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Posted in Caffeinated Freebies - New Sample! Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Well now that all the important stuff is done, I'm taking my time unpacking everything else. So, no timeline. xD
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
I'm sure there are a bunch, but like, accessibility is too limited.

For example, none of the neighborhoods I've lived in these past 4 or 5 years recycle. It just boggles my mind considering the next county over does.
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
I'm cool with that. I mean like giving my body back to nature.
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
Dude I'd be all for having an eco-friendly car if I could freaking have charging stations everywhere, but noooope. Gotta make that shit both expensive and inaccessible to us.
Posted in Just found I might have been exposed... Posted 5 years ago
Oh goodness!!

I hope nobody gets it in your family, but I'd be feeling pissed too if I were you. I hope your cousin is now self-isolating.
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
And I'm over here like GTFO. D:<
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
Got my ass-kickin' boots ready to go! (Srsly I may have a problem with boots since I lost count with how many pairs I have irl xD)

And I'mma lose my shit if I have to evacuate again. 3 times within the last 5 years if ENOUGH!!
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago

Yeah I'll probably stock up slowly. Don't wanna blow all my money away if I don't have to lol.
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
Omg yes, people are so dumb. x-x And now we got hurricane season and I'm sure people are stupid stocking up on stuff too. I should stock up on stuff...>.>

I'm thinking Team Sound because just (barely able to read) the descriptions from the CD outline, it looks the most appealing to me. I'm not the most creative or inventive soul, but I'm definitely down for making new friends.
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
Frakking hoarders piss me off, yo.

And I will!! *plants my happy butt here*
Posted in (︶ω︶) Posted 5 years ago
I keep masks in the car, and a little thing of hand sanitizer in my purse or pocket.
I should try to find more wipes, but when I do remember to look, the stores are out of stock. :L

Also yay event! Hopefully I'll be more active in this one since I was a lurker in the last one and only played the game for items.
Posted in Caffeinated Freebies - New Sample! Posted 5 years ago
@chiffonorange: I felt like I was able to get more done at work than the previous day. How was your day?
@totalanimefan: I totally know the feeling of wondering if it'll ever end lol. I hated the process of moving, but am so glad everything's done (more or less). Still have things to unpack, but we're not in a rush since all the important stuff was unpacked.
Posted in Caffeinated Freebies - New Sample! Posted 5 years ago
@chiffonorange: Thanks! My day yesterday was alright. Today seems to be better so far!
@totalanimefan: Whew! I don't envy you and I would probably get very frustrated with that. Glad you got it settled though!
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
Also worked and ate, so pretty much the same. Was annoyed toward the end of work because one of the elevators stopped working for some reason (we have 2) so had to handle that by putting up 'out of order' signs and helping take a head count of all the residents to make absolutely sure nobody was in the elevator. Luckily everyone was accounted for.

But that's enough excitement for one day and I'mma call it a night. xD G'night!