0v7's posts
Posted in disability chill zone
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@xvz: I was growing lavender, and then the heat got to it TwT I did buy bulk herbs (lavender, marigold, chamomile, rose petals, cornflower, jasmine) so I'm slowly but surely using those up.
Lemonade from scratch isn't hard at all! All you need is lemons/lemon juice, a simple syrup (aka dissolve sugar in hot water), and water! To make lavender lemonade, I put lavender in the simple syrup while it's heating. The same goes for cucumber-mint, I chop up cucumber and mint 1inch sized cubes and heat it with the sugar + water. Afterwards, I strain the liquid and mix it with lemon juice, then fill the rest of it with water. There's quite a few recipes on the internet for both, but I usually eyeball it :3
Lemonade from scratch isn't hard at all! All you need is lemons/lemon juice, a simple syrup (aka dissolve sugar in hot water), and water! To make lavender lemonade, I put lavender in the simple syrup while it's heating. The same goes for cucumber-mint, I chop up cucumber and mint 1inch sized cubes and heat it with the sugar + water. Afterwards, I strain the liquid and mix it with lemon juice, then fill the rest of it with water. There's quite a few recipes on the internet for both, but I usually eyeball it :3
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in which team are you joining?!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@Xanthan: I think I'm gonna go with Ice too!!!
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in disability chill zone
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@xvz: Mugwort's hard to find honestly, I have to order it online bc no stores near me have it u_u
Rosemary shortbread with either lavender lemonade or cucumber mint lemonade...
Rosemary shortbread with either lavender lemonade or cucumber mint lemonade...

"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in disability chill zone
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@xvz: Mugwort tea is a unique taste, it's almost bitter? Medicinal for sure. It helps a lot with sleep in my experience - I brew mugwort with chamomile + lavender to make it more sleep-inducing !!
Rosemary shortbread sounds amazing!! Gives me a reason to actually go look in the garden.
Rosemary shortbread sounds amazing!! Gives me a reason to actually go look in the garden.
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in disability chill zone
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@xvz: My weekend's going well! I slept well last night, thanks to mugwort tea.
I'm letting my friend Boris use my computer to do his Dappervolk stuff and then I'll be going grocery shopping - I'm hoping I can stop by a CBD place and get some CBD oil because my back's been bad lately =v=; I might bake some shortbread cookies, though I'm debating on what herb to put in them ^^;
I'm letting my friend Boris use my computer to do his Dappervolk stuff and then I'll be going grocery shopping - I'm hoping I can stop by a CBD place and get some CBD oil because my back's been bad lately =v=; I might bake some shortbread cookies, though I'm debating on what herb to put in them ^^;
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in ★ Kira's Kiosk ★ [Out of Date]
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@Kira: Do you still have a Faerie Queen for sale? If so, may I buy it?
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@Xanthan: YEAH!!! all of their music I like (except Poplar Street, that song makes me uncomfortable as heck)
I'm listening to "Dr. Sunshine is Dead" by Will Wood and The Tapeworms
I'm listening to "Dr. Sunshine is Dead" by Will Wood and The Tapeworms
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Good news!!!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@MoodyBats: Tbh I'm inspired to try and make banners with my own art >w> not like I have mini-shops or anything, but...it'd look cool!!
Yeah, my main issue with masks is the cheek area doesn't fit me usually, because I'm a chubby dude, so these masks look pretty fantastic for that purpose alone!!!
Yeah, my main issue with masks is the cheek area doesn't fit me usually, because I'm a chubby dude, so these masks look pretty fantastic for that purpose alone!!!
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Good news!!!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@MoodyBats: As a graphic designer, I think the fonts you chose were perfect!!
also, the mask (if duckduckgo is correct) looks pretty snug!! I might look into buying it because my current face masks are just paper ones 😅
also, the mask (if duckduckgo is correct) looks pretty snug!! I might look into buying it because my current face masks are just paper ones 😅
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Good news!!!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@MoodyBats: I can't wait to see the final result!!! Yeah I feel that about homemade masks - I hand sewed one and it fit weirdly at the cheeks?? So I'm sticking to store-bought ones lol
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Good news!!!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@MoodyBats: THAT LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!! I love those fonts!!!
also yeah, I'm being v careful with always wearing a mask if I have to go out and staying away from people!! I guess I'm lucky enough to not have IRL friends close by, 'cause of the temptation to go visit lol
also yeah, I'm being v careful with always wearing a mask if I have to go out and staying away from people!! I guess I'm lucky enough to not have IRL friends close by, 'cause of the temptation to go visit lol
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in The Grove of Ancient Knowledge
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@GodsandPunks: I should try that sometime!! I live near a ton of oak trees :0
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Good news!!!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@Xanthan: ooo both sound fun!! I think the last video game I played was from the itch.io bundle for racial justice and equality
@Totalanimefan: I definitely check reviews before going places lol it's weird though cause my last place had great reviews??
@MoodyBats: Thank you!! It's good that your aunt doesn't have Covid-19 :D Also, you should show me the banner! I love me some good design
@Totalanimefan: I definitely check reviews before going places lol it's weird though cause my last place had great reviews??
@MoodyBats: Thank you!! It's good that your aunt doesn't have Covid-19 :D Also, you should show me the banner! I love me some good design
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Good news!!!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@Xanthan: Thank you so much :D Once I get my actual insurance card I'll be scheduling Many appointments ;w;
Also that's amazing!!! what video games are you playing?
Also that's amazing!!! what video games are you playing?
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."