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I posted my Zombie Pokemon art in the Voltra Discord.
But no one commented on it ...
There are a lot of great artists!
I have added it! ^_^
chai - That is awesome! -goes to upload and add it now!
The world is empty on my browser.
-is investigating it myself- Though I was never active on Solia either.
There is a Panda base though.
I think it is the same address as
As long as it works well for you! That's all that matters. ^_^
Panda - I've been in the event forum mostly.
Yeah, gotta keep on posting for all them.
I was busy running around earlier today, then had work, now I am mainly focusing on here.
I'll try to get more screams from some posting tomorrow morning.
chai - Yes, I did. ^_^
Sounds good! Could always use more pictures of Vyctor!
Luna - Sounds like a plan. ^_^
Panda - I've posted a bit on Trisphee. Got both bundles and one of each gifts so far. I haven't posted there at all today I think.
No worries, I have been clearing them out. ^_^
Yep, gotta save them all for when new users join and are questing them. ^_^
I am excited for next month's items too! I have to wait a couple days into next month until I get paid.