@Luffer Nutter: Feel free to keep writing XD Incoming novel lol.
Are you a Hak supporter too?

I know. I also like Colorcloud Palace! I'm all for female protags. As much as I liked Fushigi Yuugi, I don't really like Miaka but I LOOOVE Yona :3
Yes, I was disappointed with the Zodiac War because it was so anti-climactic and it left me feeling sooooo unsatisfied :<
I don't normally watch mecha (with Escaflowne, Genesis of Aquarion, and Vandread being the only ones I liked) but I'll check Knights of Sidonia and the other ones you mentioned out - but like... it takes me a while before I start watching stuff XD
Sailor Moon isn't on that list. I was a Card Captor Sakura girl growing up so I've never really seen Sailor Moon... at all

And tbh, I've never met a Sailor Moon fan to bug me about watching it so I never did ¯_(ツ)_/¯