wanna clobber love.
lmfaoaoaoaooo i just found out i got blocked
do wat u gotta do tho

do wat u gotta do tho

In the event that this post isn't deleted, I would like to clarify this has nothing to do with Voltra. This was all personal feelings built up over a long standing time in my head and nothing more. Personally, Voltra is an adorable and wonderful site and has the potential to become an amazing spot for people to come and enjoy themselves. I apologize if this has made anyone feel unhappy or unsafe here, that was not my intentions in the least.
This is addressed to four people. And I hope that all three of you know who you are, if you're reading this.
We just talked today and you told me some things that angered me. I was so upset for you. So upset that I left you alone with these people. For that, I am sorry. I know that you've already tried to convince me that it wasn't my fault, but in the end, I knew you wouldn't leave no matter how hurt you were by these people. I knew you were too good of a person to let this place hang without you. You know how important you are, so don't let them think you aren't. You are a kind, gentle, and passionate person, and I'm so glad that this place has someone like you. Please, never stop shining so brightly in the face of all this darkness.
To who this passage is for, however... we haven't talked in months. And since I left this place, it's been easier to breathe since. I can't say that I miss you right now, but I can say that I have missed you. And perhaps I will always miss you. Maybe that makes you happy in your twisted soul, I'm not sure. Maybe it makes you angry that I even think about you. Either way, it's the way I feel and, contrary to what you believe, I know I'm validated in those feelings. I'm so sorry that you hurt so much. And I'm so sorry that I was one small experience in your life that caused you pain as well. But this isn't right. You can be better than this. You are so talented and you are so passionate. Stop. Get help. You deserve to be a better person. You deserve to make the world a better place rather than bring it down. I don't know all of what you go through, but you can do better. Please, be better.
And to the last two people this is addressed. What the hell are you even doing? Why do you hate so many people? Why do you take your passion and creativity and turn it on others as if it's something to bring them down? All three of you make such a wonderful, powerful team. Don't waste that talent and hard work on thinking you're better than everyone else. There is nothing beautiful in the disasters you create. Take that time, that commitment, and make it into something beautiful. I don't know what you two have been through either, but this isn't right. The things you do and say, it's horrible. It's wrong. I don't care what you're thinking right now, if I'm crossing a line in anything I say, because you have crossed them all. Right now, you three are horrible, spiteful, and narcissistic people I am all too ashamed to have ever admired. I'm sorry for the way you feel, the hurt in yourselves, but don't bring that onto other people. Be better. All three of you.
I don't know if I ever had passion for this place, but if I had, I think all three of you have sucked it out of me. And if you can do that to me, who knows who else has felt that way? I'm not saying this because I think I'm better than any of you. I think I have a lot of work to do and a lot of self reflection left before I become any better. But I know for certain that I would never intentionally harm another person. We all make mistakes, myself very much included, but I swear to never turn that onto another person. I swear to never say things to hurt someone. I swear to never do things to hurt others. And I know for absolute certain that I never have. No matter what any of you think. So if you really think I'm that horrible of a person, be better than me. Because right now, you're the lowest of the low. And I'm so ashamed this place has to even look any of you three.
To the person I addressed first in this rant, I love you. And I'm so happy you put your all into this place. And whatever you decision may be, I'm with you all the way. Thank you for continuing to show and teach me how to be a better person, even when I'm surrounded by people like this.
This is addressed to four people. And I hope that all three of you know who you are, if you're reading this.
We just talked today and you told me some things that angered me. I was so upset for you. So upset that I left you alone with these people. For that, I am sorry. I know that you've already tried to convince me that it wasn't my fault, but in the end, I knew you wouldn't leave no matter how hurt you were by these people. I knew you were too good of a person to let this place hang without you. You know how important you are, so don't let them think you aren't. You are a kind, gentle, and passionate person, and I'm so glad that this place has someone like you. Please, never stop shining so brightly in the face of all this darkness.
To who this passage is for, however... we haven't talked in months. And since I left this place, it's been easier to breathe since. I can't say that I miss you right now, but I can say that I have missed you. And perhaps I will always miss you. Maybe that makes you happy in your twisted soul, I'm not sure. Maybe it makes you angry that I even think about you. Either way, it's the way I feel and, contrary to what you believe, I know I'm validated in those feelings. I'm so sorry that you hurt so much. And I'm so sorry that I was one small experience in your life that caused you pain as well. But this isn't right. You can be better than this. You are so talented and you are so passionate. Stop. Get help. You deserve to be a better person. You deserve to make the world a better place rather than bring it down. I don't know all of what you go through, but you can do better. Please, be better.
And to the last two people this is addressed. What the hell are you even doing? Why do you hate so many people? Why do you take your passion and creativity and turn it on others as if it's something to bring them down? All three of you make such a wonderful, powerful team. Don't waste that talent and hard work on thinking you're better than everyone else. There is nothing beautiful in the disasters you create. Take that time, that commitment, and make it into something beautiful. I don't know what you two have been through either, but this isn't right. The things you do and say, it's horrible. It's wrong. I don't care what you're thinking right now, if I'm crossing a line in anything I say, because you have crossed them all. Right now, you three are horrible, spiteful, and narcissistic people I am all too ashamed to have ever admired. I'm sorry for the way you feel, the hurt in yourselves, but don't bring that onto other people. Be better. All three of you.
I don't know if I ever had passion for this place, but if I had, I think all three of you have sucked it out of me. And if you can do that to me, who knows who else has felt that way? I'm not saying this because I think I'm better than any of you. I think I have a lot of work to do and a lot of self reflection left before I become any better. But I know for certain that I would never intentionally harm another person. We all make mistakes, myself very much included, but I swear to never turn that onto another person. I swear to never say things to hurt someone. I swear to never do things to hurt others. And I know for absolute certain that I never have. No matter what any of you think. So if you really think I'm that horrible of a person, be better than me. Because right now, you're the lowest of the low. And I'm so ashamed this place has to even look any of you three.
To the person I addressed first in this rant, I love you. And I'm so happy you put your all into this place. And whatever you decision may be, I'm with you all the way. Thank you for continuing to show and teach me how to be a better person, even when I'm surrounded by people like this.
Adieu mon homme... Où tu vas, il fait trop froid

I know none of the above is about me but I hope whatever staff member feels that
way can find the spirit to speak up. I've found staff to be incredibly supportive and
validating and I know if someone mentioned they weren't feeling appreciated
or whatever- there would be a dogpile of us telling them how great they are.
There is not a single staff member I would refer to as as a spiteful person or a narcissist,
like noted above....its natural that sometimes different personalities clash and that
really isn't a reason to demonize this very human factor. Someone being the lowest
of low sounds ethically compromised, the worst present staff is guilty of is having
different opinions and occasional problems with tact: that is far from scum in my book.
I think we have a solid staff team and we have worked through problems
quite well and I'm happy to have met so many great and interesting people,
including you Neb. I hope that the staff member you mentioned is hurting
can read this post and feel more confident in addressing their concerns or if they
are just feeling down, let us brighten their day. But we need to know in order to do so.
I think we're good at being each others cheerleaders.

Edit in response to the above edit which sounds even meaner now:
With all due respect, whatever staff you're slamming have a
place here likely through hard work and dedication. If they haven't spoken in months
to you it sounds like they were doing their best to keep the peace and focusing on
how to make voltra a better place. Everyone on staff, is welcomed on staff and their
positions here are ALL valid and supported by their own passions and creativity.
Tearing any staff member and their hard work here down is painful to read.
That's cool.
Wake me up two hours later for NO REASON, when you know I have to go to work.
... Knowing I took something to go to sleep, so I can't have any coffee.
Jokes on you.
I'm having coffee anyway, so good luck paying for this house by yourself.
Wake me up two hours later for NO REASON, when you know I have to go to work.
... Knowing I took something to go to sleep, so I can't have any coffee.
Jokes on you.
I'm having coffee anyway, so good luck paying for this house by yourself.

Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)
pls don't

I want this to end, but not this way.
I wanted justice. I wanted vengeance.
I wanted you to suffer the way we did.
But I guess I'll settle for having my life back.
You'll get yours.
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

It's my fault, but still blegh.
Last week when scheduling a client(whom does not speak English well.) their "usual" time was
taken by someone else. They were upset they couldn't get their usual time. I dont think I successfully
communicated that they need to schedule in advance if they want to keep a specific slot.
Our clinic is doing well, but not well enough to hire on site translators. We are a 2 person run business.
Anyway, so I gave her an appointment time later than she is used to- she argued at first but rolled her eyes
and agreed to the later time. She asked me to write her an appointment card, while writing it she was still
lecture-y and all I could say was "I'm sorry, I apologize."
WELL- end of the day it is my fault, and I own that. but I think due to distraction-
i didn't write the correct time on the card. I wrote the time that she usually comes in.
However, we have appointment reminders set up on our automated system...so she received
two text messages stating the correct time.But she came at the time I wrote down.
She came in immediately on a mission. @_@ "I get your texts but not time you wrote, so I come now."
To which now I realize the mistake and am embarassed and am stuck. I literally can't take her at this time.
I once again am trying politely to explain but...its difficult. We have a new patient also sitting in our waiting
room hearing all of this. orz She's PISSED. All I can do is say sorry. But then she accuses me of
being racist (I'm not.) then says she's gonna tell the doctor to fire me (good luck, he's my fiance.)
and that I changed her schedule on her because I'm lazy. (that doesn't make logical sense. why would
I purposefully give myself a headache.)
Thankfully my dude was able to calm her down she was friendly with him but didn't even look at me
when leaving. I get it, I fucked up. I wrote the wrong time down and that is absolutely my fault.
But legit I wish I had so little problems in the world that I could freak out about something like this.
She verbally acknowledged she got the text message. Instead of like...calling to find out which is accurate
ya decide to pick your favorite and anticipate roasting me in front of others?
I'm a human, shit happens. Yes as a business owner I need to make up for this, but as a human I don't
deserve this ridiculous response to one mistake. The language barrier is mutually challenging,
and it's been an issue in the past as well. We tried once posting a language reference guide to ourselves,
but we ended up offending a patient last year for reading off a paper. We can't win. :/
I know it's equally hard for them as well but I literally don't know what I can do.
We tested a vocal software that could help but it was not as accurate as it claimed. Kinda tired of being
labeled a racist over small things that have nothing to do with race.
SALTY perusing amazon for a gift for her even tho she treated me like shit. >.>

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