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Posted in Blegh Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: If you could harness a single power, elemental or otherwise, what would it be and why? ;o
Posted in Közi Q&A (I'm Bored, Ask Me Questions) Posted 7 years ago
@Kozi: What kind of powers do you wield as a Magical Boy? ;o
Posted in Event Feedback - We wanna know what you like! Posted 7 years ago
Just a friendly reminder we're still gathering feedback and would really appreciate your input as it matters greatly to us. C;
Thank you!
Posted in Event Feedback - We wanna know what you like! Posted 7 years ago
This is great feedback so far! Really appreciate it, guys. We may not respond specifically to each post, but we're reading over what you're saying very carefully and would rather not dilute your feedback with our own dialogue.
Just by posting here and conversing with each other is helping immensely! This is to better serve you and improve your experience, so please speak up if you have anything to say. C;
Posted in Too much stuff! Come. Take it all! Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Luckily no! Though my work is erratic, and I could be wrong. ;o
@Kozi: Eyy! I love being awake at night, honestly, or early morning as the case may be. Hopefully you have nothing to wake early for. C;
LOL, I'm basically an old person now. Just need a rocking chair and a lawn to look after.
Posted in Too much stuff! Come. Take it all! Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: It's 1:06 AM. I should have been in bed a while ago, but my schedule got busted somehow. LOL
Raxton - It sure is!
Posted in Event Feedback - We wanna know what you like! Posted 7 years ago
@Raxton: Feedback on past events is welcome as well, just so you know. C;
Posted in Too much stuff! Come. Take it all! Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Oh, for sure. That's one good part about it.
Also, I'm... okay for the most part. Can't complain, you know. C;
Posted in Too much stuff! Come. Take it all! Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Haha... ha. And oh! I see. You did a great job with her. C;
@Rallaa: Thank you very much. I'm always excited to use the Witch legs.
Posted in Too much stuff! Come. Take it all! Posted 7 years ago
looks up at Rallaa's post and sits down to contemplate life
Posted in Too much stuff! Come. Take it all! Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yup, but no worries. The real joy will be to the person who goes through this thread at the end. LOL

@Taffy: You have a suuper cute avatar! C;
Posted in I wish I didn't have whiplash! Posted 7 years ago
Granted, but now you have to go in early to work everyday.

I wish I could do multiple things at once like watch multiple shows and play multiple games simultaneously. @.@
Posted in Event Feedback - We wanna know what you like! Posted 7 years ago
This thread was locked due to inactivity, if you wish to unlock your thread please issue a ticket. Instructions to unlock thread found here.

Hey guys!

The nature of avatar sites has been shifting for a while and what worked in the past doesn't necessarily function so great now. As staff, our aim is to always improve on communicating content in a smart, pleasant, and readable way. No one wants to trudge through walls of text and we understand that, so help us make your experience with lore and writing elements the best it can be!

Any feedback on how threads are presented so far? Both positive and negative feedback is helpful, so don't be shy!

Do you like lore being separate from instructions?

How would you like to best indulge in lore? Like the daily grant stories, in chapters like the Wonderland event, in random threads that pop up with stories of their own, or some other ways?

Any games or other ideas you wish we would incorporate into events?

Have prizes been incentivizing? Do you like the idea of participation grants?

These are just some questions to open up a discussion and are by no means exhaustive. They also don't require an answer if you wish to leave other feedback. Please lay it on us! Thank you in advance. C;