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[ Lol nice. ]

[ Mhmm. Just let me do it my way. ]

[ My mom hates the way I wash dishes, and is like 'you're not doing it'! >w> ]

[ Exactly. Like do I want to make her a sandwich? No. So I was like 'I don't want to, just tell me to do it instead'. ]

[ I just love when my family is like 'hey do want to do this thing for me'? And I'm like I don't want to, just order me to do it. Since that's what they want. ]

[ Was too cute. >w> ]

[ Oh I've seen that video. And thank you. :3 I really should've waited to get the donation items, but well I just didn't wait. ]

[ Howdy Veng :3 ]

[ I gave Socks some porkchop, so she's probably jealous. ]

[ Every time I go into the kitchen, Lana has started laying at my feet. Hoping I'll drop something for her. ]

[ Poor kitty.

Socks went missing for about a day and a half, guess he was upset about getting in trouble. He'd gotten into a roast. Worried us, and showed back up this morning. ]

[ Mhmm. She gonna get all cute. ]

[ Um lol, Saturday Tiny has an appointment with the groomer. ]

[ Hewwo all. ]