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I just have to get around to writing. I have so many ideas swirling around in my head.

Still working on the character's outfit. Friend of mine has ideas and even started a sketch of him.

I just created a new one and I haven't drawn him yet. He's mostly in the fleshing out phase.

Just OCs mostly.

Just need to decide whether to finish a piece I already started or start a new one altogether...

That reminds me... Still have to test out my tablet now that it's been set up on the stand it included.

I was never really into LEGOS. Or at least nowhere near the level of one of my brothers.

The instructions recommended two people, but my brother isn't exactly the most helpful person, so I did it by myself. Took longer and the instructions were a little confusing, but I did it!

I've had the desk for a while, I just only got around to assembling it yesterday after the universe refused to allow my dad to come over and help over and over.

Man, it felt so good to work at a desk and not on my bed!
Posted in It...IS DONE! Posted 5 years ago

@LilMissKushy: Actually got to use it today. Work stuff.
Posted in It...IS DONE! Posted 5 years ago
@LilMissKushy: I took a photo to show my friends and dad.
Posted in It...IS DONE! Posted 5 years ago

@LilMissKushy: Although it was trickier doing it by myself, having to hold things while also screwing in the nails, I'm still glad I got it done.
Posted in It...IS DONE! Posted 5 years ago

@LilMissKushy: Well, when you can't find someone to help, gotta do it yourself.