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669 -hugs Sha- Yeah. My girls are at a good age where they can go off and relax by themselves.
668 - Ah. Nice, nice! Lots of luck with it!
667 - Concentricity - Yep! So many great posts!
Whatcha working on?
666 - The evil number. lol.
Sha -blushes- Too kind! I believe in you!
665 - Sha - Yep. So much to do. So little time!
Bum - Just staying and chatting all day long or whenever I get a chance, lol.
664 -snuggles Sha- ^_^ Lots of luck getting it all done!
mdom - Yep. The D&D one happens just whenever everyone is able to get on to do it.
I know a lot of people who do the table tops on the weekends.
663 - Nalight - Right now it is the Supernatural one, then later tonight it will be D&D. ^_^
662 - Hey Nalight! I'm doing table top stuff today myself.
661 - Sha is good. -pets lovingly- :vanora_sun:
660 - Panda - Oooooh! Nice! Looking forward to seeing them!
659 - This ground beef needs to thaw faster.
I am going to make taco soup for dinner. Sha inspired me.
658 - I will be right back. Gotta run to the store.
657 - My step-dad is watching football downstairs.
656 - That is really cute, Gizzie!