0v7's posts
Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@SnakeWeaver: It's super cool!! Celeste is the one who shows up on your island at night to tell you about shooting stars - and the stars themselves are so pretty in the night sky @u@
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Breaker Beach Event FAQ
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
:D TWO uniforms. time to decorate my avi more
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@GodsandPunks: It sounds perfect for like, a tea party!! Not like I do those nowadays pfff
@koneko: I like 2 kinds of kombucha: pineapple peach, and lemon ginger! I find both to be sweeter than the other kinds. I had this green kombucha once - tasted like feet smell x_x
@koneko: I like 2 kinds of kombucha: pineapple peach, and lemon ginger! I find both to be sweeter than the other kinds. I had this green kombucha once - tasted like feet smell x_x
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
That's true!! Kombucha is pretty good for your gut, but goodness is it Strong.
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
I wonder what carbonated tea would be like

"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@SnakeWeaver: Yep! They're used to make like, celestial furniture and stuff!! Oh, and magic wands that change your outfit instantly ^w^
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
kitty time :3
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@SnakeWeaver: Nah, I only did it for like, unlocking tools n stuff - events I usually didn't time travel for!! I kind of wish I would for the shooting stars to get star fragments, but also, I never play at night =v=;
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@SnakeWeaver: I guess fear of missing out!! I wanted to do all the cool stuff with my island as soon as possible =v=
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Morning!! :3
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@GodsandPunks: Ohhh, how's it compare to Irish or English breakfast?? I like Irish breakfast usually, but I'm always open to trying new tea :D
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@SnakeWeaver: Time travel - lots of time travel :'D I usually went forward and back a day, back and forth, until I unlocked all my shops + terraforming stuff =v=;; Maybe once this Voltra event's over, I'll start playing ACNH again :0
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@Addy: Yeah!! I have to cut mine into rounds and then half again for them to even fit in my water bottle ^w^
The lemons before these were weirdly medicinal tasting - even after scrubbing the wax off?? and they were so small...
The lemons before these were weirdly medicinal tasting - even after scrubbing the wax off?? and they were so small...
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in A Clawful Catastrophe
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@Lina: Omg it's already the Bug-Off again ?? It must've been a long time since I last played, bc I remember doing it the last time I played :'D
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."