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Posted in Your MBTI personality Posted 6 years ago

@saeyra: I'm so glad to hear that!!! That sounds like a lot of fun, I would imagine you guys are a bit stressed but I know you guys will do great! I've been alright! I've been doing a lot of art, trying to motivate to start webcomics!

Posted in Your MBTI personality Posted 6 years ago

@saeyra: AWW HEY! Thank you so much! ;u; I missed you too! *hugs* how've you been?

Posted in Hello Posted 6 years ago

Hello!!!!!!! This is a very friendly and welcoming site ;u; I'm sure you'll like it here!

Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post Posted 6 years ago

Time to put some MUSIC ON

Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 6 years ago


Posted in Would You Rather Posted 6 years ago

Ahmmmm every chair is a working toilet because I do NOT want to go to the bathroom in a hole in the ground. LOL

Posted in Your MBTI personality Posted 6 years ago

INFP-T - I used to be 100% introverted, but now it's gone down to 72%! I think that's some improvement. XD I'll always be an INFP-T, my day-dreaming is getting worse as time goes on. LOLOL Not a bad thing though. uvu

Posted in What do you keep in your bag? Posted 6 years ago

In my purse, there is a:
- Spiral notebook.
- Wacom tablet, tablet pen, and a USB cord.
- A glasses case full of around 15 pencils and two fabric wipes for my glasses.
- A small makeup purse full of colored markers, as well as a small perfume, 2 lipsticks, and a thicc swiss army knife.
- 2 Slim jims >>;;;
- A pack of tarot cards.
- 3 wallets just in case I want to change it up bc why not.
- A flimsy folder with some lined paper and some drawings in the pocket that my sister drew for me <3
- My sketchbook that's almost full.
- 2 gay pride pins in a pocket inside the purse, as well as a few hair ties.
- A deodorant stick.
I think that's it??? I need to reorganize it. It is a HUGE boho bag, the base of it is pink but it has a ton of threaded designs, on the sides are elephants! I love it so much. I need to add some more due to it moving a lot in there, and if I add a bit more I'll be able to give everything its own space.

Posted in Things you procrastinate about Posted 6 years ago

Shaving my legs/armpits, posting in forums (I haven't been on voltra in... apparently it's been since I was 19, I'll be 20 in april OOF), doing anything social, doing art. TBH I procrastinate on everything OTL

Posted in in the land of Wonder Posted 7 years ago

@moodybats: I totally understand that. OTL Right now I'm trying to find a place to chat. I'd make my own thread if I were the type to keep up with it.

HAHA ironically I have ADHD. I drink energy drinks every so often which does help, but it's not a huge difference. But if you don't want to take the meds it's a good thing to use instead.
OOoo yes. That would definitely be great with it, even if it was herb and butter with it, either or would be great.

I can understand that when doing art! Do you have a pinterest? That way you can pin the styles you like, ultimately deciding one you love.
Hmmmm Why not have it like a dark brown to a more of a caramel color ombre, so that no matter what outfit she's wearing it'll match, or go all out, funky and all of that.
Honestly, I'm sure you'll find something great. Color palettes are nice too.

Posted in How's the weather? Posted 7 years ago

62 degrees right now and cloudy, but later tonight it's going to storm bad. LOL

Posted in It's pouring with us Posted 7 years ago

It's been raining over here for about a week, weather is nuts. XD

Posted in Where's everyone from? Posted 7 years ago

I'm from the Chicago metropolitan area in the USA.

Posted in Yeh so I wanne talk Posted 7 years ago

I totally understand, only half the time I've seen people respond. OTL But I hope you have been doing well!!!