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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/12 14:50:58 )

I do too!

Donator — Roleplayer Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/12 15:32:29 )
And then I strike after you once more!

More people need to join this site and post with us XD

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/12 16:39:53 )

Well yeah but that is true for a lot of the avatar sites nowadays.

Donator — Roleplayer Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/12 16:45:56 )
Yeah, it's awful. I wish they were more active like they used to be. Hard to make Volts posting if there really isn't anyone to post with.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/12 16:58:19 )

Yeah more people means more discussion, donations, volts, everything! And more donations and people could possibly lead to more events and things happening.

Donator — Roleplayer Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/13 01:36:35 )
I try to get friends to join the avatar sites I use but when they do, they play for a bit and then get tired of it and just don't come on. I don't have any friends that actually like avatar sites like me XD

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/13 08:58:25 )

Yeah it requires an actual interest for it to be fun.

Donator — Roleplayer Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/13 16:39:47 )
Yep and we all know since we donated, that it's more fun when you also have money to spend and get items too. I would not like having to save up Volts to buy things XD

Donator — He Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/13 16:47:44 )
┌── R A X T O N ──┐
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Donator — Roleplayer Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/13 16:48:46 )
Nah-uh, Raxton. I am taking the spot back.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/13 21:28:43 )

I hate spending money, it was a moment of weakness i am not proud of even tho i don't mind supporting the site.

Donator — He Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/14 02:12:00 )
┌── R A X T O N ──┐
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I m taking this spot back xD


Donator — Roleplayer Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/14 05:13:46 )
Nah I spend money a lot on avatar sites. I like doing it XD I mean I still live with my family so I have some money to waste anyway because I don't pay bills at the moment.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/14 08:09:19 )

My money goes mostly towards computer games.

Donator — Roleplayer Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/14 15:44:37 )
Ah, I see. Yeah, I don't play computer games. Or games in general really. I used to when I was younger but I work full time so now I feel lazy with them XD Any time I have just goes to getting online and coming here or roleplaying.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/14 15:52:56 )

I come here and play games at the same time. xD

Donator — Roleplayer Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/14 16:44:06 )
What kind of games do you play? Do you play horror games?

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/14 16:45:47 )

Not really i have enough problems with stress already so games made specifically to make you scared even if most don't is not something i seek out.

Donator — Roleplayer Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/14 17:00:47 )
Ah, okay. I love horror. It's my favorite genre of movie.
This is my topic in the Exchange. Please go buy my items. I have old crate items and orb items for sale.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/14 17:12:15 )

As a movie it is actually quite fun, since you aren't in control it stresses me out a lot less.

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