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Yep. Heading to bed now.
Luna - maybe there are some Canadian companies? Idk.
Next goal will be page 3k by December
-hugs- No idea. Just gotta google it or send a voice recording to the but studios maybe.
- Hugs Luna- but it was cute. ^_^
I had fun listening to your voice.
One more page to go!
Aww, goodnight Kitty!
Luna - hmmm. That is interesting.
And I saw your Paetron earlier tonight and watched the YouTube video.
Mdom - ooooo, that is pretty!
Water color is pretty. I got an art piece some in it on Caedon.
I don't know if I have even used markers on my art. Maybe when I was like 7 years old.
Hmm. So basically just a marker with two different points?
But just two pages to go! Hold off on the distractions.
I do simple art stuff.