Another Movie Addict's posts
Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

Well I got sick the 17th and ten days later, is gone. ^w^

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

Woohoo, I got retested and I no longer have covid.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

It's a little bit of all those things.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

There is no answer, I haven't a clue as to why I'm like this.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

Hehehe I've already been asked 'why are you like this?' By someone questioning my need to constantly watch movies.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

Lol I don't have anything better to do with my time right now. So why not watch a ton of really bad horror movies. XD

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

It kind of was. Thinking about watching Killer Sofa later, not sure yet.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

I watch all kinds of movies lol. Last night I watched a horror movie about a killer pair of possessed jeans. That also had a dance scene to Bollywood music.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

I need to watch more Karloff films honestly.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

Vincent Price was in a lot of gold yes.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

The original Nutty Professor had Jerry Lewis in it, and the remake had Eddie Murphy in it. For Thirteen Ghosts, it was done by the same guy who did House on Haunted Hill with Vincent Price in it. Which is a fun bad movie, but Thirteen Ghosts is a chore to get through.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

One I can think of is The Nutty Professor, the original is eh. Flubber is better than it's original The Absent-minded Professor. The big one for me though is Thirteen Ghosts. The original is slow and boring as fudge.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

Lol I watch a looooooooooooooooooot of movies. Which includes watching different versions of the same movie or source material. There are remakes I like better than the original.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

Well yeah. Comparison will always happen, and that's okay. What's not okay is hating without watching (which I am guilty of on a few things). But this was my second time watching the remake, where I could think through my opinions without like a knee jerk the original is better. The remake does do some good things. It's treatment of another culture is more respectful, they took out the racist lines from the opening song, there's more scenes where we can see why Jafar is being the big bad. The scenes are pretty, and giving Jasmine her own song was very nice. However, I still like the original with its own problems is the one I like most.