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Gooooood morning Voltra!!

@Kozi: Right? The sad thing is he's a well respected member of the community. Lots of people love him, but he's not a very good person.

@Kozi: Not a clue, but that last time I called the authorities about some of his shady shit. They gave him my name (which they're not supposed to do), and he threatened to raise the lot rent so high we wouldn't be able to afford to live here.

@Kozi: Our landlord puts a lot of chlorine into the water supply to treat the sulfur.

Yes it does, but it's not fun to shower with that smell. Kind of makes you dizzy. But sulfur makes it smell like you're bathing in rotten eggs. It's a lose lose.

I don't know which is worse. My shower smelling like sulfur water, or smelling like bleach.

This one got me into the re-imagined music.

Recently I have been enjoying 'modern' songs being sung in different era's styles.

I'm just not a fan of current music.

I'm a 90's baby with an 80's preference.

I think so, but Disney has offered to have the tickets moved to another time because of the virus.

That sucks. I don't know why my friend suddenly decided for us to go to Disney World, but I was like heck yeah. I've already bought my tickets too.

That would be really cool too.

Or maybe use it for all the stuff I need to clean up my room better.