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Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
I'm actually fine not having a smartphone. It forces me to actually disconnect when I'm travelling. I get a lot of thinking done on public transit. :P
Posted in 25k MI & New Commons! Posted 7 years ago
@Fozzy: Man, that second spoiler's worth of shoes don't seem like they'd be very comfortable on my feet. :P
Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
For all intents and purposes, I really don't have a cell phone. I have one that's basically a brick that can call and text, with some prepaid minutes. And it's off, unless I'm expecting something, or need to use it for an emergency or something. The amount of people that I have to regularly communicate with with it... is basically zero.
I just use Skype or Facebook to connect with all my friends.
Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
For me, the computers in elementary were basically all for educational games - typically math - and learning how to type. The latter of which I, uh, never really learned how to do well. I can get a decent speed going when I look at the keyboard, but... >.>;

And, yeah, the freedom of being able to have your own computer? I was finally able to get that in the last year of high school. (And which was the main reason I was even able to get into Pokémon Tabletop, because... well, my parents have a fairly low opinion of "childish pursuits". Screw that, though. I have fun, and that's what matters.) Before getting that, I never really had too much internet freedom. So, I was certainly a late arrival to all things internet. Even stuff like forums. XD
Posted in How did you find out about Voltra? Posted 7 years ago
Blame Slytherclaw. Not only did she manage to keep it around on my Facebook feed, but also kept mentioning it, and then went around telling people when it was open. So, I joined, and here I am. :P
Posted in The Geode Islands [A Pokemon Quest RPG] Posted 7 years ago
Well, since no one else has added anything, I might as well do something with this.

[x] Large. From Amber City.

[x]Alaina Walker

[]Write In

[]Eldest Sibling of 3
[]Middle Child
[]Youngest of Three
[]Only Child
[]Foster Child, one of many
[]Write In

What are your major life goals? Select 2.
[]Join the Military
[]Beat the League
[]Collect all Pokemon
[x]Become a famous breeder
[]Open a Ranch
[]Start a Gym
[]Explore the Mysterious Crystal Island
[]Start a Business
[]Become an Elite 4
[]Become a Champion
[]Get Rich and Settle Down
[]Start a Family
[]Graduate from Sapphire University
[x]Discover Rare or New Pokemon
[]Write In?

What is your favorite pokemon type?
[x]Dragon - they're exotic

What interests you most in a pokemon?
[]How Cool It Is
[]How Cute It Is
[]Its Type
[]How Strong It Is
[x]How Rare It Is
[]Write In

[]Acrobatics - Dodging, Dancing, Balance
[]Athletics - Strength, Endurance
[]Combat - Hand to hand fighting or using weapons
[-]Intimidate - Scaring people, seeming dangerous
[-]Stealth - Sneaky sneaky sneaky (and also slight of hand and such)
[]Survival - Living in the wild, knowing what's safe to eat, tracking
[]General Education - Book smarts, knowledge of local events, trivia knowledge, etc.
[]Medicine Education - Knowledge of the human body and how to keep it from breaking
[]Occult Education - Knowledge of religion, ghosts, and things that go bump
[+]Pokemon Education - Knowledge of different pokemon, types, etc.
[]Tech Education - Knowledge of computers, technology, pokeballs, etc.
[-]Guile - Lying, acting, pretending, haggling
[]Perception - Noticing stuff
[]Charm - Charisma, being cute, being /charming/
[]Command - People listen to you more, you have a respectable presence
[+]Focus - Being able to concentrate in difficult situations
[]Intuition - Good instincts, telling when people are lying, cooking
Posted in Hair colors! Posted 7 years ago
@alexis: Yeah, I suppose that's true. Always something to consider. I'm so indecisive, though, that it probably won't end up happening, if I'm being 100% honest with myself. XD
Posted in Hair colors! Posted 7 years ago
I've always wanted to die my hair, and I might at some point... but, it almost seems like more trouble than it's worth. I always love seeing people who have bright/vibrant hair colours, though.
Posted in Which Pokemon follows the AAY? Posted 7 years ago
Bellossom. I dunno, you just remind me of the Beauties from X and Y. XD
Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
Oh, yeah, I understand that. I mean, it's not like it's going anywhere. XD
"Quick, guys, Shadami's coming, we need to move domain names."
Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
@shadami: If you're willing to try play by post (I know, it's not for everyone, you can check out here. Unfortunately, you'll probably have to keep an eye out for a little bit, given that there are no games currently recruiting, but eventually more will pop up. They like to come in waves.
Posted in The Pokemon Center Posted 7 years ago
@Slytherclaw: If you want, I can have a look-see post something in there. I just figured I've got enough games, I don't need my voice heard. :P

@shadami: Ouch. I know the feeling of schedules breaking up games. That happened to all the D&D games I ran/played in. That's why I just play/run PbP PTU now. (Which we now have a separate website for, run by people who actually care about PbP.)
Posted in Pokemon Posted 7 years ago
I used to collect the cards, but very rarely actually played. I've still got a big binder full of them, but they're just collecting dust right now. (Also, nice name. :P)
Posted in Pokemon Posted 7 years ago
@Lily: I dunno what the new one's called. All I know is that it made curing status hilariously easy...
And the class is a History of Video Games. So, every week we'll learn about some part of the era, and then have to relate a game that we play to that. It's just a short little piece, only ~500 words a week, but there'll be some larger projects.