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Alright XP


Okie well i have one just kinda collecting dust but we can handle that went we both aren't outta of it.
it's just back ground noise at this point but ummm off topic of everything but i have that blue guitar thing that is in your signature area. Do you need it? also i went to your exchanged earlier.

Lol i do the mindlessly watching among us or vr chat soo i feel that mood hardcore.
Oh no, i was just wondering if it could be a dark red or purple.

Q2: Could we claim knives for others?

Q3: What is everybody's favorite thing about Halloween and thanksgiving?
welcome back !
Nice, it is my goal to make it to page 15.

Q1: Could we request color changes on pumpkin parts?

(Doing one question at a time so i dont over load my brain or yours.)
I have four questions, may i ask the other three?
yeee i wanted to show it off cause it was made by a fabulous person.

As a one eyed man once said to me, two eyes is better than one.
Niceee wait til you're a pro at it then there is no more stress over cleaning up before someone comes over.
It's pretty but clashes hard with my poor eyes XP but i still love ittt !!!!
okay just dont learn the secret trade of speed cleaning last minute. (jking of course)
you too? how long have you been procrastinating?
oh right sorry!

im feeling super happy rn, how about you?
Lol Yay Go KoNeko!