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Posted in Looking for Compatible Partner (1x1) Posted 4 years ago
I kinda want the rabbit hole option, seems alittle more of an accidentally fall. that all sounds good tho.
Posted in Looking for Compatible Partner (1x1) Posted 4 years ago
Well i meannnn like a descendent family member who was told their grandmother or great grandmother was crazy would be a good choice right? i could just choose one of my rando characters tho.
Posted in Painting the Past (1x1) Posted 4 years ago
@xnovax: (That's fine :3)

Sasuke was fairly himself, quiet and brooding as he trained with her. He never went easy on anyone, he seemed to go alittle easier on her. He was sitting in the field quietly, thinking. It was a nice day after all and he was hiding from the girls.

Alice was walking to the hot spring, her mind in tangles after that attack, and death. She hadn't spoken since it happened. she was ashamed of herself for not being able to see the signs. She hadn't talked to the sand siblings either, most people wrote her off as still mourning.
it's really cold where i am so im chilling with hot apple cider.
ooo i wish you the best of luck on that walk and knife hunting.
sooo we still gonna trade right?
hey, how is your day going?
Yeppp kinda just lurking now
oooo i loved the red king maze
Now i wanna grab a pumpkin pie up while im at the store XC
ooo nicee do you put whipped cream on top or something else.
does anybody like pumkin pie, muffins or spiced lattes/ chia?
Oh no about the headache but i got one too so XC.

At least you've got someone to rake your leaves up.