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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@moif: During college, I took a color theory class. The teacher was one I had before, and he liked me pretty well. He was an eccentric old dude that worked with traditional media. It's not that he disliked digital stuff, but he made me go outside my comfort zone once. He gave me a piece of plywood and said "Paint something on this." using acrylic paints that we were using for the color theory. He was like "if you do this, I'll give you extra credit." so I did.

This was the result.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

I know what part of my problem is. I have this bad habit of *needing* to finish an art piece all in one go. Like the sketch, lineart, coloring, shading all in one sitting. I KNOW if I save it, and like attempt to pick it up the next day, I won't. Like something mentally keeps me from opening it back up to keep working on. I have sketches of things I never went back to because when I boot up ye old drawing tablet, I start a new image in SAI and completely forget the other stuff. If I had more time, and a better ability with anatomy and poses and dynamics, I feel like I could make better stuff.

I feel like I'm not really *meant* to draw. Like some people are born with good voices and can sing without a lesson. I've taken so many art classes in college and while it helped a lot, I don't think I've really improved much. I know it's a process to learn and get better by doing more, but I get discourage very easily and if I'm not in a drawing mood I don't even bother because I know I'll just poop out crap.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@pachi: I still love your art. I looked at your gallery. Really makes me wish I could art better haha.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago



"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Mine has a lot of pink and cream, that's all I'll say lol.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

I'd post my entry here, but I wouldn't want people voting knowing it's me. I'd like it to be fair n square.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Yeah for sure. I mean the theme is cute, and I think I have a pretty cute entry.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Well I didn't win the last round, but yay for at least participation ribbons XD

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

I made a new one, I entered the AOTW and then changed

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Those were the good ole days of Gaia. Before they had clothing items that physically changed your avatar and all the items just worked off the base one you got from joining the site.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@moif: I still own stuff on Gaia from back when I first started. Like the items you got when they featured Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles, and The Last Mimsy, and Spiderwick Chronicals. I have a MJ glove, and a Harry Potter robe lol.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Oh yeah I'll do Lake Kindred too. I'll open the rigs I get and have multiple versions of one thing. I *hate* how you have to own multiples of items to use more then one thing of that item. I mean unlike here, where you can get like 3 items from one thing to wear. That's just so greedy, knowing you'll try to get multiples of that same item so you can have the whole 'set' to wear. That's one thing I hate about Gaia. Also how INSANE the prices are at the MP. Like...holy crap. If you use gold or platinum, the prices are ridiculous. Prices being in the Trillions+ for one item...

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

Sadly I did buy into the Cash shop, but not like until a bit later when they were had an option to redeem certain gift cards for $. I'd get like a $20 gift card and get $20 with of GC. Then I'd buy some things. I did that a couple times not too long ago. Maybe 5 years ago or so? Could be longer then that, I have a bad sense of time XD. I will still go there casually and dress up my avatar with the crap-ton of stuff I have.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago

@Lina: Potter Puppet Palls, and Dr Tran are some funny ones if you want old.

"Oh, the tired horror!"