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Donator — She/her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/6 15:07:08 )

@kiwi: they were better priced in 2020 but they are still ok now for a once a week treat. They are just divine!


Donator Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/6 21:07:42 )
@Totalanimefan: Yeah that's super awesome and convenient! Ouch, sorry to hear about work. Hopefully it goes quickly and easily. But it's nice that it's picking up here :)

Donator — She/her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/7 01:45:00 )

@SorrowTheMad: Thanks! It's 2 weeks until I move into the new place. I've started some packing but it all seems like so much work until the move lol. (Plus moving day and then unpacking)


Donator — Am Potato Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/7 16:00:05 )
@Totalanimefan: I've heard okay things about there too, but not much.
It's good that you've started packing, but packing is definitely a chore and in my opinion best if you take plenty of breaks.
I'm gonna make a mental note of your birthday and hope I don't lose it lol Shouldn't be too difficult to remember since my sister's having her new baby on the 15th and it's only a couple days after that.

So Tyi's mom went on a weekend trip somewhere (i don't care enough as to where to remember lol) and the difference between having the office door open vs closed (since she always makes us close the door when she's home) is so drastic. Like, the other night tyi was in here by himself cause i was sleeping and he was playing some games with his friends and had to stop because he said it got to 91 in the office. (pretty sure his mom had moved the ac to 78 at that time cause i woke up hot in our room and went and looked at it and it was at 78 so i bumped it down to 77 and then later i moved it to 76) Today when i woke up and came in the office the thing said 79 and we have the air at 77. Like there's absolutely no issue with the temp in the office with the door open. We normally have to put the air to 75 during the day for it to cool off enough in the office once we wake up. We had it at 75 for a little bit yesterday, and then we realized she was already gone for the weekend and tyi said he was pretty sure we could have it at 77 and be comfortable in here and he was right. The door makes such a huge difference with central air.

Donator — She/her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/8 13:00:00 )

@kiwi: I know it’s ridiculous! The sandwiches used to be $8 each in 2020 and now they are $11. Which adds up when there is a group of you. My sister and her dog started living with us at the beginning of May. Which I’m happy to have her with us but the food bills if we go to the store or out to eat are crazy lol. And my husband loves not to cook lol


Donator — She/her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/8 13:02:42 )

@Alorrena: I find it’s kinda easy to remember cause it’s a repeating number. I’m 7/17!

Thanks. I’ve been trying to pack everything little by little. I hope I’ll have a lot of time this weekend to pack since everyone is off of work on the weekends in this household.

Good that you can keep the door open now. Do you know if there is an AC vent in that room? If there is it might be closed and that’s why it’s so hot in there with the door closed.


Donator — Am Potato Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/8 17:11:23 )
@Totalanimefan: that definitely helps lol

Having everyone being available to pitch in with the packing helps (unless you're neurotic like me, in which case i want everyone OUT so i can do it myself and don't have to worry lol)

If only it were for more than just this weekend, but it's nice while it lasts. There is a vent in here, and it's open, it just doesn't keep up because with the door closed it traps a lot of the heat so the thermostat doesn't know when to kick on to cool the room. So when we opne the door during the days she's not home it is comfortable in here. It's still not what the house is set to, but it's not too bad. A degree or two off is like nothing in comparison to what it's like with the door closed. I think i might even take advantage later and play more subnautica or something and be comfortable. Not sure yet though cause i also need to work on the quilt for my friend.

Donator — She/her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/10 14:37:58 )

@Alorrena: I want everyone to help cause I can’t do it alone. I don’t have the energy and it’s nice when you were working on packing one thing and then you go into a different part of the house and work was done for you lol. But I totally understand your way too. If I had the energy and didn’t trust others to do it right I would be the same way.
We got a lot done this weekend so I’m happy about that.

That makes sense. Good to know the vent is working. When my parents moved into a house when I was a teen they always complained about their bedroom being too hot even though the rest of the house was cool. Turns out the vent was closed lol

@kiwi: I’m sorry your health isn’t doing that well right now. If you need to talk about it I’m always here to listen.
It’s been good. It’s nice to have her around again. The dog she has is a lot of work though and it’s only 2. He doesn’t listen sometimes and he is terrified to leave the house. So that’s pretty stressful. My sister does most of the work for the dog but we do have to walk him sometimes and he still likes to jump on us when we get home. He always wants to play while we are working lol


Donator — Am Potato Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/15 23:41:37 )
@Totalanimefan: I get that. I am kinda the same, but i have control issues and anxiety to the point where if i don't do it myself, i either feel like it won't get done, or it won't get done how i want it correctly. Like, my husband is great, but not the best at packing.

I get that. Honestly, with how my MIL is, i just wish she would CLOSE her vent. or at least get something to redirect the air flow. There's things that do that... Actually i'm pretty sure she could just remove the vent and turn it around and it would be better. she complains because the vent blows right on her bed and that's why she gets cold. She's also said (when we had the house set to 76 one night) that she had 3 blankets (quilts, is what she said but they're not quilts) and she was still "freezing." Idk, i think she exaggerates. One quilt is all i need when i get cold. We have a fan in our room that sits where our vent blows to that redirects the cold air to our bed. so we get cold vent air PLUS the fan, which makes it feel colder when in front of the fan. I honestly don't understand how she's cold when the house is at 76. We've gotten her to the point where she's okay at 77 all the time though, at least. so progress.

Speaking of beds, my mom decided to buy me a new mattress, and then a mattress cover, sheets (two sets) and new pillows. And then she was like, we need to hold off on a bed frame. and then we talked about it and i was window shopping so she knew what i liked and i found one on walmart that was apparently a good price because she saw it and said, "well for that price i'm just going to get it now." So next week we will have a new bed! Which will be nice cause i think the one we have now is making me sore when i sleep.


Donator — She/her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/16 02:38:24 )

@Alorrena: she really should just close the vent. It’s very easy to do. I’m glad she is ok with 77 though now.
I’m also glad you got a whole new bed set! That feels nice and I hope your soreness will recover.


Donator — Am Potato Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/16 05:52:17 )
@Totalanimefan: She really should, but she won't. It's fine though, i've just stopped being in the office at night once it starts feeling too warm in here.

Yeah, i'm pretty excited for it. the mattress is supposed to arrive the 24th and the frame will be here the 26th. I'm honestly a little more excited about the frame because we have that issue where the pillows like to push the mattress away from the wall and we have to almost constantly readjust it. So with the frame, it has a small lip to keep the mattress in place with a nice headboard too.

My sister had her baby yesterday. C-section. The birth went well, but i guess after a few hours she sent my nephew to the nursery while she ate and went to the bathroom. When she was done she asked when they'd bring him back in and they said they had to take him in for a chest x-ray. That came back saying my nephew had pneumothorax, which is basically air in the lung cavity but not in the lungs. It can cause a deflated lung, as well as other complications up to and including death. He actually had it in both lungs. Fortunately, they reacted quickly. got him on oxygen and got him ready for a transfer to a better hospital. Today my sister told me they got the air out and he's off oxygen, but they're keeping him for a bit longer to watch for infection and to make sure he's breathing well enough to eat. So he has a feeding tube right now, but he's doing well enough to be off oxygen. So, small steps. I'm fairly confident that he'll be okay soon though. My sister on the other hand is worried and feels a lot of mom guilt right now since she couldn't go with him because she still had to stay for at least another day (she's hoping to be discharged and able to go to him tomorrow) for observation. She's in a lot of pain after the surgery, so it's good they they decided to keep her.

He's beautiful though. He looks a lot like his momma for sure. Her 1.5 year old looks like the boy's dad though, so it's really nice for her to see the newborn and recognize more features that come from her. I'm hoping to go visit for a week at the end of November. Both to see the rest of my family, as well as meet my nephews.

Donator — She/her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/16 13:57:49 )

@Alorrena: wow that’s heavy stuff with the baby. I hope they will be alright.


Donator — Am Potato Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/17 08:13:55 )
@Totalanimefan: He'll be okay. My sister gets discharged tomorrow and will be going to see him, so that's good at least. Today he's doing the same- still on the feeding tube, but i'm hoping he'll be off it soon and able to feed normally.

Donator — She/her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/17 15:04:46 )

@Alorrena: I hope so too. What state is she in?


Donator — Am Potato Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/18 03:00:57 )
@Totalanimefan: She lives in wisconsin. So she got good news today! Our dad and she went to Minneapolis (where my nephew is) today and are staying the night because tomorrow they get to take him home!! (provided he passes the car seat test, which we're sure he will) He's off the feeding tube, my sister's milk came in, and so far so good! I'm pretty excited for them.

Donator — She/her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/18 03:09:00 )

@Alorrena: That's all great news! I'm really glad.


Donator — Am Potato Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/18 03:17:04 )
@Totalanimefan: Me too. I didn't realize how worried i was until i felt the relief. I like your avi! It's really cute! And Happy birthday! Hope you had a good day!

Donator — She/her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/18 22:47:23 )

@Alorrena: thank you and thank you lol

Now I have to pack lol


Donator — She/her Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/19 03:40:24 )

@kiwi: omg that’s awful! I hope you can figure out what’s wrong. That must be so scary. I would be! Please keep me updated.

He’s an Aussie. So he is a handful all the time. But extra a handful when anxious. :/

By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
I'm friendly and will chat with anyone!

Donator — Am Potato Posted 10 months ago ( 2023/07/19 05:27:26 )
@kiwi: It sounds like gall bladder issues to me. Make sure they check how well it's functioning if you don't have gall stones. When i had to have mine out it was because it was working at less than 5%. No gall stones, but pain after i ate. Just before the surgery it got really bad to the point that i was basically only able to be on a liquid diet. It sucked, but soon as it was removed i was able to eat again.
Call me Rena (Reh-nuh)! <3 married 02/02/2020
Rena's Quest

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