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711 - Lunakiri - That is super pretty so far! Looks really really good!
710 - I washed clothes yesterday.
709 - A Hug deck sounds adorable! :vanora_heart:
708 - Have fun with it, Sha! ♥
707 - I am eager for the event!
Luna - Yes! Share with us!
706 - Aww, hope they pop back on again soon!
705 - Yep, yep! Too cute!
Aww -hugs bum- I am starting to get sleepy myself, but still have lots to do.
704 - Lol, all the puns. ^_^
703 - Yep, content to just be sat on all day.
702 - This is very true though...
701 - Yes! Rest up for the event! Let your fingers fly!
700 - Nooo, no being depressed!
-hugs everyone happy-
699 -hugs Panda- Don't be getting lazy.
698 - Panda - Ah. Ok. I was just curious what our posts were at. :vanora_heart: