Ahi's posts
Posted in so sleepy...
Posted 1 year ago
@Count Trashula:
Being overwhelmed is never any fun. T_T
I notice if I do anything that requires me to move too much, or, something that excites my brain enough, even if it's just something small as talking to a friend, that pushes me into a second wind where I am then awake longer than intended. I am glad you were able to get 8 hours of sleep, that is so important, it's unfortunate that you woke up late where you felt rushed.
Here's to hoping!
Being overwhelmed is never any fun. T_T

I notice if I do anything that requires me to move too much, or, something that excites my brain enough, even if it's just something small as talking to a friend, that pushes me into a second wind where I am then awake longer than intended. I am glad you were able to get 8 hours of sleep, that is so important, it's unfortunate that you woke up late where you felt rushed.
Here's to hoping!

Posted in 〰 Cult of the Worm 〰
Posted 1 year ago
@Anarchist Beauty:
I have no doubt you would have. Ouch, $60 is barely enough to get gas and food (for you and the furbaby), let alone the cost of a vet bill. I am very glad to hear that cream is working. It makes sense that it would work with those ingredients.
I have no doubt you would have. Ouch, $60 is barely enough to get gas and food (for you and the furbaby), let alone the cost of a vet bill. I am very glad to hear that cream is working. It makes sense that it would work with those ingredients.

Posted in A Haunting Hangout
Posted 1 year ago
It feels colder than what it says it feels like. Living closer to the ocean will do that. I hope all goes/went well. Take care of yourself.
It feels colder than what it says it feels like. Living closer to the ocean will do that. I hope all goes/went well. Take care of yourself.

Posted in so sleepy...
Posted 1 year ago
@Count Trashula:
Welcome back, sounds like you have had quite a lot you went through. I hope that you got some good sleep when you did fall asleep. Sometimes, housework is too much to do when you have had a day (or even days) like you described. As for making sure you aren't bored? I am not sure I can help there as during those times myself, if I am tired, I allow myself rest, or, I work on a hobby I enjoy.
Welcome back, sounds like you have had quite a lot you went through. I hope that you got some good sleep when you did fall asleep. Sometimes, housework is too much to do when you have had a day (or even days) like you described. As for making sure you aren't bored? I am not sure I can help there as during those times myself, if I am tired, I allow myself rest, or, I work on a hobby I enjoy.

Posted in The Sock
Posted 1 year ago
No problem at all, I am always happy to share things I am passionate in or enjoy a lot. It's nice to be heard as well when someone asks what you enjoy. As far as being "late to the game", I felt the same way when I joined the MMORPG myself this year, and I have seen so many new people join every day. Naoki Yoshida (Yoshi P - who is the game producer, director and designer) has talked about the game is something people should take their time with and enjoy every aspect of it, it also mentions on the website too, "Life in Eorzea offers much more than just fighting! Slow down and go fishing, craft items, or take screenshots decked out in stylish gear with your friends! Enjoy the world of FFXIV at your own pace."
If you decide to join? I suggest downloading from the website itself when you do get a better PC as you can play up to level 70 on any job with no playtime restrictions all while on trial and the first three expansions (the trailers/opening cinematics for the expansions have spoilers which I recommend avoid watching if you wanted to get into it besides ARR (A Realm Reborn).
Here is a link to it (since the website doesn't clarify which trailer you'd be watching):
When it comes to the other games? They are their own stories. You will notice reoccurring themes or character names throughout the franchise (example: Moogles and Chocobos). So, you can really jump in anytime as you said. When it comes to accessibility, FFXIV has a lot of choices such as, disabling or lowering the effects that others give so it's not always flashing your screen, a mode for people who are colorblind (and allowing you to adjust to your own specific needs), hiding name plates (which is a lot when I first started), the speed of which you can pan your camera, and a lot more (my favorite bit of FFXIV is allowing myself to customize my own HUD Layout and choosing any job I want vs sticking to just one). I was pleasantly surprised and they are always adding new features people ask for. It helps too that the game has dialogue boxes which is like closed captioning.
I had a Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, PlayStation 1, and a Gameboy Color (hot pink - that was stolen) growing up. My parents couldn't afford much and bought consoles when they could second hand usually where it was refurbished. I didn't have many games for the consoles I did growing up, but, was thankful for what I did have. I wasn't allowed many games though as so many were very violent unfortunately. I didn't play Final Fantasy until I got to my teenage years along with Dance Dance Revolution at the local mall arcade, same with Soul Calibur, Tekken, Street Fighter, and few others. If I wasn't at the mall, I was at home playing The Sims and Flash Games I'd find online.
Skyrim and Minecraft are a lot of fun, I get motion sick from both super easily sadly. I did for FFXIV as well at first until I learned I could zoom out and change camera angle. I get stressed from a lot of stuff in Minecraft as they make me anxious where I feel Minecraft should be enjoyable and semi-peaceful and while I know there is a creative mode, but, I prefer gathering resources to build my own places, etc. Easy/Peaceful mode is almost too easy, then normal mode is too anxiety inducing. So, no winning for me there really. xD; I do enjoy modded Minecraft, but, also, have no brainpower or energy to keep up with it often. I think the reason people like you and I who enjoy Minecraft is because it is simple, it is straight forward, simple to understand, also, I know I love it as it reminds me of Legos or Lincoln Logs.
No problem at all, I am always happy to share things I am passionate in or enjoy a lot. It's nice to be heard as well when someone asks what you enjoy. As far as being "late to the game", I felt the same way when I joined the MMORPG myself this year, and I have seen so many new people join every day. Naoki Yoshida (Yoshi P - who is the game producer, director and designer) has talked about the game is something people should take their time with and enjoy every aspect of it, it also mentions on the website too, "Life in Eorzea offers much more than just fighting! Slow down and go fishing, craft items, or take screenshots decked out in stylish gear with your friends! Enjoy the world of FFXIV at your own pace."
If you decide to join? I suggest downloading from the website itself when you do get a better PC as you can play up to level 70 on any job with no playtime restrictions all while on trial and the first three expansions (the trailers/opening cinematics for the expansions have spoilers which I recommend avoid watching if you wanted to get into it besides ARR (A Realm Reborn).
Here is a link to it (since the website doesn't clarify which trailer you'd be watching):
When it comes to the other games? They are their own stories. You will notice reoccurring themes or character names throughout the franchise (example: Moogles and Chocobos). So, you can really jump in anytime as you said. When it comes to accessibility, FFXIV has a lot of choices such as, disabling or lowering the effects that others give so it's not always flashing your screen, a mode for people who are colorblind (and allowing you to adjust to your own specific needs), hiding name plates (which is a lot when I first started), the speed of which you can pan your camera, and a lot more (my favorite bit of FFXIV is allowing myself to customize my own HUD Layout and choosing any job I want vs sticking to just one). I was pleasantly surprised and they are always adding new features people ask for. It helps too that the game has dialogue boxes which is like closed captioning.
I had a Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, PlayStation 1, and a Gameboy Color (hot pink - that was stolen) growing up. My parents couldn't afford much and bought consoles when they could second hand usually where it was refurbished. I didn't have many games for the consoles I did growing up, but, was thankful for what I did have. I wasn't allowed many games though as so many were very violent unfortunately. I didn't play Final Fantasy until I got to my teenage years along with Dance Dance Revolution at the local mall arcade, same with Soul Calibur, Tekken, Street Fighter, and few others. If I wasn't at the mall, I was at home playing The Sims and Flash Games I'd find online.
Skyrim and Minecraft are a lot of fun, I get motion sick from both super easily sadly. I did for FFXIV as well at first until I learned I could zoom out and change camera angle. I get stressed from a lot of stuff in Minecraft as they make me anxious where I feel Minecraft should be enjoyable and semi-peaceful and while I know there is a creative mode, but, I prefer gathering resources to build my own places, etc. Easy/Peaceful mode is almost too easy, then normal mode is too anxiety inducing. So, no winning for me there really. xD; I do enjoy modded Minecraft, but, also, have no brainpower or energy to keep up with it often. I think the reason people like you and I who enjoy Minecraft is because it is simple, it is straight forward, simple to understand, also, I know I love it as it reminds me of Legos or Lincoln Logs.

Posted in 〰 Cult of the Worm 〰
Posted 1 year ago
To the friends here that I dropped the conversation out of nowhere. I was out of the house to take care of my in-laws home while they were on a vacation. I hope everyone is doing well as they can be. ^.^' Congratulations to the winners!
Oh no, I assume you have considered adding a new door handle that locks so the cat can't open it?
@Anarchist Beauty:
That is so rough to rely on grandparents/guardians we've had/or can rely on. I've heard of some vet clinics that accept donations if someone cannot afford their bill, they will decrease the price is easier to handle. The vet my husband and I went to during our cats last days was patient with us and let us tackle it in smaller payments.
That is very kind of you to say. T_T I put together my avatars sometimes with a story, but, not all the time.
PS: Congratulations on getting the job!
@Alchemists Fire:
You never have to be sorry for spending time with your partner. For what it's worth? We miss you too~
Get well soon! Take the time you need to rest and recover.
(For those mentioning they miss Ernya, I feel you there. I think that is why I love it here, similar concept, but, the people here I noticed are a lot nicer. I may have known some of you from there too at one point. But, I never went by my name here (and I don't want to associate myself with my old name over there either).
Oh no, I assume you have considered adding a new door handle that locks so the cat can't open it?
@Anarchist Beauty:
That is so rough to rely on grandparents/guardians we've had/or can rely on. I've heard of some vet clinics that accept donations if someone cannot afford their bill, they will decrease the price is easier to handle. The vet my husband and I went to during our cats last days was patient with us and let us tackle it in smaller payments.
That is very kind of you to say. T_T I put together my avatars sometimes with a story, but, not all the time.
PS: Congratulations on getting the job!
@Alchemists Fire:
You never have to be sorry for spending time with your partner. For what it's worth? We miss you too~
Get well soon! Take the time you need to rest and recover.

Posted in A Haunting Hangout
Posted 1 year ago
I would like to apologize that I haven't said anything in a while. I haven't been feeling well and life got very busy, life does tend to get very busy around this time of year. I have exactly as you described at moment (cough, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing sometimes, and low energy) without it being a cold.
I struggle to go outside when it's so cold outside over here. The weather forecast has been predicting snow any day now and it's 35F outside, feels like 28F. I don't even like walking outside when it's cold here, it feels like a sharp stabbing pain in my throat the entire time. Since I am learning crochet, I am excited to eventually make a scarf and blanket based off the weather (saw a video of someone doing that and it got me inspired).
I would like to apologize that I haven't said anything in a while. I haven't been feeling well and life got very busy, life does tend to get very busy around this time of year. I have exactly as you described at moment (cough, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing sometimes, and low energy) without it being a cold.
I struggle to go outside when it's so cold outside over here. The weather forecast has been predicting snow any day now and it's 35F outside, feels like 28F. I don't even like walking outside when it's cold here, it feels like a sharp stabbing pain in my throat the entire time. Since I am learning crochet, I am excited to eventually make a scarf and blanket based off the weather (saw a video of someone doing that and it got me inspired).

Posted in The Sock
Posted 1 year ago
Awww, it's no problem at all!
I have been a massive fan of the Final Fantasy franchise for a long time. The franchise of games are their own individual stories and for things I love about it? The music is most often composed by Nobuo Uematsu. (The best comparison is like Danny Elfman working with Tim Burton or Howard Shore working with Peter Jackson) and the stories. I finished the main story of Stormblood, I've been told that the post/patch-content is great, so, I am looking forward to that.
I noticed that the community is very helpful, it's not always needed, but, if you wanted to do dungeons with NPCs vs other players, they have that feature, but, I notice the community is very helpful and I've had a negative experience with no more than 5 people. I will say that eventually you do need people to help you.
So far? I would say my favorite expansion was Heavensward. I love A Realm Reborn for it's nostalgia, but, as I am approaching Shadowbringers (the 4th expansion), I am nervous, but, excited for it. I don't watch the trailers/opening cinematics until after my friends suggest so I don't spoil myself on things. Heavensward did that and I was glad I finished HW along with ARR before watching them.
As for games from the franchise that I'd recommend? Well, I haven't played the remake of 7, but, I loved the original, so, I recommend 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Most of them can be found on Steam. If you ever have any questions? Feel free to reach out any time! ^.^
Awww, it's no problem at all!
I have been a massive fan of the Final Fantasy franchise for a long time. The franchise of games are their own individual stories and for things I love about it? The music is most often composed by Nobuo Uematsu. (The best comparison is like Danny Elfman working with Tim Burton or Howard Shore working with Peter Jackson) and the stories. I finished the main story of Stormblood, I've been told that the post/patch-content is great, so, I am looking forward to that.
I noticed that the community is very helpful, it's not always needed, but, if you wanted to do dungeons with NPCs vs other players, they have that feature, but, I notice the community is very helpful and I've had a negative experience with no more than 5 people. I will say that eventually you do need people to help you.
So far? I would say my favorite expansion was Heavensward. I love A Realm Reborn for it's nostalgia, but, as I am approaching Shadowbringers (the 4th expansion), I am nervous, but, excited for it. I don't watch the trailers/opening cinematics until after my friends suggest so I don't spoil myself on things. Heavensward did that and I was glad I finished HW along with ARR before watching them.
As for games from the franchise that I'd recommend? Well, I haven't played the remake of 7, but, I loved the original, so, I recommend 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Most of them can be found on Steam. If you ever have any questions? Feel free to reach out any time! ^.^

Posted in The Sock
Posted 1 year ago
Welcome back to Voltra. I feel you on missing forum engagement with like minded individuals and dressing up avatars. Glad you made a hangout and it seems many people feel similar nostalgia to you and I both. At the moment, a song I've been listening to a lot is "Exponential Entropy" which comes from Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. (I don't share my name on forums, but, I will say, I am in Stormblood).
Welcome back to Voltra. I feel you on missing forum engagement with like minded individuals and dressing up avatars. Glad you made a hangout and it seems many people feel similar nostalgia to you and I both. At the moment, a song I've been listening to a lot is "Exponential Entropy" which comes from Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. (I don't share my name on forums, but, I will say, I am in Stormblood).

Posted in New here
Posted 1 year ago
Welcome to Voltra!
Read over your profile and it seems we have a few things in common! ^.^
Welcome to Voltra!

Posted in A Haunting Hangout
Posted 1 year ago
That is very kind of you to say, I appreciate it. Oh no! I tend to get a cold or flu at the beginning of autumn or winter myself. Thankfully it isn't like last year. Last year I got sick with COVID for the first time, thankfully, I had enough energy to make a pot of soup that lasted the entirety of my sickness. Didn't lose smell or taste. Just mild headache, very groggy, joint pain was the most annoying, also, feeling slightly out of breath and thank you, I am doing a little better, just need to give my body time to adjust to the cold weather outside.
That is very kind of you to say, I appreciate it. Oh no! I tend to get a cold or flu at the beginning of autumn or winter myself. Thankfully it isn't like last year. Last year I got sick with COVID for the first time, thankfully, I had enough energy to make a pot of soup that lasted the entirety of my sickness. Didn't lose smell or taste. Just mild headache, very groggy, joint pain was the most annoying, also, feeling slightly out of breath and thank you, I am doing a little better, just need to give my body time to adjust to the cold weather outside.

Posted in 〰 Cult of the Worm 〰
Posted 1 year ago
Awww, you're welcome! ^.^ Hearing about your furbaby almost being 5 makes me so happy. Snuggly kitties are the best. The between stage of cuddle or not is so rough, but, it's important to give them space too, I know you will. They just have cute squishable and lovable faces.
Haha, no problem! I agree! It wraps around nice with everything else! Anytime I see you, Ana, and Ruby's avatars, they inspire me to branch out and try a little bit more with my own, for example, my current one, I love the color combos. I am working on a second one to go with it for AotW! ^.^'
@Anarchist Beauty:
It's a good thing you no longer feel tempted to have it in the house, I am around that stage myself when it comes to soda, or, if my husband has it in the house, I am not as tempted as I used to be.
They really are, but, we need vets to help take care of our sick children as we aren't medically knowledgeable in what they need and sometimes, they don't alert us they are sick until it's too late, that happened with many pets I've had over the years. T_T $200 for a culture test?! But, you already know what's wrong?! D: I wish some vets would look at what other vets have said, but, I also get with, "a second opinion" could be valid. Fingers crossed your friends can help you.
Ah, yea, I get days like that, where I can just tell it will be too stressful for me to handle, so, I nap a lot, or, I can feel myself getting sick, I will just make myself stay in bed, otherwise I know it will risk bringing up anything and everything from headaches, possible migraines and joint pain.
Awww, you're welcome! ^.^ Hearing about your furbaby almost being 5 makes me so happy. Snuggly kitties are the best. The between stage of cuddle or not is so rough, but, it's important to give them space too, I know you will. They just have cute squishable and lovable faces.

Haha, no problem! I agree! It wraps around nice with everything else! Anytime I see you, Ana, and Ruby's avatars, they inspire me to branch out and try a little bit more with my own, for example, my current one, I love the color combos. I am working on a second one to go with it for AotW! ^.^'
@Anarchist Beauty:
It's a good thing you no longer feel tempted to have it in the house, I am around that stage myself when it comes to soda, or, if my husband has it in the house, I am not as tempted as I used to be.
They really are, but, we need vets to help take care of our sick children as we aren't medically knowledgeable in what they need and sometimes, they don't alert us they are sick until it's too late, that happened with many pets I've had over the years. T_T $200 for a culture test?! But, you already know what's wrong?! D: I wish some vets would look at what other vets have said, but, I also get with, "a second opinion" could be valid. Fingers crossed your friends can help you.
Ah, yea, I get days like that, where I can just tell it will be too stressful for me to handle, so, I nap a lot, or, I can feel myself getting sick, I will just make myself stay in bed, otherwise I know it will risk bringing up anything and everything from headaches, possible migraines and joint pain.

Posted in Voltra's Runway: Trick or Treat | WINNERS!
Posted 1 year ago
@Qiqi Agatha:
Thank you so much!
I had to scroll to read read of comments to see you said congrats, thanks! You as well!
@Count Trashula:
I agree! Congratulations again!
Thank you so much!
I had to scroll to read read of comments to see you said congrats, thanks! You as well!
@Count Trashula:
I agree! Congratulations again!

Posted in A Haunting Hangout
Posted 1 year ago
Glad you are doing okay as you can be, as for the shoulder hurting, that sounds painful. I hope if you are right-handed that you don't feel too terrible to write if you need to. ^.^' Cleaning is the last thing my body wants to do when my joints feel locked up and so I get that. My weekend was exhaustive emotionally and mentally. Sounds like yours faired better though. I've been considering doing gentle stretches every morning again to reduce joint pain for when winter hits full force, would be a nice way to keep my body a little warmer too, I am thinking too that I will regret it if I don't do it now in the future.
Glad you are doing okay as you can be, as for the shoulder hurting, that sounds painful. I hope if you are right-handed that you don't feel too terrible to write if you need to. ^.^' Cleaning is the last thing my body wants to do when my joints feel locked up and so I get that. My weekend was exhaustive emotionally and mentally. Sounds like yours faired better though. I've been considering doing gentle stretches every morning again to reduce joint pain for when winter hits full force, would be a nice way to keep my body a little warmer too, I am thinking too that I will regret it if I don't do it now in the future.