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Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 7 years ago
The alarm rang softly but loud enough for the man in bed to stir and shut it off. Clint yawned and sleepily stared at the time, it was early but that was fine. He needed to be up early in order to get things done. Sitting up in bed he just sat there deep in thought about that girl. What the hell was all that about? It felt like a dream but he knew it wasn't. Sighing he stood and walked to his dresser where he grabbed a clean change of clothes then left to shower. It was a nice day. A little humid out from the rain last night but it wasn't too bad either. He showered, got dressed, tossed the laundry where it belonged and prepared a quick breakfast and some coffee. Checking his phone as he ate and replying to messages left by work buddies. Although they never really hung out outside of work so he wasn't even sure they were friends.

The shelter, he still knew where that shelter was. Would she still be there? Where else could she go to anyway and how would she slip out without being seen. Unless she didn't. Maybe she said she was leaving. They never forced people to stay so it was possible that it happened that way. Why was he thinking about it so much though? She was just a girl, nothing special right? Thinking of her face then, she didn't jump out at him as someone who he had seen before. She was a stranger to him. Unless she wasn't and he just couldn't remember her. That was also a possibility.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 7 years ago
Kaneko lightly blew on her stew before taking a small bite. She blushed hearing him call her 'lady'. It wasn't something she was used to being called. He was right though, it was lonely to eat alone. He probably knew it first hand and it bothered her. Had he met him sooner, she would have loved to have dinner with him at his house or hers. Eating at her house though, her father wouldn't have approved. Kaneko sighed mentally, he was gone now for a while anyway. So she was free to do whatever she wanted. Would she go to work tomorrow? Maybe. She had to. She couldn't just stay home now, but what about Allen?

Allen would probably busy himself making remedies. He needed to stay stocked up on that stuff, she didn't want him to have to ever suffer again. She would do anything to keep him from suffering but when she thought about it, when she really thought about it...she knew there was nothing she could do for him. All she could really do was keep him company. Make him happy even if it was just for a few minutes a day. Dinner was silent, something she was used to and didn't mind. They both clearly had a lot on their minds and she didn't think it was her place to probe his mind for answers. "W-will you stay?" She asked after a moment.
Posted in boom, headshot [temp art] Posted 7 years ago

@bean: No, thank YOU!
Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open Posted 7 years ago

@ishoji: Hahah Yeah, I do.
My reason is to respond but like, your reason is also a second reason for me.
Although I always forget to check back daily. xD
Posted in boom, headshot [temp art] Posted 7 years ago

@bean: Thank-you very much! I'll send the trade now then. :)
Posted in boom, headshot [temp art] Posted 7 years ago

@bean: Hello! Umm, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to draw my Avatar? I'll give you 16k. Would that be good?
Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open Posted 7 years ago

@ishoji: Ehh, I don't unless there's something that needs my response. But so far there isn't. xD
Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open Posted 7 years ago

@ishoji: It's okay, you're not the only one. xD
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago

@lady luna: Good evening Luna.
Posted in Cancelled Posted 7 years ago

I'd bid but like...I won the last one so yeahh.. xD
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 7 years ago
"Good night, Maddie." Clint whispered before leaving the shelter. He told himself she would be fine, but how long would she actually stay there? Sitting behind the wheel of his car, Clint buckled up and turned on the lights and ignition. She wouldn't stay long. He could tell she didn't even want to be there, but it was better than sleeping on the streets. At least she would be safe there and whoever was chasing her wouldn't find her. The drive back home felt like it went on forever and he was surprised he didn't crash or anything since he was pretty exhausted. Maybe that's why the drive was so long, he was going pretty slow.

He was home though, that's all that mattered. Parking in the driveway, Clint turned the lights off and killed the ignition then stepped out and made sure to lock the doors before heading to his front door. The streets were practically empty save for a car passing by every few hours. Everyone was shutting down, getting ready for bed. Tomorrow they would all be busy bees once again and the cycle would continue to repeat itself. Clint walked inside and locked the door behind him. The house was dark but it didn't matter, he just walked to the bathroom, took a shower, got ready for bed and fell to sleep on his bed easily.
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago

@lady luna: I hope so too. Hopefully I don't get drunk and hopefully no one approaches us or anything.
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago

@lady luna: Yep, a not-date.
I'm going out with a friend and while I *might* find them attractive, I also don't think of them as anything else other than a best friend.
They invited me out to a bar tomorrow so yeahh.. I still want to look nice because they told me I always dress so nice and so organized. xD
So they gave me an ego boost. I haven't seen them in months and I feel like tomorrow is the only day available before they face finals.
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago

@lady luna: I'm tired too. Getting things ready for my not-date tomorrow.