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Escape to Voltra!

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1429 - Total - It's a lot nicer now!
Very nice, vengeance!
1428 - Woops, got distracted with Discord. You can now make separate folders there. Helping others with organizing some things.
1427 - That is pretty awesome, Tuijp!
Vengeance - No worries. ^_^
1426 - Ah. -hugs-
Are you wanting to be a photographer?
1425 - What type of cameras?
1424 - I am doing pretty good. We were going to start a D&D session, but one of the people hasn't joined the chat room.
1423 - Hello Halestorm and Tuijp. How are you today?
1422 - How are you today, Vengeance?
Booo work taking away all the fun.
1421 - Good morning everyone!
1420 - Night for real now.
But what to talk about now?
1419 - There are some pretty crazy and fun dreams.
lol. I don't have any set bedtime. Though when I do have to open, I do have to sleep earlier.