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[ Very. >w> especially if you're drawing with a mouse. ]

[ I thought about it, but most Voltra artists won't do furries. ]

[ Hehe. I'm slowly learning to draw furries. ]

[ My post style is my fursona. ]

[ I am indeed a furry. :3 ]

[ Last time I went swimming, I was swimming with apparently popular Youtubers from the furry community. ]

[ It was the first time I went swimming since August of last year. ]

[ Just picture it. A bunch of adults playing like they were children. XD we picked on a friend for making fart bubbles with the guns. Saying he turned the pool into a jacuzzi. Some random kid heard us and went 'ew' really loud. ]

[ Lol at least yesterday was nice. -snort- We had squirt guns and my friend was evil with that thing. ]

[ I've been hiding in my room from the heat. ]

[ It has been in the triple digits lately, so it was really nice when the storms finally hit. Cold things down a tiny bit. ]

[ It was a lot of fun, despite it being a very cloudy day. Was supposed to storm all day yesterday, but woo thankfully the weather was wrong. Lol people found out I squeak whenever my spine is poked. So friend's had fun with that. ]

[ @Totalanimefan: Thankfully I managed to hold off being sick until after the pool party I went to yesterday. ]

[ I'm alright, still sick, lol. ]