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Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open! Posted 7 years ago

@vii: OH MY GOD! I pasted it in and I freaked!!! Thank you so much!!! It is more than I could have ever expected. I'm freaking haha. Thank you so much again!!! Trade has finished!

Posted in I bought a moped Posted 7 years ago

Oh wow! That's a beaut! I've been planning on getting a moped myself, thinking of a 150 cc one when I get enough saved up, since you only need a regular license (from what I've heard).
What's nice is that almost anyone can ride one, but like you have said above it gets some getting used to.

Posted in Name change Posted 7 years ago

@seo: HAHA That's what I'm trying to do right now as well. I've changed my user name so many times it's like "enough is enough" but Seo is a cute username!

@anarchist beauty: It really is a quality brand!

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open! Posted 7 years ago

@vii: I think so as well!

OH WOW! I didn't expect it to be done today! But yeah I'm definitely going to stick around for a while!!! But I'm excited! I think almost all things like this have rough patches, especially figuring out what goes where. Hahaha I'm excited to see the results! :D

Posted in Howdy! Posted 7 years ago

@lizard: Hey Lizard! I hope all is well! Your art is VERY CUTE! I hope you are able to create comics in the future, like you want~ I hope you enjoy Voltra!

Posted in Hi <3 Posted 7 years ago

Hello!!! Welcome to voltra! Your avi is looking really cute thus far! I hope to see a lot of you!
What kind of art do you like to create?

Posted in Name change Posted 7 years ago

@anarchist beauty: Wow!!! That's smart, it's like branding yourself. But I think it's good that you have some sort of online identity like that!

@kozi: Aww! I'm sorry about that, maybe ask fozzy about it? You can always put it into the suggestion forums so that you can possibly get it in a future update!

@me: HAHAHA That's amazing, if someone doesn't know that "me" is taken, they'll think they're tagging themselves, when in fact they're tagging you. How many sites have you been able to get that username in? I assume it's really hard.

@dread pirate: Good. >:U Better be. LOL

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open! Posted 7 years ago

@vii: Right??? But that's so true!!! I think, honestly, it really depends on the person. There's a lot of similarities between artists, but at the same time one person's inspiration isn't another's. Awww I'm sorry about that, but I'm glad that when you DO, it's for yourself. I find that the most stress relieving thing. That's smart though! I think it's always good to keep perfecting those skills. Your coding skills are so good, and I don't doubt that you put a ton of hard work to get thus far. But I totally understand!!!! Idk I feel as if creating profile layouts is sort of an art too? It's more technical, but it also has to work, and look satisfactory to others and yourself. So I can see why it could be a big stress factor.

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open! Posted 7 years ago

@vii: Exactly! Hahaha but wow, that's great advice. But yeah I try to do the same as well! HAHA I haven't gotten that far though. But, alas, like your writing teacher has said, "don't bleed the well dry when it's flowing." Maybe if you get a bit of motivation, take your time and try not to stress? I have found that stress is one of the biggest reasons why people have art block.
Do you do a lot of art for yourself, or more for others?

Posted in Name change Posted 7 years ago

@blinkini: HAHA GAS oh man. That's pretty funny. I hope you find what you're looking for!

Posted in Post your Rants Posted 7 years ago

Being left behind hurts...

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open! Posted 7 years ago

@vii: Of course! But I TOTALLY understand, trust me. I've had to refund commissions before because of art block. XD Things like this always need inspiration, it's hard when you can't find any LOL
I believe in you!!!

Posted in ✮ stardust | ~ deluxe profiles ~ open! Posted 7 years ago

@vii: Oh wow thank you!!! I'm excited! But as I have said before, don't worry, take your time! I don't want you to stress over the commission. uvu

Posted in What are you currently listening to? Posted 7 years ago

Ängie - Here For My Habits
I've been addicted to this song for a while now. OTL