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Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago
We're awaiting her judgment now. /looks at Rallaa with a curious cock of his head
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago
We knew you well, Velvet. I suppose we can always find another person to run your shop...
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago
@Rallaa: Haha, I haven't done anything. C;
@Unicorn: As are you, my dear! How is the movie?
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago
That is rather ominous.
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago
We appear to be at an impasse. Perhaps we can decide between Vivi or Velvet?
Posted in Act 6: The Reaping Ritual Posted 6 years ago
Poor Vivienne. Though Velvet's behavior is odd. What was she correcting her statement for?
Posted in Cirque ad Infinitum: F.A.Q Posted 6 years ago
@Pisces: Hello! I'd be happy to answer any of your questions. C;
All previous granted items are in the Joyful Jamboree event shop now. They were put in the shop in the order they were released.
To receive a participation grant, you need only post in the event threads with Act in their title. Posting and/or just playing the activity in that thread will count you as a participant and earn you a free grant (event item).
For example, if you participate in Berinhard's Ring of Might today, you'll receive a Strongman event item.
In short, the granted items are just our way of making sure everyone can have at least a full set of event items by the end if they can post at least once everyday rather than have to farm event currency for a full set.
I hope that made sense for you!
Posted in spoopkpy Posted 6 years ago
@Okios: Happy I could roast you to satisfaction. C;
But oh man, did you go IN on that art! It's absolute perfection and I'm left awestruck. Thank you...
Posted in spoopkpy Posted 6 years ago
There once was a lowly lobster known only as Ok who spent all their time in the gossip-filled caverns of Serious Talk. They would, with conviction and misguided passion, rant in the name of memes as broken dreams made up the very fragile shell in which they found their existence. To nip at others gave them a wicked grin's worth of satisfaction, but to revel in how they were perceived gave them much-needed but only subconsciously sought-after attention. They would argue that despite their hours logged as an honorary member of the Department of Professional Complaint, they had a real life however drab it may have been for their eyes to seek alternative means of enjoyment in the delightful suffering of others whose skins were not quite as thick.

Diving too hard one day into such infested waters, the being behind the lobster or within its armor, one could say, cowering for life was hard to face, found they emerged from their hell in the bottom of a pot. Now they're dinner, but not the lobster.

Ok was no longer ok.

[size=6]That was my first roast. In all seriousness, you're an awesome person who makes Voltra a more fun place to hang.
Posted in spoopkpy Posted 6 years ago
Hm. I was considering posting a roast but then I decided I wanted a functioning Okios rather than one thrown to the wind and lost in the void.
Fun idea though. 10/10. C;
Posted in A Circus This Way Comes Posted 6 years ago
The time for the second round was a little off, so it's been corrected on the first post!
The second round of rolling starts in 30 minutes or at 6 PM Voltra Time to be more precise.
Posted in A Circus This Way Comes Posted 6 years ago
I do prefer me some purple, but I think I'll run with the underdog here. Get 'em Lin.
Posted in [x] Posted 6 years ago
Hmm... well, lots of calculations went into it. Long and sleepless nights of agonizing, you see.
[size=9]Is loving lesbians a good enough reason?

Vivi and Vanora are cute, but they aren't the only ones who'll get some love. Our NPCs stretch from one end of the spectrum to the other. And like Glume said, they'll come out when they're ready. C;[/size]
Posted in Hi everyone Posted 7 years ago
@CrystalCurator: I'm a bit late to the party but still wanted to give you a warm welcome!
It's always nice to see active new faces, and I hope you like it here. C;