Devilkinboi's posts
Posted in I Just Need To Vent
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: There are already a lot of people, my doctor included, who have said that she needs to get help. She's promised me before that she'll do something about it, but like always, she does nothing. She excels at making promises she doesn't keep.
Posted in Update on my absence
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: Looking forward to it!
Posted in Update on my absence
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: Gonna sing me some Poor Unfortunate Souls?
Posted in Update on my absence
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: Not really much to update on my end besides some weather and CoVid19 stuff.
Posted in I Just Need To Vent
Posted 5 years ago
@LilMissKushy: Rules in general. It's like an apartment complex for the elderly. Some of my cousins have stayed with her, but the rules were changed when I asked her if I could stay over for a few days. She was really sad for me when I asked. She knows how much of a handful my mother is.
Posted in I Just Need To Vent
Posted 5 years ago
@LilMissKushy: I've gotten to the point where I rarely talk to her to try to avoid confrontations. And my brother saying that really hurt, because he's undergoing treatment as well. You'd think he'd have more empathy towards me. As for someone else I can stay with... Not really. Friends don't have space. My grandmother, as much as she would love to let me stay with her, she can't because of the rules set by her building's administration. Only other option is my dad. And as much as I love my dad... the problem isn't him, it's his girlfriend. She's a whole other basket case I'd rather not have to deal with.
Posted in I Just Need To Vent
Posted 5 years ago
@LilMissKushy: I've tried to patch things up with her on multiple occasions, but she just doesn't change. She likes painting herself as the victim in everything, how she does so much for everyone, but people don't give the same treatment to her. I'm tired of it. I already had an uncomfortable moment before the pandemic blew up. I was hanging out with a friend and we kept our distance from everyone just to be safe. We went to the apartment to watch a movie, but before we could, my mother and brother asked to talk with me. It was pretty much them berating me on not taking the situation seriously, that I wasn't being careful even after I told them I was and overall talking down to me. My friend was in my room, but she overheard everything. When they finished, I went to my room and asked if she heard. She said yes and that she's amazed that I haven't lost my sanity with how the both of them treat me. I felt so validated because they've thrown the playing the victim card at me before and I feel like I should shut up. He even made a comment once about how them being passive aggressive towards me was all in my head, that I was imagining it.
Posted in A Devil's Little Art Shop ~ Now Open
Posted 5 years ago
@ladykazumi: You're welcome!
Posted in I Just Need To Vent
Posted 5 years ago
Had an appointment with my psychologist today. After I finished tagging and putting away the food by myself since my brother isn't home and my mother didn't want to help, I got my lunch and started a video call with the doctor. A little over halfway through the call, mom opens the door to my room without knocking to bitch about a stain on the countertop that wasn't coming off. "How many times have I told you not to put the bags on the countertop and put them on the stove top instead?!?" My doctor heard her, though she didn't understand what mom was saying. Before mom started her tirade, I told her I was in a video call and couldn't pause it. She didn't care. "This will only take a minute." After she left, I just felt upset and started crying a little. Doctor tried to calm me down by explaining how she could understand why my mom was annoyed, but that it wasn't a reason for her to react toward me the way she did. Of all the people in my life, my mom is THE most toxic one. Until I become financially independent, I'm stuck living with her. I try to keep the peace with her, but it seems everything I do is wrong. I ask for help, she gets mad. I don't ask for help when I need it, she gets mad. I'm constantly walking around egg shells when it comes to her and it affects me so much. I'm the only one she treats this way. My brothers may have had their fights with her, but it's nowhere near what my relationship with her is.
Posted in Update on my absence
Posted 5 years ago
I'm glad things have been working out for you! I wish you all the best!
Posted in DevilkinBoi's Art Gallery
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in A Devil's Little Art Shop ~ Now Open
Posted 5 years ago
@ladykazumi: Art is done.
Posted in Stuff To Do, But Body Wants A Nap
Posted 5 years ago
@LilMissKushy: You're welcome!
Posted in Stuff To Do, But Body Wants A Nap
Posted 5 years ago
@LilMissKushy: They're both in the shops. Shy Bob is in Vivacious Hair, Spider Lily is in Reduce, Reuse, Reinventions.