Dragonickittens's posts
Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Lol, at least I can relate with you on that part. :) xD
Ooof, I know right? DX
My hubby and I are pretty equal on cooking terms, but he cooks really well. :) I'm sure when you cook something good for the both of you, I'm sure you feel really great. xD I know I do.

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago

@star2000shadow: Yep, lol. :)

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Lol, same here! Though I tend to be one of those people that either constantly saves or saves before I exit the program. XD I guess it really depends.
I would cry too. So much work into it. DX
Nice. :) I'm the same way with cooking, but if given a recipe or cooking something I know well, I can do it with no issue. :)

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Lol, I completely understand. If I did that to my yandere story and I finished a full chapter, I think I would cry. I'm glad I have that saved on google drive! Its a good thing it auto saves after 5 minutes or so.
I'm the same way with typing things on replies, so I don't blame you in the slightest.
It was really good!
That doesn't sound too bad. :)

Posted in Date Unlock: Vanora Aria
Posted 5 years ago

I just finished the story. Its really cute! :)

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: xD Lol, if I delete something I don't mean to, I usually hit "undo."
Oof, if that is the case, I would completely understand! Just let me know on discord or in a different post. :)
I got my food, its so good! Stuffed bell pepper. I was gonna take a pic, but I forgot.

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Oh man, I would have screamed too if I was half way through the post, so I don't blame you! I'm glad you didn't loose it either. xD
I should be eating right now, so I understand. xD

Posted in Kitten's Animated Headshots and other things
Posted 5 years ago
I'm mostly posting the headshots here to see if there is any interest, if there is, I'll post it up for sale in my art shop.
I post most of my art work on my Twitter and my deviantART.
Everything will be posted in spoilers since there is a lot, so please keep this in mind. If you don't want to click open on the spoilers, that is completely ok too. Most of what I posted will be shown here. Not all of my samples are uploaded there, but I do have them on a few toyhouse pages.
Toyhouse character samples:
Prisma -- Midori -- Peaches (not my OC)

This is what I'm currently offering in my art shop right now. This was a commission from the shop, actually. :) I'm pretty proud of it too!

I'll probably update this post over time, so I'm not double posting, if anything, I'll make a post in the undercurrent for more updated posts. I'll post a link to that in here much later.
Edit: You can post if you want.
I post most of my art work on my Twitter and my deviantART.
Everything will be posted in spoilers since there is a lot, so please keep this in mind. If you don't want to click open on the spoilers, that is completely ok too. Most of what I posted will be shown here. Not all of my samples are uploaded there, but I do have them on a few toyhouse pages.
Toyhouse character samples:
Prisma -- Midori -- Peaches (not my OC)

This is what I'm currently offering in my art shop right now. This was a commission from the shop, actually. :) I'm pretty proud of it too!

I'll probably update this post over time, so I'm not double posting, if anything, I'll make a post in the undercurrent for more updated posts. I'll post a link to that in here much later.
Edit: You can post if you want.

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I'll probably do that. I might not though. I gave a good bit of items to a friend on here since I am probably not going to be active again. ^^;; I guess its a good thing my constant replies to her and this event kinda helped. XD But I'm not gonna ask for the items back. :) I got something worth all of them and I think it was a fair trade. :D
@Yandere: Lol, same here! Distractions tend to help out for me too. xD And probably the same for me? I'm not sure. xD

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Ah cool. I'll have to look around for them then. :)
@ChiffonOrange: It really depends on if you are talking on pixel art or the 3D looking animations. And that's true. :)
@Yandere: Oof, its cool. Plus its the same for me on the reply. xD I have to open up note pad just to write down my responses. xD

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I'll probably quest for those or ask for those as payment for my art shop, but I guess that really depends. xD I'm about to open an art gallery here soon to see if anyone is interested, but I probably won't open up a shop with it if no one posts. My current shop only had one post in it for a comm and I finished it. I really love how it came out. :)

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Not sure, probably some more clothes? But as long as it doesn't mess with the arm pose, I don't care. xD But I don't have many rainbow items. xD
@Yandere: It was lol, but your cool, Yura. :3 I'm also waiting for replies on other sites. xD

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Lol, same. I'm gonna try to go back to that one game I was streaming for about 20 minutes. xD Hopefully. XD
Yes. UwU
Same here! I probably make a new avatar on Gaia every 10 to 12 days now. But that really depends on my mood and how the avatar looks, you know? Some times its hard trying to make a new avatar on there with almost 3 pages worth of items! DX I need to see about clearing out my invo of junk and reorganizing it, but it takes a lot of time and work, you know?
Oof, I know, right? Part of me wants to see how those animated head shots would turn out on Gaia or here for that matter (the response on Pantheon has been pretty positive), but I don't want to think its not worth the time and effort if someone is just gonna low ball me on it, you know? The process for each layer takes sever hours just to do it. I do the sketching first, then the coloring, then go on to the next layer. DX I think for your OC, it took me almost 3 hours to complete? But it was worth it. :) She turned out so nicely! Best trade I've done with you by far!
Oof, same! I will say this, there are a few MHA OCs that I do like that have been requested in the past.
Yeah, I do agree. ^^;; But some times even if it isn't much, talking to them about personalities for their OCs are the best, you know?
I know they will. :) I'm sure you would too if I doodle a few things live too. xD
You have a point. I guess the only person who would know is the person who make the image.
Oh jeez. :( I hope you feel better soon. Again, if you want help with coloring or lining on the comic, hit me up. I'll try my best to shade it, but I can't promise it will look good. ^^;; The only thing I ask is to tell me the character names so I can find them on your toyhouse so I can get the right colors for them. :) Plus this will help me get some kind of time management and dead lines down. xD
Oof, you are probably right. At least you are able to catch up with your family when you are visiting. :) Its probably better to ask them how they are doing IRL than asking over the net. XD
I usually just click on the notification tab just to get rid of the notification. xD
Oof, same. I do like those kinds of games, but Candy Crush is just annoying with the adds, plus I hate the art style of their characters. DX
Yeah, it is pretty weird. xD My profile is set to private, so no one can see my info unless they send me a friend request or something like that.
Oof, I know a lot of people liked to cat fish people with pics like that. I know there was this really famous emo kid pic that was used a lot for catfishing. I think I saw a recent pic of the dude and he ended up changing from male to female. She looks really cute too! I remember having a few Gaia boyfriends and stuff. None of them worked out either. xD
Disagreeing is a big part of being in a relationship, plus its a good thing to disagree on a lot of things. :) I also think of the same way with Gine. xD
My hubby and I don't even talk about it. If we do, its only something I see online and we talk about how ridiculous it is. xD
I agree, it isn't the worth the time and effort.
Of course! If you do, feel free to tell me what you think of it. :) And yes, Dio memes are the best. xD Some times the episodes can get really weird. I think in Stardust Crusaders, there were a total of 4 weird episodes in a row. xD
I don't really know myself, but there isn't much I can do about it. But I didn't really want to ask since I didn't want to pry and seem like I was being disrespectful, you know?
I don't understand it either, but who really knows what people think these days. Violence is in a lot of media, either in anime, movies, TV shows or video games. I'm pretty used to seeing those graphic things to an point. ^^;;
I wouldn't blame you for wanting to be cautious on it, I would be the same way. Now since I think of it, I should probably take off the pixel animation in my post layout due to the flashing nature of it. ^^;; I haven't had any complaints yet, but I think I'd rather be safe than sorry.
I wish you luck regardless, it sounds like you might need it for what ever comes next.
I remember my birthday pretty well now since its so close to my daughters. ^^;; Plus due to how there was an emotional roller coaster around that time, it makes sense to me.
Lol, same here! xD At least someone else gets it. xD
I agree with you and I hope for the same. :) Sounds like you really like and care about your students too. I was the same way when it came to my bus routes, same way for the kids that drove me up a wall. I wouldn't want any harm to come to them and I want to make sure they are gonna be safe going home.
Oof, I agree. DX Trying to find a cute shirt that I like in a XL is hard, same goes for pants in a 2XL. Maybe if I loose the weight in a healthy matter, I'll be able to find clothes that will fit me. xD I also agree, too many people, I hate it as well. DX I really hate it when someone I don't know is like less than two feel close to me. It drives me up a wall!
I love getting those mall prezles, so I agree with you on the food part 100%!
Haha, I understand! I found a few cute poses online that I thought were cute. :) I'll have to post some in my discord server for you to see later.
Ooof, completely understand! Plus the small details you make are amazing on the hands! Hands down! No pun intended.
Shaded or not, I still love it! <3
I would do that for sure. Just see how it turns out. :) Feel free to post your sketches and line art too! I'd love to see it some time! <3
Lucky, my mom's cats like to jump on the counter and eat the food. :T The highest the other cat can jump to is on my bed, but its because he's getting pretty old. He loves to sleep on it.
Ah. :) I mostly want to get one of those since it will give my wrists some kind of support. DX I can't game for hours on a time like I used to with out my wrists driving me up a wall.
I understand on that. My customization is good to a point, but not completely. DX
Trying something small is a good way of trying it out. :) Plus even if you don't have the right colors, you can always paint over it too. Trust me, if I had one of those, I'd be starting off slow and steady. xD
Now I'm kinda curious, would it be in the same universe as OCY? If it does, it would be a little funny plus you can have background cameos of your characters. xD I would probably do that if I was dedicated to it.
Makes sense to me. I mostly create avatars for fun and go from there. xD I wish I was a little more dedicated to making an avatar closet. XD I'll probably try again next year.
Lol, this is true! I found out who Oof was and stuff. We talked for a little bit. I didn't know you could change your name for the donation notification. xD Even if they didn't change the name, the messages and the amount was entertaining enough.
Same here! I probably make a new avatar on Gaia every 10 to 12 days now. But that really depends on my mood and how the avatar looks, you know? Some times its hard trying to make a new avatar on there with almost 3 pages worth of items! DX I need to see about clearing out my invo of junk and reorganizing it, but it takes a lot of time and work, you know?
Oof, I know, right? Part of me wants to see how those animated head shots would turn out on Gaia or here for that matter (the response on Pantheon has been pretty positive), but I don't want to think its not worth the time and effort if someone is just gonna low ball me on it, you know? The process for each layer takes sever hours just to do it. I do the sketching first, then the coloring, then go on to the next layer. DX I think for your OC, it took me almost 3 hours to complete? But it was worth it. :) She turned out so nicely! Best trade I've done with you by far!
Oof, same! I will say this, there are a few MHA OCs that I do like that have been requested in the past.
Yeah, I do agree. ^^;; But some times even if it isn't much, talking to them about personalities for their OCs are the best, you know?
I know they will. :) I'm sure you would too if I doodle a few things live too. xD
You have a point. I guess the only person who would know is the person who make the image.
Oh jeez. :( I hope you feel better soon. Again, if you want help with coloring or lining on the comic, hit me up. I'll try my best to shade it, but I can't promise it will look good. ^^;; The only thing I ask is to tell me the character names so I can find them on your toyhouse so I can get the right colors for them. :) Plus this will help me get some kind of time management and dead lines down. xD
Oof, you are probably right. At least you are able to catch up with your family when you are visiting. :) Its probably better to ask them how they are doing IRL than asking over the net. XD
I usually just click on the notification tab just to get rid of the notification. xD
Oof, same. I do like those kinds of games, but Candy Crush is just annoying with the adds, plus I hate the art style of their characters. DX
Yeah, it is pretty weird. xD My profile is set to private, so no one can see my info unless they send me a friend request or something like that.
Oof, I know a lot of people liked to cat fish people with pics like that. I know there was this really famous emo kid pic that was used a lot for catfishing. I think I saw a recent pic of the dude and he ended up changing from male to female. She looks really cute too! I remember having a few Gaia boyfriends and stuff. None of them worked out either. xD
Disagreeing is a big part of being in a relationship, plus its a good thing to disagree on a lot of things. :) I also think of the same way with Gine. xD
My hubby and I don't even talk about it. If we do, its only something I see online and we talk about how ridiculous it is. xD
I agree, it isn't the worth the time and effort.
Of course! If you do, feel free to tell me what you think of it. :) And yes, Dio memes are the best. xD Some times the episodes can get really weird. I think in Stardust Crusaders, there were a total of 4 weird episodes in a row. xD
I don't really know myself, but there isn't much I can do about it. But I didn't really want to ask since I didn't want to pry and seem like I was being disrespectful, you know?
I don't understand it either, but who really knows what people think these days. Violence is in a lot of media, either in anime, movies, TV shows or video games. I'm pretty used to seeing those graphic things to an point. ^^;;
I wouldn't blame you for wanting to be cautious on it, I would be the same way. Now since I think of it, I should probably take off the pixel animation in my post layout due to the flashing nature of it. ^^;; I haven't had any complaints yet, but I think I'd rather be safe than sorry.
I wish you luck regardless, it sounds like you might need it for what ever comes next.
I remember my birthday pretty well now since its so close to my daughters. ^^;; Plus due to how there was an emotional roller coaster around that time, it makes sense to me.
Lol, same here! xD At least someone else gets it. xD
I agree with you and I hope for the same. :) Sounds like you really like and care about your students too. I was the same way when it came to my bus routes, same way for the kids that drove me up a wall. I wouldn't want any harm to come to them and I want to make sure they are gonna be safe going home.
Oof, I agree. DX Trying to find a cute shirt that I like in a XL is hard, same goes for pants in a 2XL. Maybe if I loose the weight in a healthy matter, I'll be able to find clothes that will fit me. xD I also agree, too many people, I hate it as well. DX I really hate it when someone I don't know is like less than two feel close to me. It drives me up a wall!
I love getting those mall prezles, so I agree with you on the food part 100%!
Haha, I understand! I found a few cute poses online that I thought were cute. :) I'll have to post some in my discord server for you to see later.
Ooof, completely understand! Plus the small details you make are amazing on the hands! Hands down! No pun intended.
Shaded or not, I still love it! <3
I would do that for sure. Just see how it turns out. :) Feel free to post your sketches and line art too! I'd love to see it some time! <3
Lucky, my mom's cats like to jump on the counter and eat the food. :T The highest the other cat can jump to is on my bed, but its because he's getting pretty old. He loves to sleep on it.
Ah. :) I mostly want to get one of those since it will give my wrists some kind of support. DX I can't game for hours on a time like I used to with out my wrists driving me up a wall.
I understand on that. My customization is good to a point, but not completely. DX
Trying something small is a good way of trying it out. :) Plus even if you don't have the right colors, you can always paint over it too. Trust me, if I had one of those, I'd be starting off slow and steady. xD
Now I'm kinda curious, would it be in the same universe as OCY? If it does, it would be a little funny plus you can have background cameos of your characters. xD I would probably do that if I was dedicated to it.
Makes sense to me. I mostly create avatars for fun and go from there. xD I wish I was a little more dedicated to making an avatar closet. XD I'll probably try again next year.
Lol, this is true! I found out who Oof was and stuff. We talked for a little bit. I didn't know you could change your name for the donation notification. xD Even if they didn't change the name, the messages and the amount was entertaining enough.

Posted in Talk with me and lets get letters.
Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Lol, thank you. Though I don't think its rainbow enough. xD