0v7's posts
Posted in The Grove of Ancient Knowledge
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@GodsandPunks: May I ask what Oak tree/leaf divination entails :0?? I haven't heard of it before !!
@wrik: omg that tarot deck is so cute... but also, I love cats so I miiight be a little biased.
Also, I definitely relate to being clairvoyant - for me sometimes, things that involve prediction just kinda fall into place for me?? And other times, it's hard to predict what will happen next, dunno why it's an off and on thing /shrugs
@wrik: omg that tarot deck is so cute... but also, I love cats so I miiight be a little biased.
Also, I definitely relate to being clairvoyant - for me sometimes, things that involve prediction just kinda fall into place for me?? And other times, it's hard to predict what will happen next, dunno why it's an off and on thing /shrugs
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Word Association
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Yuck or Yum?
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Yum! especially when pickled :3
Creme cake?
Creme cake?
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in ☆ Post A Lyric ☆
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
🙶 So pick me from the dark and pull me from the grave — 'cause I still feel alive! 🙷
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Change 1 Letter!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in The Closest [COLOR] Item to You
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Box of incense.
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in which team are you joining?!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
I like Team Ice's aesthetic, but Team Sound is more my personality!! Hard to decide lol
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Good news!!!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@Totalanimefan: I'm already looking for a new dentist, all I need now is my actual insurance card!! My last dentist tried to rip me off, so I cancelled both appointments there (long story short, they found cavities when I was 18 and still had insurance, and didn't tell me until two years after the fact, when I was 20 with no insurance.) I.. also need my eyes checked, the last time I had that done was at 14yrs old @_@
As for top surgery, I need a psychiatric appointment and also a doctor's visit before I can do anything - I might shoot for HRT at the same time too, since surgeries are like, a year wait-time for non-essential ones!
Basically, I'm pretty prepared to actually get my medical stuff done :D just gotta wait for the dang card
As for top surgery, I need a psychiatric appointment and also a doctor's visit before I can do anything - I might shoot for HRT at the same time too, since surgeries are like, a year wait-time for non-essential ones!
Basically, I'm pretty prepared to actually get my medical stuff done :D just gotta wait for the dang card
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Good news!!!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@Deaa: I know right??? I've almost cried 3 times now ;w;
@xvz: Thank you so much!! I haven't even gotten my insurance card yet, and I expect to wait at least 2 years for the actual surgery itself, but honestly that's a whole lot better than the decade I was anticipating!! I can't think of any questions about HRT right now, but if I have any, I'll send them your way ;w;
@xvz: Thank you so much!! I haven't even gotten my insurance card yet, and I expect to wait at least 2 years for the actual surgery itself, but honestly that's a whole lot better than the decade I was anticipating!! I can't think of any questions about HRT right now, but if I have any, I'll send them your way ;w;
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in Good news!!!
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
So, my mom put me on her insurance - it covers like, everything?? Dental, vision, doctor's visits, etc... and, AND, it covers gender transition!!! Top surgery is $450 and I bet hormone therapy's affordable too :'D!!! I've been wanting this ever since I came out at 14yrs old!!! I didn't think this would be a thing that I could do for at least another decade ;w;!! I'm so excited I could cry omg
What's something good that's happened in your past week?? I wanna hear about it!!!
What's something good that's happened in your past week?? I wanna hear about it!!!
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in The Grove of Ancient Knowledge
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
@Glume: I'd love to see some of your sigils!! I don't have many myself, since I'm trying to make sigils that feel just right to me, yknow?
Also ask away about tea!! I know lots about standard teas (black, green, white, oolong, herbal, etc), as well as some correspondences I personally use in my teas!! I might update my tea post every so often as I come up with blends - I definitely need to add one for sore throat =v=
Also ask away about tea!! I know lots about standard teas (black, green, white, oolong, herbal, etc), as well as some correspondences I personally use in my teas!! I might update my tea post every so often as I come up with blends - I definitely need to add one for sore throat =v=
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in The Grove of Ancient Knowledge
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
Here's a couple of tea recipes I made!! Under spoilers, for the sake of keeping this post short. I might add more to this as I come up with tea recipes!
Before you ingest any of these, PLEASE research interactions with your medication + the herbs in question. Do not drink these if you are pregnant and/or nursing. These tea blends are NOT a substitute for professional medical help. In addition to this, use only food-grade herbs. Proceed with caution.
Before you ingest any of these, PLEASE research interactions with your medication + the herbs in question. Do not drink these if you are pregnant and/or nursing. These tea blends are NOT a substitute for professional medical help. In addition to this, use only food-grade herbs. Proceed with caution.
for helping with dream vividness + recall, aids in falling asleep
• 1/2 to 1 part Mugwort (dried)
• 1 part Lavender (dried)
• 1 part Chamomile (dried)
• Combine dry herbs.
• Bring water to 180°F - just before a boil.
• Put 1tsp of the herb mixture in a strainer, steep for 10 minutes.
• Add sweetener, ice, lemon, etc, if desired.
• Please research these herbs before ingesting, as some can cause interactions with prescription medication.
• With that said, I definitely recommend adding sweetener, it's a strong tea.
• If you have a signifying herb, I'd add a part or less to the herb mixture - my signifying herb is rose petals. I think it helps personalize the blend to your own self to have a signifying herb in the mix - even if it's less than half a part!
• Lavender and chamomile are both calming + relaxing, while mugwort (in my experience) causes some vivid dreams that are easier to remember.
• 1/2 to 1 part Mugwort (dried)
• 1 part Lavender (dried)
• 1 part Chamomile (dried)
• Combine dry herbs.
• Bring water to 180°F - just before a boil.
• Put 1tsp of the herb mixture in a strainer, steep for 10 minutes.
• Add sweetener, ice, lemon, etc, if desired.
• Please research these herbs before ingesting, as some can cause interactions with prescription medication.
• With that said, I definitely recommend adding sweetener, it's a strong tea.
• If you have a signifying herb, I'd add a part or less to the herb mixture - my signifying herb is rose petals. I think it helps personalize the blend to your own self to have a signifying herb in the mix - even if it's less than half a part!
• Lavender and chamomile are both calming + relaxing, while mugwort (in my experience) causes some vivid dreams that are easier to remember.
for helping with cramps associated with menstruation
• 1 part Raspberry Leaf (dried)
• 1 part Chamomile (dried)
• 1 part Green OR White tea
• 1 part Calendula/Marigold (optional, dried)
• Combine dry herbs.
• Bring water to 180°F - just before a boil.
• Put 1tsp of the herb mixture in a strainer, steep for 5-8 minutes.
• Add sweetener, ice, lemon, etc, if desired.
• Please research these herbs before ingesting, as some can cause interactions with prescription medication.
• Raspberry leaf is good for lessening menstruation discomfort, while marigold helps with nausea - marigold is also useful in magic for brightening a mixture, figuratively and literally. Chamomile is calming, while green or white tea are both mostly for taste, but also for a little energy boost!
• This tea is made to taste good, so if you don't like or have a certain ingredient, replace it! I suggest keeping raspberry leaf, though, since it helps a lot with cramps. Something else you can add is cranberry juice - it's tart and works just like raspberry leaf to help reduce cramps.
• 1 part Raspberry Leaf (dried)
• 1 part Chamomile (dried)
• 1 part Green OR White tea
• 1 part Calendula/Marigold (optional, dried)
• Combine dry herbs.
• Bring water to 180°F - just before a boil.
• Put 1tsp of the herb mixture in a strainer, steep for 5-8 minutes.
• Add sweetener, ice, lemon, etc, if desired.
• Please research these herbs before ingesting, as some can cause interactions with prescription medication.
• Raspberry leaf is good for lessening menstruation discomfort, while marigold helps with nausea - marigold is also useful in magic for brightening a mixture, figuratively and literally. Chamomile is calming, while green or white tea are both mostly for taste, but also for a little energy boost!
• This tea is made to taste good, so if you don't like or have a certain ingredient, replace it! I suggest keeping raspberry leaf, though, since it helps a lot with cramps. Something else you can add is cranberry juice - it's tart and works just like raspberry leaf to help reduce cramps.
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in "Dreamland" | rambling + bump thread
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
after some quick math I have concluded that it'd take 120 bumps in this thread to reach my goal of 4.5k volts
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."

Posted in "Dreamland" | rambling + bump thread
Posted 5 years ago
"You've had too much of the digital love..."
CSS and BBcode kick me in the BUTT.
"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."