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[ I regret my mother having my brother try cheesecake. ]

[ My motto. Just means I don't have to share. ]

[ I had a Christmas cookie coffee that a friend gave me for Christmas. I liked it. No one else did, and that's perfectly fine. ]

[ I do want to try coffee from that company, they have a cheesecake one that I'm interested in. Flavored coffee is a hit or miss, and usually miss. Don't wanna shell out like 20-30 bucks for icky coffee. ]

[ I've heard stories that make me understand when someone doesn't want to do it. But those stories are not for Voltra.


[ Now I do understand charging extra for naughty places though. ]

[ I know some artists will also charge extra if you want it in a sensitive place. Not just naughty bits, but like if you want it in a slightly dangerous place. They'll charge you more to not kill you. Like one place wanted to charge an extra 100 for doing it on my wrist. ]

[ Pricing here depends on the tattoo parlor. The one my friend works at is hourly, but her old place was like how big and complicated the piece was. ]

[ And shading would make it cost more, I think. ]

[ Are you going to have shading? ]

[ Saw it. Is awesome. ]

[ I want to see! ]

[ Gives you plenty of time to work on a tat design. ]

[ I'm only awake because I had to give my uncle his meds, though my mom is home so she did it. ]