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1033 - Kad - Yeah, unless we invent it ourselves!
Panda - mdom\s probably gonna get there first since their goal is less.
1032 - Okios - Yep. I am a crazy dragon. ^_^
Panda - Yep! It is great! And the time limit is really fair!
1031 - Panda - Yep, yep! I'm gonna get this in like a month.
1030 - Panda! Look at my posts. :vanora_sun: :vanora_heart:
1029 - Okios - Yeah, that is a good thing. ^_^
Kad - Yeah, I need a teleporter. Would be wonderful!
1028 - okios - Ah. Go go! Post all you can!
Unicorn - I have. I just wanna try whatever you are having.
1027 - Dread - You look like a ghost or a character from The Corpse Bride with that blue skin.

Whooo! Congrats, Nalight!
1026 - Yay! Is it still in there?
1025 - Unicorn -comes over for dinner.
mdom - I've known Kad for years (online)
okios - I usually do stay up pretty late at night. I'm a night owl. idk how many hours I need.
Kad - But you are so far away. T_T
1024 - Kad - Naw, I'm good. I had to open today. One early day a week is good for me.
1023 - Ooooh! So exciting! -tosses everyone with luck-
1022 - Well besides get up to take the kids to the bus stop. I can sleep again afterwards.
I work tomorrow evening.
1021 - Nope, nothing to do in the morning.
1020 - It really should be, lol. :vanora_sun: