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Forums Role Playing Seeing is Believing (Colin and Lunakiri)

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 10:22:22 )
"......" the man was silent, as he sat at one of the tables at the outdoor patio of the cafe.

He drank his iced coffee, and watched the people walk by, watched the vehicles rush past, and sighed.

"Hm." he muttered, agitating the drink a little and watching the ice swirl around.

"Boring." he said.

"One of my most boring lunch breaks." he commented, before shaking his head some.

'I should be grateful. I get enough excitement dealing with the Council's latest nonsense. And the last thing I need is for more stuff to happen when I'm supposed to be relaxing.' he then thought, as his panini arrived.

When the server left, he picked up the sandwich and took in the aroma, before smiling.

'Ahhh... nice.' he thought to himself, as he moved some of his fading hair out of his eyes, and went back to aimlessly looking at the intersection closest to him.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 10:51:23 )

As he was watching the intersection, and the areas around it, he saw the crowds and overall busy-ness of the people. There were people that they were avoiding, or at least seemed to be, but that was pretty normal. There where people who would hang out and beg for money, so it made sense that people would avoid them.

He watched a bus pull up at a stop, and people file off of it, as others climbed on.

One person though looked around, but didn't move much before dialling a number and bringing a cell phone up to her ear - and he was close enough to be able to tell it was a flip phone of an older model at that. She wore dark shades and looked around, almost as if she was trying to find someone or something. Perhaps to find out where she was better.

As she tried to apporoach others to inquire about something, they all just ignored her or brushed her off, leaving her on her own. At one point, she tripped over someone's foot and ended up in the road, but no one paid any heed. At least no one who wanted to help. Some people just watched.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 11:24:30 )
The man watched as he saw her trip and land in the middle of the road.

And watched as nobody DID anything. People watched, but didn't DO anything.

"......." he was silent, before setting his sandwich and drink down, and getting up.

''s amazing.' he thought.

'I somehow still retain faith in humanity.' he told himself.

He then started to slowly make his way to where she was, to see if he could help.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 11:42:35 )

As he was making his way over, he got a closer look at her, and couldn't help but see some familiarity in her. She had a delicate face, and seemed to hold herself rather delicately as well. The shade of auburn for her hair, for example, was definitely striking a chord within him.

He didn't manage to process it for long though, before a car tore around the corner, the horn blared, she whirled around to try and get out of the way... and there was a collision.

What sounded like metal and plastic snapped, and it was very easy to identify what it was. Especially as the red and white pieces were rolling away from her as she fell to the pavement and the car backed up a bit, in order to check on her.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 11:57:46 )
It all happened in the blink of an eye, and Vincent hastened his pace, quickly making his way over towards her.

He made his way through the crowd of people, pushing them away as he did so.

"Move." he said.

"If you're just going to gawk, then move." he told them.

'What was that air of familiarity to her?' he wondered.

'And is she okay?' he wondered further, as he made his way to the scene.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 12:04:57 )

As he neared, he was able to see the one who had hit her on their phone. They were calling the emergency services, since it wasn't hard to tell that she needed.

There was blood on the pavement, but as she was sitting up, it was obvious that she either had a ridiculous pain tolerance, or she would be all right. For the moment, at least.

The source of the blood was easy to see though.

There was a wound on her temple that was bleeding profusely, and her leg looked to be broken horribly. It was bleeding due to the damage. She just tried to crawl off to t he sidewalk, even though she didn't know what direction she was going in.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 12:24:34 )
"Everyone STAY BACK!" Vincent ordered.

"I know what to do in this situation!" he declared, before leaning down towards her.

"It's all right." he said to her.

"An ambulance will be here very shortly." he continued.

"Try not to move too much." he then suggested. "You're hurt pretty badly." he told her.

"Just remain calm. You'll be all right." he went on, his voice soft and soothing.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 12:29:14 )

She bit her lip, but did stop tryin' to make her way to a sidewalk she had no idea the direction of.

". . . I can't afford medical treatment..." She then said.

"I'm a visitor." She added before pausing.

"no insurance." She then said before biting her lip as he could see her biting back the pain.

"So... I'mma just head back to the airport so I can catch my flight."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 12:46:46 )
Vincent just shook his head.

"Never you mind." he told her.

"I won't hear any of that." he said further.

"You!" he then addressed the one on the phone.

"Make SURE the ambulance knows to take her to Our Lady of Angels!" he ordered them, before looking to the girl.

"Don't worry about the lack of insurance." he said.

"It'll all be taken care of, and you won't need to concern yourself with any of it." he assured her.

"You should concern yourself with your recovery, and dealing with your... more immediate... problems."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 12:53:30 )

She was silent, not saying anything due to not really being able to. There was nothing that she could do here, didn't really have the energy for it.

She hurt far too much to probably have a cohesive thought fo the moment, even.

The one on the phone nodded before relaying the information that was requiested. After another minute he looked back to Vincent.

"They're on their way. ETA is five minutes." He told vincent simply and honestly


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 13:14:45 )
Vincent nodded.

"Right." he said.

"Now. Just focus on breathing." he told the girl.

"Just keep yourself calm, focus on my voice, and keep yourself breathing steadily." he said.

"Now... what's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Vincent." he told her, introducing himself.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 13:21:39 )

"Lynne.." She started before having to bite back pain again. He could hear it in her voice, see it in her face even - what wasn't hidden by the shades.

"Lynne Larson." She added.

"I'm travelling from Europe." She then said a few seconds later. "As a graduation thing... I just... I can't believe this happened while trying to celebrate grad...."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 13:37:32 )
"Life is unpredictable." Vincent replied.

"Don't worry, we'll get you back on track." he told her.

"And you graduated? Congratulations." he then said.

"For what?" he asked.

"What was your major?" he asked her.

He was genuinely interested in this, and he was trying to make her feel for comfortable and distract her.

Anything to keep her calm and collected.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 13:50:45 )

Lynne was silent for a few seconds before letting out a shaky pained breath.

"To... to be a therapist." She told him honestly.

"To help others like me." She said before wincing in pain.

"This... this is..." her voice seemed to fade a bit.

"Just ow..."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 14:11:31 )
"Hey." Vincent said.

"Stay with me." he told her.

"Don't pass out." he warned.

"And to help those like you?" he then asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

He had his suspicions, but he'd learned to never make assumptions.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 14:15:35 )

"no family." Was Lynne's answer as the sirens were heard approaching.

"I dunno what happened to my parents." She added after a few seconds.

"and... and that's hard."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/16 14:29:57 )
"....I see." Vincent replied.

"I would imagine that IS hard, yes." he said.

"Well... the ambulance is coming." he told her.

"You'll be all right." he went on.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he then asked her.

"I don't mind accompanying you." he assured her further.

"Whatever I can to help."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/17 02:32:42 )

"If you want..." Lynne answered, not saying much more. She didn't know what more to say overall, she hurt too much. Then again, that made sense. She'd just been hit by a car, after all.

At least it didn't seem like there was anything far too horrible for damage. She wasn't likely to die, after all. It seemed like it was just her leg, for the moment part. Of course, that damage to her leg was pretty extreme and could be problematic if not tended to quickly enough, but as long as it gets tended to, she should be fine.

As the ambulance arrived and she was loaded into it, he could see the concern in her features regarding costs for this. Of course,s he realized that she needed to get her leg tended to, so she wasn't about to fight it. Meanwhile, a cop was speaking to the one that had hit her, who wasn't running off and trying to get off with nothing for this.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/17 03:48:36 )
Vincent looked at the one that had hit Lynne, and then looked towards the girl herself.

She still looked quite concerned, which made him sigh.

"I'll follow you to the hospital." he told her as she was loaded in.

He then brought out his cell phone, and sent a text to a pair of people he knew.

A girl's been hit by a car. She's being taken to OLA as I send this. If possible, can the two of you tend to her, and make sure the cost is taken care of, in the usual way? he texted them.

"You'll be just fine, Lynne." he assured the girl once more.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/11/17 07:05:53 )

Lynne was silent before nodding.

As the doors were closed, Vincent received a reply.

Noted. We're in the ER anyway, so easy enough. was the reply he received.

Any ideas on an ETA? followed quickly after

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