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Posted in It's Always Tea Time Posted 6 years ago
Ya’ll are making me want tea now lol
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: same as below xP
@tuijp: oh prfffff my bad. /moron xP
Posted in in the land of Wonder Posted 6 years ago
@Fade: I’ve got a couple.
Doctor Who being the biggest one, Torchwood second. Um- I like Stranger Things, Gotham, and Series of Unfortunate Events.. I feel like there’s more..
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: nothing to worry about, I went through the finances for 3 months to make sure I was good before I bought it... LOL /weird like that/
But it was still a purchase I’m not accustomed to making.
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago
Posted in The Mad Hat-Tea Store [Closed for Now] Posted 6 years ago
@Mad Hatter: But of course! Anything for the Hatter. ^^
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: I bought a replica portal gun.. with Atlas and PBody’s customizable pieces for it... at a decent price.. and I’m regretting it slightly. Still shouldn’t have bought it LOL

BUT... I’ll probably cosplay chell now...
Posted in in the land of Wonder Posted 6 years ago
@Fade: I tried to watch it.. ouo first episode didn’t have my attention too much ;3;
Posted in last minute mushroom rush? Posted 6 years ago
I’m close to another full set. Gave mine to a friend (soon as he accepts the trade lol) because he came late to the event too.. xP
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago
Buyers remorse is heavy today... LOL
/idiot/ and im gonna buy batteries for it today too haha..
Posted in The Mad Hat-Tea Store [Closed for Now] Posted 6 years ago
@Mad Hatter: Done! I can definitely do that. /sits in a chair/ ouo
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago
Haha I bought things.. gave my set to a friend. Hnnnn. 28/1950
Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home Posted 6 years ago
@Bill Cipher: oh well I sent the whole set LOL