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    @Wildfire: yesssss steak fries are so amazing~ i like them so much more than the thin fries

    @Wildfire: yes and I slept really well as well! and steak fries are the best!

    @Wildfire: weirdly not until i got back home. i actually had went to go do a little event i was invited too and then went and got dinner with friends so i was wide awake until i got back home and then crashed. i slept reallly good tho

    @DreamerZ: i like to go out sometimes. it really just depends on how i'm feeling, lol.

    @sunny: some french fries are really thick. it just depends on how the restaurant prepares them.

Posted in Hi. Posted 3 years ago

    Welcome~ Voltra has the cutest avatars~

Posted in How Many Dust Bunnies Do You Have? Posted 3 years ago


    @Purpsy: today is going well! it's a been a busy day but it has been productive!

    @Wildfire: i am wide awake now. i have been ripping and running all after noon getting errands done for work. i'm like still hyped on adrenaline from trying to get everything done.

    neon: Yes!! the bubbles are such a cute item. i know i will be using them quite often. i feel like i do a lot of avatars that the item would fit in.

    @sunny: oh that makes a lot of sense. i'd probably not eat shrimp either if i had a pet. i mean fish and chips is pretty common here too but it's fish and french fries lol.

    neon: yes~ I believe in us~ we can do it! the items are really cute and i want them to play with!

    @sunny: I mean as far as seafood, I've never had anything I didn't like. just some other than others. I don't think you can go wrong with shrimp/prawns. I also really like crab as well but it's pricey. Any fish I've tried I have enjoyed really. catfish, bass, tuna, salmon. those kinds of things.

    hey neon~ I've been slacking too but i want to catch up really bad today. maybe get another item. 3 down and 3 to go!

    @sunny: i do like roast a lot, i just prefer seafood and chicken. if i eat pork, it's really just bacon and/or ham. don't get me wrong pork roast and pork chops/shoulder is good. I just like other things a bit more.

    If I had to rank meat products I'd say #1 seafood #2 chicken #3 pork, and then beef.

    @sunny: that sounds very good. i literally have never had british food before but i've never been outside of the united states before