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870 - Having Internet is good.
869 - Nice, Reanna!
Caro - Hmm, no idea.
-hugs Panda-
868 - Yep, max of one on there.
867 - Caro - Aww -hugs tight-
Yeah, the Member list is 1346 pages long, but that includes the mules, bots, npcs, and such. :vanora_xd:
I'm still active on there. Hunting a few of those rares that I am missing.
866 -snuggles Kad- The challenge of having two jobs. :vanora_cry:
Why does life cost so much to just live!?
865 - Hopefully there will be one on the next schedule. -hugs-
864 - Kad- I thought you said you might have one day off every couple weeks? It's something. -hugs-

Caro -hugs- I have so many old emails myself. But my main one that I originally made is somehow still alive. Though I rarely check it.
863 - Kad - Is there a library nearby? Maybe go on your next day off and watch some more?
862 - Caro - Hmm, there's a lot of users on Mene though T_T
861 - Unicorn - Yep! Though not when I do them on Discord, lol.

-takes Caro's rares- :vanora_sun:
860 - Yeah, it is!
I was 17 myself. ^_^
859 - Reanna -hugs- That is pretty awesome! My 10 year is coming up Oct 11th! :vanora_heart:
858 - lol, all the butt touches.
Unicorn - Yep! I love playing a lot of different characters. ^_^
857 - Dread - You are gross.