Dataninja's posts
Posted in Which Pokemon follows the AAY?
Posted 8 years ago

Posted in Watcha doin'?
Posted 8 years ago
I'm procrastinating, mostly. I really have some writing I need to get done for RPs, but, on the other hand... just browsing stuff is so much less work. :P

Posted in How rich ARE you?
Posted 8 years ago
@cnts: I'm very lucky in that I have good impulse control. And tend to think about if I reeeeeeaaaallllyyy[ need something before buying. I know it can be hard, but, it's a good life skill to have. Don't be afraid to have a talk with yourself.
On the other hand, nice things....
On the other hand, nice things....

Posted in How rich ARE you?
Posted 8 years ago
2845. Or 1937. Depends on how nice my browser is feeling. *shakes fist at internet explorer*
@cnts: I guess the secret is to never, ever buy anything.
@cnts: I guess the secret is to never, ever buy anything.

Posted in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D)
Posted 8 years ago
Hi there, I also enjoy D&D. Admittedly, I've only ever played 4th edition, but I devoured all the books. The few games I got to play were always enjoyable. I know that there are many people who started with 3.5 or earlier don't consider it "real" D&D, but I like it just the same.
My favorite classes are Paladin and Sorcerer - although Swordmage is pretty cool. I don't know if I could pick a favorite character of mine, although the last one I did - a wise-cracking shardmind (living crystal person) sorcerer - was pretty fun. My least favorite characters were probably all the other players' Chaotic Stupid ones.
I played a few on an actual tabletop, and then a oneshot on roll20. For the tabletop, sadly, I was usually the GM. Yay, cat herding...
@Valyndria: While it is true that 4th edition tends to have a much smaller player base, it does exist. In addition to looking on roll20, I would point you to the "Giant in the Playground" forums. They have what is probably the most active base of 4e players in the internet, and could probably give you suggestions of where to look to find a 4e game. As a note, I've found that anyone who was introduced to D&D via 4e tends to love it. So, don't listen to those people who say your books are useless. :)
My favorite classes are Paladin and Sorcerer - although Swordmage is pretty cool. I don't know if I could pick a favorite character of mine, although the last one I did - a wise-cracking shardmind (living crystal person) sorcerer - was pretty fun. My least favorite characters were probably all the other players' Chaotic Stupid ones.
I played a few on an actual tabletop, and then a oneshot on roll20. For the tabletop, sadly, I was usually the GM. Yay, cat herding...
@Valyndria: While it is true that 4th edition tends to have a much smaller player base, it does exist. In addition to looking on roll20, I would point you to the "Giant in the Playground" forums. They have what is probably the most active base of 4e players in the internet, and could probably give you suggestions of where to look to find a 4e game. As a note, I've found that anyone who was introduced to D&D via 4e tends to love it. So, don't listen to those people who say your books are useless. :)

Posted in Let's Players
Posted 8 years ago
I'm a big fan of Let's Plays, since I rarely have the time or money to spend on games myself. (It's a lot easier to watch videos over your break at university than it is to lug around a tv and console, after all.)
The Runaway Guys and Tom Fawkes are the biggest ones that I watch most of what they put out. I'll watch ProtonJon's streams when they're uploaded to YouTube, but I don't tend to like the other Guys' solo stuff - although Chuggaa's Coliseum LP was how I got into them in the first place.
I'll watch Game Grumps and Markiplier more sporadically, if they're playing something that I think might be interesting, but I'll pass up a fair bit of their content.
Recently, I've discovered PBG's Hardcore series, so that's been an interesting watch.
One that I do follow, and would be much remiss to mention, is a much (much) smaller channel, LaZodiac. She does a lot of Zelda LPs, but also miscellaneous other ones (Super Mario Sunshine is my personal favorite), Patreon requests, and weekly "Taste Of"s, where she showcases introductory snippets of games. She interacts a lot with her viewers via threads linked in the descriptions, so that's always nice. Check her out!
The Runaway Guys and Tom Fawkes are the biggest ones that I watch most of what they put out. I'll watch ProtonJon's streams when they're uploaded to YouTube, but I don't tend to like the other Guys' solo stuff - although Chuggaa's Coliseum LP was how I got into them in the first place.
I'll watch Game Grumps and Markiplier more sporadically, if they're playing something that I think might be interesting, but I'll pass up a fair bit of their content.
Recently, I've discovered PBG's Hardcore series, so that's been an interesting watch.
One that I do follow, and would be much remiss to mention, is a much (much) smaller channel, LaZodiac. She does a lot of Zelda LPs, but also miscellaneous other ones (Super Mario Sunshine is my personal favorite), Patreon requests, and weekly "Taste Of"s, where she showcases introductory snippets of games. She interacts a lot with her viewers via threads linked in the descriptions, so that's always nice. Check her out!

Posted in Let's talk Dreams!
Posted 8 years ago
@kjemi: Well then... That's certainly an interesting idea. Good thing neither of my grandmothers have dogs...

Posted in What's your current post count?
Posted 8 years ago
N posts. Well, I suppose N+1 posts now. :P
(Where N = 26 at this particular point in time. Seems like I'm not particularly chatty.)
(Where N = 26 at this particular point in time. Seems like I'm not particularly chatty.)

Posted in Let's talk Dreams!
Posted 8 years ago
@Kjemi: The funny thing was, it wasn't scary at all. It was just one of those dream things where it's like 'oh, this is happening'. Like, as it was ending, I was thinking "Well, this sucks. I guess I'm not going to get saved. Oh well, at least it's rather painless." It was more of a... realistic surreal thing, I guess. I dunno. Dreams are weird.

Posted in Too Early for Chocolate Milk?
Posted 8 years ago
I'm the weird person who doesn't really like mixing mealtime foods. "Breakfast" foods are breakfast only, and so on. (So no pancakes or waffles for dinner.) The only exceptions are A) Breakfast and Lunch may be eaten for Brunch; and B) Leftovers are allowed to be eaten for either Lunch or Dinner. But, again, I'm just weird. :P
Chocolate is just... something I don't like in my breakfast, though. I don't really like chocolate chip pancakes (it tastes weird with the syrup), for instance.
Chocolate milk in general, I don't tend to drink ever. I find it too... smooth, compared to regular milk's 'sharpness'. It's a weird thing to describe, and I hope people know what I mean. Also, chocolate milk makes me thirsty after drinking it, which kinda defeats the purpose of why I drink things... >.>;
Chocolate is just... something I don't like in my breakfast, though. I don't really like chocolate chip pancakes (it tastes weird with the syrup), for instance.
Chocolate milk in general, I don't tend to drink ever. I find it too... smooth, compared to regular milk's 'sharpness'. It's a weird thing to describe, and I hope people know what I mean. Also, chocolate milk makes me thirsty after drinking it, which kinda defeats the purpose of why I drink things... >.>;

Posted in Let's talk Dreams!
Posted 8 years ago
I very rarely have dreams, but when I do, they're really vivid, and I remember them pretty well. Such as one that I still remember from many, many years back, where I had wings and could fly.
I actually had one recently, though. It started at the house I grew up in, in the 'down back' area (which is about two acres of land). I now recognize that many of the details were entirely wrong (like the suuuuuper thick forest surrounding everything, rather than just regular-sparse), but at the time, I knew that's where it was. For some reason, all of my family that lived there (i.e. my mom, brother and grandparents) were having a bonfire in the backyard. At night, where it was pitch black.
After a short time, there was some rustling at the edge of a forest, and there was a cougar prowling around. (Which is a thing that could happen. We had cougar warnings every so often around where I grew up.) So, we decided to head up to our house, and managed to make it back safely. For some reason, upon getting in, I was all alone and apparently thought it was a good idea to not turn any lights on, and then decided to head over to my grandparents side of the house. Going through the hallway there, I turned the corner, and was pounced on by the cougar. It had its jaws clamped on my skull, and I could feel myself (thankfully, fairly painlessly, yay dream logic) bleeding out. And then I fell unconscious in the dream and woke up.
That was an, uh, interesting way to start the day, let me just say... XD
I actually had one recently, though. It started at the house I grew up in, in the 'down back' area (which is about two acres of land). I now recognize that many of the details were entirely wrong (like the suuuuuper thick forest surrounding everything, rather than just regular-sparse), but at the time, I knew that's where it was. For some reason, all of my family that lived there (i.e. my mom, brother and grandparents) were having a bonfire in the backyard. At night, where it was pitch black.
After a short time, there was some rustling at the edge of a forest, and there was a cougar prowling around. (Which is a thing that could happen. We had cougar warnings every so often around where I grew up.) So, we decided to head up to our house, and managed to make it back safely. For some reason, upon getting in, I was all alone and apparently thought it was a good idea to not turn any lights on, and then decided to head over to my grandparents side of the house. Going through the hallway there, I turned the corner, and was pounced on by the cougar. It had its jaws clamped on my skull, and I could feel myself (thankfully, fairly painlessly, yay dream logic) bleeding out. And then I fell unconscious in the dream and woke up.
That was an, uh, interesting way to start the day, let me just say... XD

Posted 8 years ago
@kaderin triste: Same with the ones here in BC. They've gotten so bad, that a state of emergency has been declared for the first time in nearly two decades. Hopefully all the ones across the continent can be extinguished...

Posted in Disappearing Volts
Posted 8 years ago
Okay, I was browsing another thread in the Bug Report forum, and after scrolling back up, as I was moving to return to the forum, the volt number actually visibly changed to the lower value. So, I don't know what's going on, or what might trigger it. It almost seems to be a time elapse thing, from what I can see, as I'm attempting to get it to replicate.
Edit: So, it seems to be after between 20-30 seconds, and brings me back down to 1937 each time, regardless of how many I have at the time. On Internet Explorer, at least. So far, it hasn't done anything of the sort on Google Chrome. So, I might just have to switch to Chrome for this site. Which I've done now, because I remembered that I can actually edit posts when I have Chrome up.
Edit: So, it seems to be after between 20-30 seconds, and brings me back down to 1937 each time, regardless of how many I have at the time. On Internet Explorer, at least. So far, it hasn't done anything of the sort on Google Chrome. So, I might just have to switch to Chrome for this site. Which I've done now, because I remembered that I can actually edit posts when I have Chrome up.

Posted 8 years ago
@Kaderin triste: That's fair enough. We don't have it quite that bad here, it's mostly just an ominous smoky cloud cover. Being surrounded by ocean probably helps.