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Posted in in the land of Wonder Posted 6 years ago
@Fade: I guess I’m not missing much LOL
and we both love CM! I tried to get hubby into NCIS too but it’s just not as good somedays. I get bored with it off and on after watching it for so long already myself.. and House feels the same after a while too. LOL
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: Do you mind if I ping you? If not I can stop xP /finds it easier sometimes but wants to respect wishes!
Posted in Artemis’ Muggle Shop (S) Things! Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: My pleasure :3
Posted in ǝloH ʇᴉqqɐɹ ǝɥʇ uʍop :sʇɹɐʍƃoH Posted 6 years ago
@Bill Weasley: Hm.. ouo; might want to check the kitchen..
Posted in in the land of Wonder Posted 6 years ago
@Fade: isn’t Supernatural the one with the first episode the lady was burning on the ceiling? If so.. that one creeped me out enough that when we went to bed that’s all I could do was wait for one of those to pop up on my ceiling LOL

And we just got finished watching CM for the 2nd time- all seasons on Netflix LOL

Edit; also yes! NPH is awesome! Definitely worth watching.
Posted in Artemis’ Muggle Shop (S) Things! Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: ouo hm.. free of charge. /hands batteries
Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago
Naps actually sound awesome.
I wanna go home and clean my little portal gun and put batteries in it to try it out. >3<
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: Huzzah! XP thanks
Posted in Force Me To Draw (And Earn Shrooms..) Posted 6 years ago
@Zuzu: Randomly.. You remind me of someone... ouo;
Posted in End of Event Hangout~ Posted 6 years ago
@Bill Cipher: Don’t forget your trade :3

Also- I’m not ready for the event to end p:
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago
I like the pings for that reason- on my phone so it’s a bit easier to know when someone’s talking to me if I’m pinged lol
Posted in ǝloH ʇᴉqqɐɹ ǝɥʇ uʍop :sʇɹɐʍƃoH Posted 6 years ago
@Bill Weasley: ouo; is it a green welsh?
Posted in in the land of Wonder Posted 6 years ago
@Fade: I adore Matt Smith as well. He’s definitely the Doctor I love the most. I’ve not seen Capaldi’s episodes at all. My plan is to catch up on 11- go to 12 and then be ready for 13’s season to come out. Just got Prime Video so now I can do that haha.

Stranger Things is awesome- I was kind of iffy about it at first because I don’t do jump scare / creepy horror stuff.. but hubby convinced me to watch it and I fell in love.

I’m so far behind on Gotham as I can only watch what comes on Netflix- we don’t have cable. ;3;

And yes, the movie was ok- I liked it to an extent.. they shouldn’t have changed things, and it would’ve done better as a series- which is why I’m glad the Netflix show is out.. but NPH does a much better job at being Count Olaf anyway. Much more convincing!

Posted in “Have i gone mad?" [Winners chosen] Posted 6 years ago
I love the items too >3<
I keep giving sets away. Need to at least get one full set for myself again lol