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Posted in Matcha's Gacha! RESTOCKED!! Posted 6 years ago

[ No game I want to play. Bored enough to give Bates Motel a try. ]

Posted in Matcha's Gacha! RESTOCKED!! Posted 6 years ago

[ Lol who knew it would be so hard.

Also I am so freaking bored. ]

Posted in Matcha's Gacha! RESTOCKED!! Posted 6 years ago

[ Anyone win? ]

[ It would have to be a life or death situation, people are gross. ]

[ Wooo, so bored you're learning about the Donner Party and canniblism. ]

[ My brother would probably be meaner than yours. ]

[ The few moments of happiness wouldn't be worth my brother's vengeance. ]

[ So I just resisted the greatest temptation. During my turn of watching my uncle, my brother left his Spotify up. Would've been fun af to like load it with a shit ton of showtunes. ]

[ Yes it does. The characters are being played by Judy Greer and Paul Rudd, so of course the snark comes off really well. ]

[ I mean I guess that's one way to deal with your issues. o.O ]

[ Oh dear gods. This movie my uncle has on (fairly certain he fell asleep), the couple is romantically discussing how they'd murder each other. ]

[ What to do when you have a song stuck in your head. ]

[ Yes it is. ]

[ Imma make coffee now. ]