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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@pachi: I like the cape, hat and shoes too.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Anniversary, September,
Halloween October
Thanksgiving? November
Christmas, December
New Years, January

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Probably working on stuff for the Anniversary event.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

I'm glad your family gets along. My family is best described as a hot mess, without getting to into it lol.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

I have no siblings. Well, I apparently have a half sister, but I only found out about her within the last couple years, and we've never met. We tried talking a bit through Facebook but I don't go to Facebook enough to keep up a conversation. She reached out to me though, so she found out about me and tried contacting me. She's got a daughter from what I did get information about her from. Other than that, no siblings.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Yeah. We were both really crazy that's why we got along so well lol.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Then she dropped out of college because she thought her art was dumb (even though she did have an art piece featured in that magazine I mentioned before. It was from a print-making class she took)

And even after I stopped going to the school, we'd still get together and hang out off and on. Only reason we haven't done so, now is because of the BS going on.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

I'm pretty antisocial as far as people go. I don't always make friends because I'm really shy. We actually met on the last day of the class we were taking at the same time. We talked on MSN for a while and then I found out she was in the same figure drawing class the following semester. We sat together and talked like high school girls. Passing notes and stuff when the teacher wasn't looking lol.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

I enjoyed my time there, I met some really nice people. I met my best friend there, and we met in 2003. We're still friends after all this time too.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

The community college I went to, had a gallery that featured like alumni artwork pieces. They even had a class about how to work/manage a gallery there. It was pretty cool. There was a spot for figure sculpture, and a metal working area. They had a kiln for pottery and what not. They even had a culinary program and a cafe that served food the students made.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

I even submitted it as an entry for the annual College magazine, which was put together in a class. They feature short stories, art, and what not of students from the previous year. I didn't make it in though, but I did get to make one issue of the magazine one year. I took the class and I was listed as an illustrator. It's neat because they credit all the people who work on the magazine.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@Lina: Thank you. I called it Briar Rose, Rose Red.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@moif: I've always wanted to work with Copic markers. But those little pens are expensive as heck. I had a set of basic ones on my Amazon wish list, and it was like the cheapest set. I've never brought myself to buy them though because as much as I did digital art, I didn't see spending the $ for them. I also can draw on paper, I've done that before I did digital stuff. I don't really like charcoal because of the mess, and I get this weird feeling with having charcoal on my hands. I had to do it in art classes, and I had to put on gloves to use it because of the residue. I also have some nice wax based colored pencils I can draw with too. I've just not been artistically motivated.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@moif: It's basically the only thing I painted on a 'canvas'. My grandfather then proceeded to order me an easel and some canvases, thinking I'd do more....but traditional media is...fine...but it's not really something I wanted to do again. I like that you have an "undo" button on digital stuff. Without the ability to erase, I have to be more cautious. Because if you eff up a painting, it's just there. And I'm no Bob Ross, and turning mistakes into something.

"Oh, the tired horror!"