Avocado's posts
Posted in Professor Shadami's Pokestop
Posted 5 years ago

Which team is the yellow one...?
So says...

Which team is the yellow one...?
So says...


Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago

That is a very good record, my friend. Let's hope the trend continues!
So says...

That is a very good record, my friend. Let's hope the trend continues!
So says...


Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

However, I disagree on the 'better' comment, but I'm aware that's subjective.
So says...

However, I disagree on the 'better' comment, but I'm aware that's subjective.
So says...


Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Oh, man, I know that feeling... Overthinking is an issue.
So says...

Oh, man, I know that feeling... Overthinking is an issue.
So says...


Posted in [B/S/T] Anything; Volt/Ohm Coversion (updated 01/28/2020)
Posted 5 years ago

So says...

So says...


Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

What I meant to do yesterday and the previous day! I mean, I did some things, but I wasn't happy with any of it, so I need to start again.
So says...


So says...


Posted in Lina’s Quest
Posted 5 years ago

This way introduces a sort of cap to it, at least, without also clogging up the store. The main issue with buying directly for a higher price would be, to my way of thinking, people just waiting and buying it directly instead of buying crates and bundles. This keeps the chance factor, and, in point of fact, lowers it, given the number of items available.
So says...

This way introduces a sort of cap to it, at least, without also clogging up the store. The main issue with buying directly for a higher price would be, to my way of thinking, people just waiting and buying it directly instead of buying crates and bundles. This keeps the chance factor, and, in point of fact, lowers it, given the number of items available.
So says...


Posted in Lina’s Quest
Posted 5 years ago

I was thinking this would at least make those that already bought it feel less cheated. Keep the value to a point. And you could also have multiple items pulled for opening the all-item rig, to make it less expensive. You just don't know what you'll wind up with. If you get anything you didn't want, it would encourage selling it, and reintroducing it back into circulation.
So says...

I was thinking this would at least make those that already bought it feel less cheated. Keep the value to a point. And you could also have multiple items pulled for opening the all-item rig, to make it less expensive. You just don't know what you'll wind up with. If you get anything you didn't want, it would encourage selling it, and reintroducing it back into circulation.
So says...


Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

I am cautiously optimistic about my art time today.
So says...

I am cautiously optimistic about my art time today.
So says...


Posted in After the event hangout
Posted 5 years ago

Feel any better this morning, y'all?
So says...

Candy Cane Lane
Curious Case
Unique Bases
Feel any better this morning, y'all?
So says...

Candy Cane Lane
Curious Case
Unique Bases

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago

I'm glad that didn't go as terribly as it could have! There are nice people out there, still~ I think the main issue is people are trained to feel entitled in retail situations, so it feels like a personal insult when things don't go perfectly.
So says...

Candy Cane Lane
Unique Bases
I'm glad that didn't go as terribly as it could have! There are nice people out there, still~ I think the main issue is people are trained to feel entitled in retail situations, so it feels like a personal insult when things don't go perfectly.
So says...

Candy Cane Lane
Unique Bases

Posted in ♥ Vintage Roses -♥- Let's Chat ♥
Posted 5 years ago

I agree! I've only ever really been to the Tennessee Aquarium, though.
So says...

Candy Cane Lane
Unique Bases
I agree! I've only ever really been to the Tennessee Aquarium, though.
So says...

Candy Cane Lane
Unique Bases

Posted in Lina’s Quest
Posted 5 years ago

That would make your Primal sign an Eagle!
Maybe they should have a rig item for all items older than the current year, and one for the current year at the end of the year? Make the all-item one the same price as a crate bundle, and all items, rarity notwithstanding, all have equal chance to be pulled.
So says...

Candy Cane Lane
Unique Bases
That would make your Primal sign an Eagle!
Maybe they should have a rig item for all items older than the current year, and one for the current year at the end of the year? Make the all-item one the same price as a crate bundle, and all items, rarity notwithstanding, all have equal chance to be pulled.
So says...

Candy Cane Lane
Unique Bases

Posted in Lina’s Quest
Posted 5 years ago

You'd be.... the Bug-eyed Dravish!
So says...

Candy Cane Lane
Unique Bases
You'd be.... the Bug-eyed Dravish!
So says...

Candy Cane Lane
Unique Bases