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Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 7 years ago

@littlewhitedragonlet: Eyy, that's a cute slogan!
Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!] Posted 7 years ago

@Spark: Team Electric for the win!
Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open Posted 7 years ago

@ishoji: Well it's very small what's happening. It's happening slowly.. xD
Posted in [request] offering items, ohms, volts Posted 7 years ago

@ishoji: You're welcome! I'm glad to help.
Posted in [request] offering items, ohms, volts Posted 7 years ago

Bumping this up because I can.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 7 years ago
A life running away. It didn't seem very fair. Her father wouldn't stop searching for him and now even more since Kaneko had gone with him. Maybe she should visit her father tomorrow in prison. Maybe not, he was a bad person. A scary guy and she didn't want to hear anything he had to say. Her best choice would be to quit, take some money, and run off with Allen as far as they could.

Kaneko nodded, "I believe you Allen. I just hope this is the last time you have to leave everything behind." She voiced quietly. It was not her choice to make though if he ran or not. It was a choice he himself had to make. Looking down at her stew, she enjoyed it in silence, a plan formulating in patches in her head. Grabbing her wine glass, she brought it up to her lips and took a sip before carefully setting it back down on the table and resuming eating her meal. He'd leave and return before she could blink? He had to be messing with her right?
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 7 years ago
(Hmm, secret friends. That sounds adorable actually; we can do that!)

He needed to head out to work but he still had some time to kill before he really had to clock in. Clint made his way over to restaurants, looking to see if he saw her anywhere nearby. For the first few tries he came up blank. If she really was around here, she clearly didn't want to be found.

Clint continued to drive, slowing down whenever he thought he saw her only to realize it was someone else. Great, he probably looked like a creep. He glanced at the time on his cellphone then looked back out at his surroundings. He made a turn and continued driving until he spotted her, running. Who was she running from? There were a few people walking around but he didn't see anything suspicious. When she passed his car, Clint groaned and quickly did a flawless U-Turn then drove off after her. "Where are you going?" He said to himself. As he drove, he managed to find a good place to park in then ran off to catch Maddie before she ran too far. "H-hey!" He called out to her.
Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open Posted 7 years ago

@ishoji: Haha Well I try.
I guess I'm just really curious to see what's going on.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 7 years ago
(Yeah, perhaps they met when they were much younger? Maybe they went to the same school together?)

The rest of the drive to the shelter was silent save for the sounds of cars passing by his own. Once he arrived, Clint stared at it while stepping out of his car. This was it, the place he had last seen Maddie. It had to be the place she was still at. Walking inside the building, he greeted the woman at the front desk and asked about the girl from last night but upon checking rooms and records, the girl was no longer staying there. "What do you mean she's not here?" Clint asked. The woman shook her head. "I'm sorry sir. We don't force our visitors to stay. She must have walked out sometime early this morning. Who knows where she is now."

Well this was just perfect, he needed to find her. Why? Why was he so set on seeing her again? He just wanted to make sure that Maddie was okay. Hopefully he could get to her first before anyone else did. "I see, thank-you." Turning away, Clint walked out of there and back to his car. Where would she have gone? Back to where he had found her? No, that was too obvious but that was all he had to go on right now. He was starting up the car when he got another idea. Food. She was probably hungry which meant she was probably around restaurants. It wasn't going to be an easy search though, he could already tell as he pulled out of the parking lot and drove away from the shelter.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 7 years ago
Allen seemed adamant that he could get his remedies replaced when he needed to. It made Kaneko feel a little better about the whole thing but it still didn't help her choose a destination. When would they leave? She couldn't leave right away, she needed to go to work and let them know she was resigning. She would tell her boss that a family emergency came up and she had to go visit her mother. Or some lie like that. She could visit her mother but she didn't even know where she lived and it was probably for the best. She didn't want to be in any place where her father might easily find her. They had to go far away. She could pay for a taxi. She had money in her bank account, she could easily make a withdrawal and use that money to get out of here. It would be no problem and then they could get themselves a nice little house. It wouldn't be as nice as his manor or as nice as this one but it would be a start.

They could start a life together. The thought made her happy, and she was okay with leaving all of this behind. It looked like so was he. "Very well, I trust your word Allen." Kaneko answered, gently squeezing his hand. "We would need to get away. Far away. Someplace where my father cannot find us. I have to go to work tomorrow and resign. I'll come up with any excuse and then I'll take some money to help us get to wherever we need to go. I would pack lightly, only take what you really need." Kaneko instructed. They were actually going to do this. It was scary but exciting as well. "We can go to a different town far from here or we can go to the city. Although...cities are much noisier." She admitted. Towns were great because there wasn't so much noise. It was much cozier than a city and places were more affordable as well. "A town is our best bet right now. Any town. Just as long as it's farthest from here."
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 7 years ago
Kaneko stared at their hands, she watched as his thumb lightly ran across the top of her hand. Protect her? That was sweet but she was still troubled. Her father had shot him! And when she got involved he even wanted to hurt her. Allen had protected her then and got shot, he almost died because of her. "You got hurt because of me Allen.." She whispered. Go with him, she could. They could leave this town. Go to another town far away or go to a different city. Maybe it would be safer there. "If we run away together...what about your remedies?" She asked. Kaneko wanted him to be able to continue making them whenever he needed. She wasn't sure if a city would have the herbs he needed for his remedies.
Posted in Forsaking the Past Posted 7 years ago
((We totally can if you want to. ^ u ^))

Did he even have enough time to check in on her? Clint glanced at the clock, yes he had plenty of time before he had to head in to work. He could stop at the shelter and just ask about her. What if she wasn't there? Where else would she go? She had to be there, how would she get out without being seen? Maddie was safer in there than outside. With a sigh, Clint focused on finishing his breakfast then walked towards the sink and began to wash them spotless. Alright, so that is what he would do, check if she was there and if she wasn't then it was probably a dream. If it wasn't, chances were he'd see her again somewhere. He just hoped she was okay, wherever she was. Clint walked out to his car and got in, he kept telling himself that he couldn't tell them her name. He would just ask for the girl he had brought to them last night and hopefully they would have some information.

Still, while driving, Clint kept his eyes open for any sign of Maddie. Maybe she would be out somewhere just taking a walk. What about her arm? Had she gotten it looked at? Was she okay? Was it permanent? "Come on Clint, clear your head man. Thinking about that isn't going to get you answers faster. Besides, can't be distracted while driving."
Posted in voltbun || let the bunnies take over || open Posted 7 years ago

@ishoji: True. Best just to check every other day or something.
Posted in Blood in Roses Posted 7 years ago
He would stay, and that made her smile. However that smile vanished at his last comment. What did he mean by it? Who else would come? One of her father's coworkers...they probably knew where he lived but why would they come? How would they know that Allen was here? Had someone been following them all this time? Did her father tell them? Probably. "A-are you saying that we cannot c-continue to spend time together?" Kaneko asked quietly. Was he secretly telling her that he coudln't stay anymore? Was he going to go back to his manor? Was he going to hide somewhere else where not even she could find him? Kaneko didn't want to force him to stay but she wanted to make sure he was okay. She would be worried sick if he just disappeared out of nowhere.