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Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 5 years ago
theres so much stuff here that makes me wanna sneeze

I wear many faces

Posted in Light and Darkness [FIN] Posted 5 years ago
At the end of the tunnel was a crystal larger than any person. it had to be at least 10 ft tall.

It was also wide at the top coming down to a almost point at the bottom.

It float in the air giving off a faint low hum.

Every once in a while it was gently flash as the souls in it moved around.

As pretty as it was, it also felt wrong and ominous.

I wear many faces

Posted in Light and Darkness [FIN] Posted 5 years ago
The tunnels were twisting but fairly straightforward.

There was a path that led to a yellow light of a latern or candles.

And there there was a path with a dim blue light that would brighten if one got closer to its source.

I wear many faces

Posted in Amusing My Past Posted 5 years ago
When the walls began to reconstruct themselves he began yelling. He scratched at the door, still fighting with himself not to unlock the door and escape. He needed to stay. With the last of his clarity he went to the door screaming for Kaito to get his meds.

I wear many faces

Posted in Amusing My Past Posted 5 years ago
Fjiore could be heard laughing. it wasnt mirthful. it was twisted...wicked. Then a sick thunk one after another. There was a crack heard as his nose broke. Still the thunking continued till the crack of brick and wood could be heard. He was trying to break out of the bathroom.

I wear many faces

Posted in Light and Darkness [FIN] Posted 5 years ago
"The crystal is deep into the cave." he said.

"Itll take a while to get too it. just...wait till i have my dad...erm...distracted..." he said looking down.

"Just...stay low" he said

He then walked towards the cave waiting.

Didnt take long for the undead dragon to walk out looking more decomposed than before.

Eke sighed and transformed.

The roaring from the two echoed through the forest.

I wear many faces

Posted in Amusing My Past Posted 5 years ago
"Comfrot me when its over" he said closing his eyes. "And forgive whatever i may do..." he finished tears rolling down his cheeks. There was nothing Kaito could do while he was having an episode. just deal with the damage afterword. He could feel the darkness creeping into him. He looked at his watch. one minute left of clarity. he sat there against the door his hands shaking. he stood slowly after a while of silence and banging could be heard from the opposite wall.

I wear many faces

Posted in Amusing My Past Posted 5 years ago
Fjiore considered. Oh he wanted to say yes. " i just stitched you up. no just..." he trailed off thinking. He ran tot he bathroom and went in, slamming the door shut and locking it leaning on the wall. "Cops dont need to see you. human cosp would never understand...i forgive eme" he said throug ht edoor hyperventilating. He clutched his chest and tried to calm himself. He didnt need to be agitated before his mind went. He could already feel the urges and thoughts creeping into his mind.

I wear many faces

Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY? Posted 5 years ago
White mage/healer

I wear many faces

Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 5 years ago
your feet must hurt

I wear many faces

Posted in Light and Darkness [FIN] Posted 5 years ago
"Ryker...ryker wait..." he grabbed his arm.

"Let me...draw out my dad. your biggest goal should be destroying the crystal. its huge and blue." he said.

"Itll free my dads soul and hell be able to die again" he said.

"It also frees the other dragons as well as keep the necromancer from binding any more" he said a little desperately.

"Destroy the crystal..."

I wear many faces

Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 5 years ago
must be your net darlin

you lost ur nose

I wear many faces

Posted in Light and Darkness [FIN] Posted 5 years ago
He shook his head.

He was eerily quiet.

His mind was burdened by what he had to do.

He crawled through some brushed and the trickle of a stream could be heard.

"Theres the cave" he said

I wear many faces

Posted in Whats the most disturbing thing about the AAY Posted 5 years ago
its way too hot for you there

I wear many faces