Boss Rimi's posts
Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
They were annoying. That response made her laugh softly. "That's right, home." Where he would be safe. Her father wouldn't be behind bars for long though. Another thought for another day. It almost felt surreal, that they were back here despite what had happened. Was he truly going to be safe here? Would her father try to come after him again? Would her father try to hurt her first so that she didn't get in the way again? Again, thoughts for a later date. Allen's relief was her priority. Her feet twisted to the side, causing her to almost fall. Her ankle popped though. Or, it sounded as if it had. Either way, it hurt but it wasn't something she couldn't walk off.
Up ahead, the large, abandoned manor came into view and she had never been so happy to see a house before as she was right now. "Straight ahead. Watch your step." The ground was uneven of course and there was that fallen thick branch they had to step over. They passed by the marked tree and it didn't occur to her until now that yes, it was probably Allen himself who had done that. Out of pain? Anger? Or a way to tell her she was getting close to the danger that was him? "There are steps here now." She whispered when they reached the house, not daring to raise her voice in case anyone had followed them. Was she paranoid? Yes, yes she was.
Up ahead, the large, abandoned manor came into view and she had never been so happy to see a house before as she was right now. "Straight ahead. Watch your step." The ground was uneven of course and there was that fallen thick branch they had to step over. They passed by the marked tree and it didn't occur to her until now that yes, it was probably Allen himself who had done that. Out of pain? Anger? Or a way to tell her she was getting close to the danger that was him? "There are steps here now." She whispered when they reached the house, not daring to raise her voice in case anyone had followed them. Was she paranoid? Yes, yes she was.

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago

@lady luna: Well....trying to draw this darned cow skull head on my character.
It's tougher than I thought though. I was feeling daring and decided to try a pose and now the head if giving me a hard time. lol
It's tougher than I thought though. I was feeling daring and decided to try a pose and now the head if giving me a hard time. lol

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago

@lady luna: Of course I do. Your art is always so lovely to see. <3

Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all]
Posted 7 years ago

@lady luna: Heheh It's okay.
I think I've seen them all honestly. I just skimmed back a few pages.
They're all really nice! :D
I think I've seen them all honestly. I just skimmed back a few pages.
They're all really nice! :D

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
He was fine, for now. She was a little confused when he took off his socks though. Looking at him, she looked down at his now bare feet then back at him. "Allen, you took off your socks. Why?" She wasn't upset or anything, she just found it strange. Wouldn't his feet hurt stepping on the rough ground on his way to the manor? Well, it didn't matter. As long as he was comfortable.
The taxi showed up about fifteen minutes later, Kaneko was now growing impatient and opened the door for Allen once it did arrive. "Careful, just get comfortable." She said quietly to him and then sat down beside him once he was properly seated. "Take us to the park please." She told the cab driver who nodded and after she closed the door, he drove off. All that had been left behind were the vampire's hospital socks with the white dots of grip on the soles.
The ride was a silent one, but Kaneko was filled with worry. How much pain was Allen feeling? He was hiding it so well. At least they were going to be back home soon. Hopefully they made it in time. She wasn't sure she wanted to find out what would happen if they didn't make it to the manor in time. Her hand gently squeezed his. In her mind, she was already thinking of things she could get him if he continued to feel nauseous.
After a long car ride, they arrived in front of the park and Kaneko opened the door then stepped out and helped Allen out of the car as well. He didn't give any sign of weakness or pain. It was impressive. She would have been crying if she was in any large amount of pain. Humans really were weak. "Thank-you.." She told the driver and reached into her purse, holding out some money. The driver took the money and drove off. familiarity. Oh it felt so nice to be home again, even though this wasn't really home. It was the park. "Okay, let's get you home Allen." Kaneko looked both ways, her hand holding Allen's then she crossed the street and started towards the direction of the manor, taking the path that Allen had take her down when he had first showed her his home.
The taxi showed up about fifteen minutes later, Kaneko was now growing impatient and opened the door for Allen once it did arrive. "Careful, just get comfortable." She said quietly to him and then sat down beside him once he was properly seated. "Take us to the park please." She told the cab driver who nodded and after she closed the door, he drove off. All that had been left behind were the vampire's hospital socks with the white dots of grip on the soles.
The ride was a silent one, but Kaneko was filled with worry. How much pain was Allen feeling? He was hiding it so well. At least they were going to be back home soon. Hopefully they made it in time. She wasn't sure she wanted to find out what would happen if they didn't make it to the manor in time. Her hand gently squeezed his. In her mind, she was already thinking of things she could get him if he continued to feel nauseous.
After a long car ride, they arrived in front of the park and Kaneko opened the door then stepped out and helped Allen out of the car as well. He didn't give any sign of weakness or pain. It was impressive. She would have been crying if she was in any large amount of pain. Humans really were weak. "Thank-you.." She told the driver and reached into her purse, holding out some money. The driver took the money and drove off. familiarity. Oh it felt so nice to be home again, even though this wasn't really home. It was the park. "Okay, let's get you home Allen." Kaneko looked both ways, her hand holding Allen's then she crossed the street and started towards the direction of the manor, taking the path that Allen had take her down when he had first showed her his home.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
Where were his clothes? She looked around, frantically looking for a plastic bag but in her panicked state she didn't see it. Taking a deep breath, she reached for one of the thick blankets to drape over Allen's shoulders. Hospital gowns weren't exactly...appropriate to walk around in outside and they weren't warm either. Granted, Allen probably didn't feel hot or cold but she didn't want to risk it. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a small glare. Looking in that direaction, she saw the plastic bag with his clothes. Quickly, she grabbed it but she kept the blanket around him and took hold of on of his hands so that he could hold the blanket snug around him with his free hand. "Alright, let's go." She said, her voice quiet. They needed to hurry so with the hand that was holding the bags, she struggled but managed to open the room door and looked out into the hall. Nothing.
"This way." Her hand never let go of his as they made their way down the hall, Kaneko pulling him into other rooms to hide from passing doctors or nurses. When they were entering the lobby, she struggled to open her purse then pulled out her cellphone and quickly dialed the number for a taxi. Giving them the address of the hospital after getting it from the plastic bracelet around on of Allen's wrists. "Come on, they're on their way." She whispered to him. "Ma'am? Where are you going with a patient?" One of the lobby attendants asked, seeing Kaneko and Allen standing there in just his socks. "I uhh..." Kaneko blanked out. What could she say? "I am just taking him outside for some fresh air, the nurse said it was okay. Fifteen minutes while she went to grab something." A flat out lie, but Kaneko wasn't sure what else to say. The attendant didn't seem too convinced so she reached for the phone and started looking for who the nurse in charge was. This wasn't good, they needed to go and now! "Come on." Kaneko was mindful not to pull him around, but they had to hurry. She noticed he wasn't wearing his shoes, only socks provided by the hospital but they didn't have time to stop and put shoes on right now. She would take care of him once they were out of here.
Stepping outside, she could hear the lady calling out to her to stay inside, but Allen couldn't be there. Not when he was in so much pain and morphine probably wouldn't even help. "It's okay Allen, just try to hang on a little while longer. Do you feel nauseous still?" She asked holding out the puke bag in case he needed it.
"This way." Her hand never let go of his as they made their way down the hall, Kaneko pulling him into other rooms to hide from passing doctors or nurses. When they were entering the lobby, she struggled to open her purse then pulled out her cellphone and quickly dialed the number for a taxi. Giving them the address of the hospital after getting it from the plastic bracelet around on of Allen's wrists. "Come on, they're on their way." She whispered to him. "Ma'am? Where are you going with a patient?" One of the lobby attendants asked, seeing Kaneko and Allen standing there in just his socks. "I uhh..." Kaneko blanked out. What could she say? "I am just taking him outside for some fresh air, the nurse said it was okay. Fifteen minutes while she went to grab something." A flat out lie, but Kaneko wasn't sure what else to say. The attendant didn't seem too convinced so she reached for the phone and started looking for who the nurse in charge was. This wasn't good, they needed to go and now! "Come on." Kaneko was mindful not to pull him around, but they had to hurry. She noticed he wasn't wearing his shoes, only socks provided by the hospital but they didn't have time to stop and put shoes on right now. She would take care of him once they were out of here.
Stepping outside, she could hear the lady calling out to her to stay inside, but Allen couldn't be there. Not when he was in so much pain and morphine probably wouldn't even help. "It's okay Allen, just try to hang on a little while longer. Do you feel nauseous still?" She asked holding out the puke bag in case he needed it.

Posted in Fozzy & Friends [UNDER CONSTRUCTION!]
Posted 7 years ago

*sips soda* Ello Fozzy! How have you been?

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
He wanted to leave? But he couldn't, not until the nurse said it was okay. Kaneko had to make a choice, but after she saw him puck out some blood, she knew staying here wasn't what he needed. They needed to get home. "O-Okay Allen. Okay we can leave...umm just one second." She stepped out of the bed and walked around to his side and carefully removed the IV before looking at him. "Are you sure you can walk?" He had just been operated yesterday but maybe it hadn't been so intense. Maybe he could still walk. She looked around and grabbed her purse, glad that her phone was still in there. The battery was dying but hopefully it would last long enough to make one phonecall. "Allen, if you want to leave, we need to go now before the nurse comes back." Kaneko was quick to hold his hands in hers. "Come on, careful." She helped him off the bed and grabbed the puke bag just in case he would need it later.

Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open
Posted 7 years ago

@noodle: Oh! And I'm debating a cowboy hat. You know, to complete the look. Dude is gonna look so badass. Maybe. Probably not. lol
Ahh smart you. I got nothing to go on but my own drawing. D:
I want rootbeer now too. :/
Yeah, gotta add that to the list now along with the scribbles. lol
Aww nuuu, I would never hurt you! <3
Ahh smart you. I got nothing to go on but my own drawing. D:
I want rootbeer now too. :/
Yeah, gotta add that to the list now along with the scribbles. lol
Aww nuuu, I would never hurt you! <3

Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open
Posted 7 years ago

@noodle: yeah, well I need to do that, add the spurs to the boots, and then add the creme de crop...or whatever people say. The final piece. His actual head. lol
It's going to be tough since I'm trying to draw him at a pose and well yeah. That head is gonna be tough.
Hahah, really? Aww
No to be fair, I'd just be in the saloon drinking root beer. lol
Yes! :vanora_huff:
It's going to be tough since I'm trying to draw him at a pose and well yeah. That head is gonna be tough.
Hahah, really? Aww
No to be fair, I'd just be in the saloon drinking root beer. lol
Yes! :vanora_huff:

Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open
Posted 7 years ago

@Noodle: Hehehe
By the way, my cowboy is almost done. Working on the uhh...are they called chaps? I can't remember.
The pants that go over the pants and have the cute little tassles or whatever on the sides of the legs.
Hmm, probably.
I suppose we do need a new leader. We shall decide over a game of tic tac toe! D:<
By the way, my cowboy is almost done. Working on the uhh...are they called chaps? I can't remember.
The pants that go over the pants and have the cute little tassles or whatever on the sides of the legs.
Hmm, probably.
I suppose we do need a new leader. We shall decide over a game of tic tac toe! D:<

Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open
Posted 7 years ago

@noodle: Oooh, being mysterious eh? >:D

Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open
Posted 7 years ago

@noodle: Hmm, I have no idea. Where? xD

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 7 years ago
And there it was, the sad reminder that he was left alone anyway during the moment when he needed them the most. Where had they gone? Were they still around? Were they still watching over him but from a distance? No. If they had, none of this would have happened. It was okay though, he didn't need them. He had her and no she wasn't a vampire but she would always be there for him no matter what. Blind or not, she was never going to abandon him. He was too kind to be treated that way. A tired smile was on Kaneko's face when he finally drifted off and not long after, she did as well.
Morning came and she stirred slightly having heard footsteps enter the room. Opening her tired eyes, she saw the nurse there checking everything and removing the empty blood bag. "Alright, I'll bring in a new one and that should be the last one. You seem to be doing fine, which means after this last bag you should be able to be released back home." The nurse said with a smile. "I'll be right back." She tossed the empty bag into the hazardous waste bin and left the room to grab a new blood bag. "Well that's good news, we can go home after this." Kaneko commented. She was pretty happy to be leaving this dreadful place.
Upon seeing his hand over his eyes, Kaneko carefully reached over and placed her hand on his arm. "Are your eyes hurting?" She whispered. If that was the case, this was bad. His remedy was all the way back in his manor and he couldn't possibly get there from here. He wouldn't know the way. She would have to take a cab to the park and then make a beeline to his manor and hope she could find it then bring it back in time. Money, she would need money. Hopefully she had enough in her purse for that.
Morning came and she stirred slightly having heard footsteps enter the room. Opening her tired eyes, she saw the nurse there checking everything and removing the empty blood bag. "Alright, I'll bring in a new one and that should be the last one. You seem to be doing fine, which means after this last bag you should be able to be released back home." The nurse said with a smile. "I'll be right back." She tossed the empty bag into the hazardous waste bin and left the room to grab a new blood bag. "Well that's good news, we can go home after this." Kaneko commented. She was pretty happy to be leaving this dreadful place.
Upon seeing his hand over his eyes, Kaneko carefully reached over and placed her hand on his arm. "Are your eyes hurting?" She whispered. If that was the case, this was bad. His remedy was all the way back in his manor and he couldn't possibly get there from here. He wouldn't know the way. She would have to take a cab to the park and then make a beeline to his manor and hope she could find it then bring it back in time. Money, she would need money. Hopefully she had enough in her purse for that.