Dragonickittens's posts
Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

@pachi: Lol, I know, right? We just have a lot to talk about and it jumps around a whole lot.
@Yandere: Wink wonk
I get that. Most of the time I tend to ignore the mean comments and just go on from there. But if they keep trying to troll me, I say something back and leave it at that.
I'm sure they did though, I haven't seen Atila in months, but I also haven't really been active on the site as a whole.
Its the same for me, at least on the face part. I don't like showing my face at all. Most of my friends on facebook are people I don't even remember or know. I have friends from school on there, but I don't talk to them, you know?
I don't think I can relate on that, I used to put my drawings on facebook through instagram, but I don't do that anymore.
Sometimes sitting and listening can be a little better. Some times I do that, you know? But its mostly due to me not knowing what to say. Half the time I'm too busy fighting the things off. I will say this, usually I'm either shy on mic or really chatty. xD I guess it depends on my mood.
Lol, thank you on the Miku part. :) And yeah, I agree. Yura would be you and I couldn't think of calling you something different unless you asked me to.
I would have been like, "That one dude with the face built that house." xD If they told me that they didn't know who I was talking about, I would have said, "I'm not saying it because its not my kink." If they don't understand it, then they can remain clueless. xD
Well, from what my friend told me, she's a beoch. Plus she is really rude, so I didn't really like talking to her, even in the regular text chats.
Ok, I'll keep that in mind then. :) I probably won't ever ask about RL things though.
All good, just respond when you feel like it. :) I'm pretty sure Chi missed talking to you too.
Its ok, most of the time, it was pretty tame and funny. I just wasn't expecting that stuff to happen, you know? If I make a channel for NSFW memes or art work, I'll be sure to let you know. I want to try to keep those things separate, if possible. I'll probably give it separate tags as well. Yes, lol, I wasn't expecting the whole women stuff to pop up, but I guess that's what happens when you have a bunch of good friends chatting. :)
Oof, don't worry about it if we did or not. My memory is bad too, so your cool. But he did seem pretty negative half the time. ^^;;
Well, depending on who that person is, they might not reply. They could have the server on mute completely but haven't popped back in to talk. Who knows. ^^;; As for the jealousy part, I have no clue.
Of course. :) Its the same with Inverse if you can't get a hold of me. She has my RL number so she can call me if its super important.
It makes me happy too. I'm glad we were all able to get along. :D
I don't blame you on that part. I had one person wanted me to redraw a chibi for them completely. They had on one avatar, then they changed and wanted me to draw their current avatar. Plus the thing that really pissed me off was that they didn't post in my shop like I asked them too. >:T They never contacted me again after I told them hell no.
Makes sense to me. I think there is a webtoon on there that does the same thing, but it eventually got a story line. I think it was Shag and Scoob. I head its pretty good. Plus I would imagine its hard to come up with something funny. ^^;;
I wouldn't blame you on instagram, there are a ton of scam/spam accounts, but I tend to get a whole lot of likes on there too. ^^;; Its really weird. Plus I understand on dA though. I think I will probably just keep my comms and pixel art there. Twitter likes to make small pixels ugly. XwX So I have to make them bigger.
I think its because I like the challenge, you know? And I know, right? Like, they all want to draw the same thing, if that makes any sense. Plus I don't think any of them want to try. Yeah, at least you have tried to draw armor. :)
That happened to me. I put down the wrong email for Epic Games. I used my twitch name for it though. :)
Yuradere makes sense on your art account now. xD
I tend to do the same thing, but some times its hard for me to focus, plus someone talking to me or in my ear can be hard.
Yeah lol, and I'm sure someone has made chibi objects. xD All I have to say is.... Good luck.
Don't feel bad on decorating, I'm bad at it too. xD So I completely understand where you are coming from.
Can do! <3
All I can say is that you should take your time with it. Figure out what poses you like then go from there. :)
Same here! Even the NSFW stuff I draw of her from time to time. (Though that is posted on my NSFW twitter.) Plus I'll probably treasure all the work you drew of Prisma. :D
Yeah. XwX Warframe and Destiny are two good examples. Minecraft, not so much unless you are playing with a group, but you can use the text chat.
Oof, same here, but chibis are much easier to draw and you don't have to worry so much on the legs and arms looking too small or what ever. But its the same for me, I gotta force it.
The small portions with dolls are adorable. xD Ooh! I have an idea, each character sleeping with a doll and talking in their sleep. xD
I think them talking online would be a most likely scenario. Jace would have met Arata on a forum or maybe even on the dark web. That's where Jace gets most of his things to stalk... I mean keep Shyla safe, you know?
Yes, lol. I'm sure it will grow up over time, you know?
Oof, some times it feels like talking to myself when I'm reading out responses and answering it on live mic. XD Not gonna lie. But at least the viewer feels acknowledged.
Lol, makes sense to me. :) Plus the switch is portable, the PS4 isn't. xD When I was playing on the PS4, I only played two games, the other times it was just netflix.
Oof, same here with glasses! Though I have to wear them all the time or I won't be able to see. I barely see 2 feet in front of me. DX Have fun playing Animal Crossing. :)
Lol, same here. Usually when I leave my PC to sleep, I have it set so it shows that I'm offline. But I tend to be bad with turning it back to show I'm online. xD
The sound of rainfall is awesome. UwU I haven't heard this in a long time, but I love hearing rain on a metal roof.
Aw, your so sweet. xD But I'm sure I'll get one eventually. I have one in mind, but its over $100. X_X;; Its worth it though. I wish you luck on replacing the covers, sounds like you'll need it.
Lol, yep. Most of the time it isn't worth my time.
Yeah, the avatars had a realistic kind of look to them, but it made them unique. :) At least I got one good Prisma avatar out of it though.
Yeah, I never made an account on there. I was looking into it when I was considering it, but a lot of people were saying bad thing about it. ^^;; I bet that was really cool on becoming staff. :)
I'm being serious. xD
Same here, plus I would love to do that for a few friends on discord if they wanted me to pop up their art work on stream. But I do credit them for it too. :)
You wouldn't have to worry about me using it for commercial uses, that's for sure. Plus it would be disrespectful to do so without letting you know and talking to you about it first.
Yeah, exactly, its not like you are a mind reader. I think I might have seen that post, but I didn't read into it though. But who knows if that is the reason or not? If she called you out about it, there could have been a chance she was banned.
Luckily CSP has a good thing for rainbows with the gradient tools. I'm sure you'll see me use it a few times on stream. :) Its super useful unless you want the rainbow parts to be in certain areas. I do agree, dark colors can be a pain to shade or highlight. DX
I tend to be pretty on point when it comes to reminders on my phone and stuff like that, so it makes sense to me. :) I think some places are like that too, but not all are.
At least you are able to pay some off it off, even if it isn't much. Plus I'm sure they understand if you can't pay one month, enspeshally right now.
Make sense to me, but its really up to you. Some times I have those days, so I get it. I need to see about making set days for streaming and other days for resting. xD
Oof, I feel you on the freebies part, plus some times it feels like they just don't care, if that makes any sense. As for the copy/paste then flip, I don't care if they think badly. I'm doing what makes it easier. xD Plus it saves time and coloring if needed. I guess you could call it cheating, but its really up to you on that part. :)
That was a great time. It should happen again. xD
Of course! Though it might be a good year before I can get it though. XwX;;
I'll try to answer as many questions as I can then. :) If I can't figure it out, I'll try to pixel it and throw it at you. xD You'd just need to tell me what it is.
I'm sure they did though, I haven't seen Atila in months, but I also haven't really been active on the site as a whole.
Its the same for me, at least on the face part. I don't like showing my face at all. Most of my friends on facebook are people I don't even remember or know. I have friends from school on there, but I don't talk to them, you know?
I don't think I can relate on that, I used to put my drawings on facebook through instagram, but I don't do that anymore.
Sometimes sitting and listening can be a little better. Some times I do that, you know? But its mostly due to me not knowing what to say. Half the time I'm too busy fighting the things off. I will say this, usually I'm either shy on mic or really chatty. xD I guess it depends on my mood.
Lol, thank you on the Miku part. :) And yeah, I agree. Yura would be you and I couldn't think of calling you something different unless you asked me to.
I would have been like, "That one dude with the face built that house." xD If they told me that they didn't know who I was talking about, I would have said, "I'm not saying it because its not my kink." If they don't understand it, then they can remain clueless. xD
Well, from what my friend told me, she's a beoch. Plus she is really rude, so I didn't really like talking to her, even in the regular text chats.
Ok, I'll keep that in mind then. :) I probably won't ever ask about RL things though.
All good, just respond when you feel like it. :) I'm pretty sure Chi missed talking to you too.
Its ok, most of the time, it was pretty tame and funny. I just wasn't expecting that stuff to happen, you know? If I make a channel for NSFW memes or art work, I'll be sure to let you know. I want to try to keep those things separate, if possible. I'll probably give it separate tags as well. Yes, lol, I wasn't expecting the whole women stuff to pop up, but I guess that's what happens when you have a bunch of good friends chatting. :)
Oof, don't worry about it if we did or not. My memory is bad too, so your cool. But he did seem pretty negative half the time. ^^;;
Well, depending on who that person is, they might not reply. They could have the server on mute completely but haven't popped back in to talk. Who knows. ^^;; As for the jealousy part, I have no clue.
Of course. :) Its the same with Inverse if you can't get a hold of me. She has my RL number so she can call me if its super important.
It makes me happy too. I'm glad we were all able to get along. :D
I don't blame you on that part. I had one person wanted me to redraw a chibi for them completely. They had on one avatar, then they changed and wanted me to draw their current avatar. Plus the thing that really pissed me off was that they didn't post in my shop like I asked them too. >:T They never contacted me again after I told them hell no.
Makes sense to me. I think there is a webtoon on there that does the same thing, but it eventually got a story line. I think it was Shag and Scoob. I head its pretty good. Plus I would imagine its hard to come up with something funny. ^^;;
I wouldn't blame you on instagram, there are a ton of scam/spam accounts, but I tend to get a whole lot of likes on there too. ^^;; Its really weird. Plus I understand on dA though. I think I will probably just keep my comms and pixel art there. Twitter likes to make small pixels ugly. XwX So I have to make them bigger.
I think its because I like the challenge, you know? And I know, right? Like, they all want to draw the same thing, if that makes any sense. Plus I don't think any of them want to try. Yeah, at least you have tried to draw armor. :)
That happened to me. I put down the wrong email for Epic Games. I used my twitch name for it though. :)
Yuradere makes sense on your art account now. xD
I tend to do the same thing, but some times its hard for me to focus, plus someone talking to me or in my ear can be hard.
Yeah lol, and I'm sure someone has made chibi objects. xD All I have to say is.... Good luck.
Don't feel bad on decorating, I'm bad at it too. xD So I completely understand where you are coming from.
Can do! <3
All I can say is that you should take your time with it. Figure out what poses you like then go from there. :)
Same here! Even the NSFW stuff I draw of her from time to time. (Though that is posted on my NSFW twitter.) Plus I'll probably treasure all the work you drew of Prisma. :D
Yeah. XwX Warframe and Destiny are two good examples. Minecraft, not so much unless you are playing with a group, but you can use the text chat.
Oof, same here, but chibis are much easier to draw and you don't have to worry so much on the legs and arms looking too small or what ever. But its the same for me, I gotta force it.
The small portions with dolls are adorable. xD Ooh! I have an idea, each character sleeping with a doll and talking in their sleep. xD
I think them talking online would be a most likely scenario. Jace would have met Arata on a forum or maybe even on the dark web. That's where Jace gets most of his things to stalk... I mean keep Shyla safe, you know?
Yes, lol. I'm sure it will grow up over time, you know?
Oof, some times it feels like talking to myself when I'm reading out responses and answering it on live mic. XD Not gonna lie. But at least the viewer feels acknowledged.
Lol, makes sense to me. :) Plus the switch is portable, the PS4 isn't. xD When I was playing on the PS4, I only played two games, the other times it was just netflix.
Oof, same here with glasses! Though I have to wear them all the time or I won't be able to see. I barely see 2 feet in front of me. DX Have fun playing Animal Crossing. :)
Lol, same here. Usually when I leave my PC to sleep, I have it set so it shows that I'm offline. But I tend to be bad with turning it back to show I'm online. xD
The sound of rainfall is awesome. UwU I haven't heard this in a long time, but I love hearing rain on a metal roof.
Aw, your so sweet. xD But I'm sure I'll get one eventually. I have one in mind, but its over $100. X_X;; Its worth it though. I wish you luck on replacing the covers, sounds like you'll need it.
Lol, yep. Most of the time it isn't worth my time.
Yeah, the avatars had a realistic kind of look to them, but it made them unique. :) At least I got one good Prisma avatar out of it though.
Yeah, I never made an account on there. I was looking into it when I was considering it, but a lot of people were saying bad thing about it. ^^;; I bet that was really cool on becoming staff. :)
I'm being serious. xD
Same here, plus I would love to do that for a few friends on discord if they wanted me to pop up their art work on stream. But I do credit them for it too. :)
You wouldn't have to worry about me using it for commercial uses, that's for sure. Plus it would be disrespectful to do so without letting you know and talking to you about it first.
Yeah, exactly, its not like you are a mind reader. I think I might have seen that post, but I didn't read into it though. But who knows if that is the reason or not? If she called you out about it, there could have been a chance she was banned.
Luckily CSP has a good thing for rainbows with the gradient tools. I'm sure you'll see me use it a few times on stream. :) Its super useful unless you want the rainbow parts to be in certain areas. I do agree, dark colors can be a pain to shade or highlight. DX
I tend to be pretty on point when it comes to reminders on my phone and stuff like that, so it makes sense to me. :) I think some places are like that too, but not all are.
At least you are able to pay some off it off, even if it isn't much. Plus I'm sure they understand if you can't pay one month, enspeshally right now.
Make sense to me, but its really up to you. Some times I have those days, so I get it. I need to see about making set days for streaming and other days for resting. xD
Oof, I feel you on the freebies part, plus some times it feels like they just don't care, if that makes any sense. As for the copy/paste then flip, I don't care if they think badly. I'm doing what makes it easier. xD Plus it saves time and coloring if needed. I guess you could call it cheating, but its really up to you on that part. :)
That was a great time. It should happen again. xD
Of course! Though it might be a good year before I can get it though. XwX;;
I'll try to answer as many questions as I can then. :) If I can't figure it out, I'll try to pixel it and throw it at you. xD You'd just need to tell me what it is.

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Bleep
I agree, friends joking with you is one thing, but taking it too far is another thing. Its just not right all together. As for banning the other accounts, it would have been possible. People make new Gaiaonline accounts all the time to avoid bans. That's why you see a lot of people use "v2" or "v3" in their usernames. I know there was one CBer who was always on at one point of time. He had a total of 20 bans, but that number may be higher. His username always had the name "Atila" in it. He seemed pretty funny, but he was just a major troll. He had a photo of himself in his sig, he looked kinda cute, but he wasn't my type.
I mean, even if I do get super close with someone online to add them as a friend on facebook, I tell them that I would rather prefer someone to call me either Dragon or Kitten. But I don't really add that many people on to my friends list on facebook. I give them the warning that my facebook can have some NSFW things, but those are mostly memes or some really weird finds. Half of the time its just SFW weird things.
I can't really say I've actually spoken to you, at least voice wise. But even if you did tell me your real name, I would probably just still call you Yura. Its been what I've known you for several years, and I don't mind calling you that. :) I'm sure it would be the same for you towards me even though I changed my username several times. xD Though I'm gonna be sticking to this one or Mikuuyuu for quite some time. :)
I wouldn't blame you on not wanting to call someone "daddy". I would draw the line there too! I call my best friend that on mic just to mess with her, but that's about it. xD I did have someone tell me no on calling me "Kitten" but I wasn't about to tell them my real name. Their username was Apple, and I told them that I wasn't going to call them that. My friend in that server told me that she's always been that way and just to ignore her. I don't really see her in voice chat often, so its pretty good for me. But I barely go there for voice chats. I only go between 2 servers for that and that's it.
I would have felt awkward for asking. XwX;; And you wouldn't have caused a fuss, trust me! <3 Most of the people you talked to, with the acception of Dallas, is still there. Chi is always active and talking and she's usually the first one to greet someone new. :) I made her a mod on my server since I took away mod status from Orville since he wasn't active.
I understand how you feel. Plus I wouldn't want kids to see that either. I wouldn't have mind if you asked me to take the tag off of you at all. :) I wouldn't want you to get into trouble or loose your job for that matter. Plus I would have felt REALLY bad if that happened to be the case. Plus I doubt there are kids on my server, but I wouldn't have given them the NSFW tag period. If a mod of mine or me found out their real age and they had the tag, we would have taken it off then banned them from the server. I do consider my stuff to be 18+, but that's only due to the nature of my conversations. Most of what I play is pretty PG or PG-13 for that matter.
Chi and I actually talked about that when I told her and Inverse about the rule revision on the server. She believes they left for a certain reason, but I'm not going to state that here since I don't want to get into trouble nor trigger someone by accident. It mostly was due to Orville's rants in the main chat before I created a vent channel. I know a lot of those made it difficult for some people or they didn't know how to react. I'll DM you soon on this matter on discord.
Your cool, but like I said, they aren't really active anymore, or at least in my server. They are on it still, but even if you saw them line, them talking in the server is very low.
I understand, but if anything ends up making you uncomfortable in the server, please let either Chi, Inverse, or I know. We will handle with it quickly. I want to try to keep the server nice and friendly for everyone. Especially if I get people joining from Twitch from watching my streams. Even if it states they are online on the side bar, chances of that person talking is very little. Only 4 people tend to be actively talking at a time, some times 5 or 6, but that really depends on what chat they are in. Most of the time, my clanmates are posting memes or posting things in NSF Why. (Its mostly been in the puns channel though.) That channel will remain open, but I'll have to state it should be for cursed images or puns and stuff like it.
I know, right? Heck, I don't complain about a freebie when I receive one. Even if they got the colors wrong. They took time out of their own day to draw me something. xD We did, but it was along the lines of adding a detail. But I guess this is the same conversation. xD
Of course and same here! :) I'm mostly active on there than anywhere else. xD
Your stuff is amazing, I really mean it. <3 If you do draw them in that style, please take your time with it and don't feel rushed to do so. :) Aw, I'm glad you really like them. <3<3 I should write more on their story, but I've been stuck on it for quite some time.^^;;
It is dead, not gonna lie. Most of the people that like or favorite my things have been random people who don't follow me. I moved most of my stuff to either my Twitter or Instagram (though I'm barely posting on there myself). Most of my stuff that does get liked on Twitter is my fan art. A few friends do like my personal work too, so that makes me feel a little better. I do hope you keep your art one this time. I really love seeing your work, even if I do happen to miss it. ^^;;
Yes, I agree. But some times not all armor looks badass. xD Some times it can look ugly.
Yeah lol, but I wasn't expecting the name to be taken. xD If you want to use Yandere, a good way of doing it is to change the vowels into numbers. If it looks close to the letter, it works. EX: Y4nder3, Yand3r3, or Y4nd3r3. I know its kinda hard to read and it goes far from what you are wanting, but you gotta improvise on the username you wanna keep. :) But always having one alternative that you always use is a good one too.
Jeez, only to 3 sentences and they still don't wanna read? Jeez. :T I try to keep things simple but I also want to keep things to the point. Some times you can't just use 3 sentences for certain rules or what ever else. I know I like to read, even if it isn't as much as when I was in high school.
For sure. :) The 3D part is actually a free addon. ^^;; I felt stupid once I realized that when I bought the program. But from what I understand, the 3D part is really useful for references and landscapes. You just gotta drop it in and adjust to your liking. I know there is a way to transfer that to the Paint part too, but don't ask me anything on that part. XD I need to see about practicing more on my liness style. After I finish up a few things, I'm probably gonna go back to doing so. :)
The doll style is really cute. But I also loved the option of choosing different face expressions for the chibis. Its great that you met friends like that too. One thing is for sure, I'm glad I posted in that store to get art of Prisma. :) It was worth it, 100%.
Oof, I understand on that completely. But some people don't have a mic, so you gotta pay attention in the game chat to see if they say anything. I have a friend who does that in chat when he joins me on Warframe to play. He's pretty sweet and funny.
Lol, you are all good. :) Trust me, I wouldn't want you to do one if you weren't up to doing it. Some times it being centered is a good thing though. Even if it does look hella off. Mine isn't centered either so. xD
Lol, I think you did a really good job on making it funny. Heck, I loved the axe bit. But having some serious tones in the story isn't bad either. :) I mean, it is a story about yanderes. xD Gotta have a balance between funnies and serious times. :)
Of course! We can DM eachother back and forth on discord about it. :) We just gotta think of a good way for them to meet. xD Jace is much older than Arata by a few years for sure. (He's in his late 20s but he isn't quite 30 yet either.) Of course! Sketch, line, color, and most importantly, have fun with it. :D I'll even try shading and highlighting for it. xD
Yeah, exactly. Wanna keep things nice and chill.
Only on DLive. On twitch, not so much. Plus for all I know, the people on Dlive switched over to twitch, but I may never know. I can't cashout the points I gathered on there though. ^^;; I have to have over 4k before I can. But yeah, you are right. I'm more likely to get followers on Twitch due to the content and stuff like that. Plus my average on views can be pretty steady. The issue is wanting people to talk so it doesn't seem like I'm talking to myself. xD But I understand that people wanna lurk too.
Lol, its cool. I know its on PC (not recommended), the Switch, PS3 and PS4, and the Xbox.
Ooof, I can understand. I usually look things up to get past a point if needed. But if you get it again and get stuck, feel free to ask me. I've beaten Okami several times. Also, the fortune teller is a good way for getting hints in the game too. :)
Lolz, same. xD I try to reply as soon as I can, so I am sorry if I don't reply right away. Getting distracted is a pain.
I honestly love how those kinds of keybords sound, plus half the time they type pretty smoothly. The one I have now is pretty good, but the keys are starting to slightly stick and the typing isn't as smooth anymore. Plus I make a whole lot of typos on it too. Either adding extra letters or the wrong letters. xD
That's the same with me, but if I'm in a hard mission and I can't pause, it usually has to wait. Its harder to pause when you are in a public mission or a mission with friends. Unless you can trust your friends to make sure your safe, you are practically a sitting duck unless you find a safe spot.
I get it 100% plus I'm the same way. I had a friend of mine offer to pay extra to shade and highlight his commission since "It looks better". And I'm sure it would be the same way for me. If I actually sat down and tried, I'm sure I'd get better at it, but I'm with you, I don't care enough to do so.
I can't remember the name of the website, but it was pretty greek or roman kind of style, they had that as an option, but after 2 slots, it costed bricks for more slots on an item. I think I had several items saved with different color pallets. I don't remember the name of the site though. I know I have a neeked avatar of Prisma on there with 4 eyes. I never went back on due to my art shop dying and lack of people to talk to. Pretty much the same reason why I'm not as active on here. DX But I'm sure you are talking about a different website. xD
I know you do, lol. ACCEPT IT! YOUR ART IS AWESOME AND I WISH I COULD PASTE IT ALL OVER MY TWITCH AND OTHER THINGS! But I would also use my own work. Plus I would never use your artwork on my twitch without your permission. :) It either being in the description box, my avatar on there, or on my stream overlay.
Ooof, I will say this, my art style is cute, but there is only so much you can do on making certain things look adorable. Plus dark colors can be hard to make something look cute, but there are several acceptations out there, you know? If that happened to me, I probably would have stated that their avatar wasn't easy to make "cute" due to the colors and how boring it looked.
I posted the one I did of Kitten and her warframe and someone gave me a rough guess of 10k plat. I really don't want to go lower since I also take some time on sketches. Even if it takes me an hour just to do so. Then of course, the lining might take longer. The coloring also takes time too. Heck, I wouldn't want to under price you on something that is rainbowed or has more colors in the hair. It just doesn't seem right.
Oof, I would probably react the same way. I'm not good at math, so I wouldn't have remembered that. xD
That would make sense to me. Plus having the cheat sheet is good if someone requests a drink you didn't know existed.
Yeah, it is, but it comes with a whole lot of stuff. Practice bottles full of liquid, a mixing cup and spoon, the oz measure, and a DVD/CD rom that has the lessons on it as well as a work booklet. Its worth the price if you want to learn. :)
I wish you luck on that. :( I think that's probably the main reason why I didn't want to go to school once I graduated high school. I don't want to have to deal with all that debt.
I know, right? Its ridiculous!
As long as they are in their yard and not walking up to you or anyone else that isn't a part of their family, it should be fine. But if they are having parties, it would be wise to call the cops due to them breaking the 10 or more people rule as well as social distancing.
I think when it comes to art streams, if it is your friends that are joining, its one thing, plus talking with them is nice. :) But the art streams get pretty popular if I'm streaming freebies. Though I think I'm gonna close off the freebie streams for quite a while. X_X;; I don't want to have to wait forever and a day just for someone to answer a thread, you know? Plus once it does pick up, I'm usually already done with art and want to do something else.
Yes lol, sounds like a plan to me. :) Any topic is on the table as long as people keep it civil and don't cause a fight. xD
That's what I'm gonna guess.
At least you are a cure angry potato shark thing. :)
Oooh! I would love that! One thing is for sure, if you see me making a post about it on twitter, you'll know I have it. XD I'll probably be posting pics of how cute my character looks or what ever else. xD
I mean, even if I do get super close with someone online to add them as a friend on facebook, I tell them that I would rather prefer someone to call me either Dragon or Kitten. But I don't really add that many people on to my friends list on facebook. I give them the warning that my facebook can have some NSFW things, but those are mostly memes or some really weird finds. Half of the time its just SFW weird things.
I can't really say I've actually spoken to you, at least voice wise. But even if you did tell me your real name, I would probably just still call you Yura. Its been what I've known you for several years, and I don't mind calling you that. :) I'm sure it would be the same for you towards me even though I changed my username several times. xD Though I'm gonna be sticking to this one or Mikuuyuu for quite some time. :)
I wouldn't blame you on not wanting to call someone "daddy". I would draw the line there too! I call my best friend that on mic just to mess with her, but that's about it. xD I did have someone tell me no on calling me "Kitten" but I wasn't about to tell them my real name. Their username was Apple, and I told them that I wasn't going to call them that. My friend in that server told me that she's always been that way and just to ignore her. I don't really see her in voice chat often, so its pretty good for me. But I barely go there for voice chats. I only go between 2 servers for that and that's it.
I would have felt awkward for asking. XwX;; And you wouldn't have caused a fuss, trust me! <3 Most of the people you talked to, with the acception of Dallas, is still there. Chi is always active and talking and she's usually the first one to greet someone new. :) I made her a mod on my server since I took away mod status from Orville since he wasn't active.
I understand how you feel. Plus I wouldn't want kids to see that either. I wouldn't have mind if you asked me to take the tag off of you at all. :) I wouldn't want you to get into trouble or loose your job for that matter. Plus I would have felt REALLY bad if that happened to be the case. Plus I doubt there are kids on my server, but I wouldn't have given them the NSFW tag period. If a mod of mine or me found out their real age and they had the tag, we would have taken it off then banned them from the server. I do consider my stuff to be 18+, but that's only due to the nature of my conversations. Most of what I play is pretty PG or PG-13 for that matter.
Chi and I actually talked about that when I told her and Inverse about the rule revision on the server. She believes they left for a certain reason, but I'm not going to state that here since I don't want to get into trouble nor trigger someone by accident. It mostly was due to Orville's rants in the main chat before I created a vent channel. I know a lot of those made it difficult for some people or they didn't know how to react. I'll DM you soon on this matter on discord.
Your cool, but like I said, they aren't really active anymore, or at least in my server. They are on it still, but even if you saw them line, them talking in the server is very low.
I understand, but if anything ends up making you uncomfortable in the server, please let either Chi, Inverse, or I know. We will handle with it quickly. I want to try to keep the server nice and friendly for everyone. Especially if I get people joining from Twitch from watching my streams. Even if it states they are online on the side bar, chances of that person talking is very little. Only 4 people tend to be actively talking at a time, some times 5 or 6, but that really depends on what chat they are in. Most of the time, my clanmates are posting memes or posting things in NSF Why. (Its mostly been in the puns channel though.) That channel will remain open, but I'll have to state it should be for cursed images or puns and stuff like it.
I know, right? Heck, I don't complain about a freebie when I receive one. Even if they got the colors wrong. They took time out of their own day to draw me something. xD We did, but it was along the lines of adding a detail. But I guess this is the same conversation. xD
Of course and same here! :) I'm mostly active on there than anywhere else. xD
Your stuff is amazing, I really mean it. <3 If you do draw them in that style, please take your time with it and don't feel rushed to do so. :) Aw, I'm glad you really like them. <3<3 I should write more on their story, but I've been stuck on it for quite some time.^^;;
It is dead, not gonna lie. Most of the people that like or favorite my things have been random people who don't follow me. I moved most of my stuff to either my Twitter or Instagram (though I'm barely posting on there myself). Most of my stuff that does get liked on Twitter is my fan art. A few friends do like my personal work too, so that makes me feel a little better. I do hope you keep your art one this time. I really love seeing your work, even if I do happen to miss it. ^^;;
Yes, I agree. But some times not all armor looks badass. xD Some times it can look ugly.
Yeah lol, but I wasn't expecting the name to be taken. xD If you want to use Yandere, a good way of doing it is to change the vowels into numbers. If it looks close to the letter, it works. EX: Y4nder3, Yand3r3, or Y4nd3r3. I know its kinda hard to read and it goes far from what you are wanting, but you gotta improvise on the username you wanna keep. :) But always having one alternative that you always use is a good one too.
Jeez, only to 3 sentences and they still don't wanna read? Jeez. :T I try to keep things simple but I also want to keep things to the point. Some times you can't just use 3 sentences for certain rules or what ever else. I know I like to read, even if it isn't as much as when I was in high school.
For sure. :) The 3D part is actually a free addon. ^^;; I felt stupid once I realized that when I bought the program. But from what I understand, the 3D part is really useful for references and landscapes. You just gotta drop it in and adjust to your liking. I know there is a way to transfer that to the Paint part too, but don't ask me anything on that part. XD I need to see about practicing more on my liness style. After I finish up a few things, I'm probably gonna go back to doing so. :)
The doll style is really cute. But I also loved the option of choosing different face expressions for the chibis. Its great that you met friends like that too. One thing is for sure, I'm glad I posted in that store to get art of Prisma. :) It was worth it, 100%.
Oof, I understand on that completely. But some people don't have a mic, so you gotta pay attention in the game chat to see if they say anything. I have a friend who does that in chat when he joins me on Warframe to play. He's pretty sweet and funny.
Lol, you are all good. :) Trust me, I wouldn't want you to do one if you weren't up to doing it. Some times it being centered is a good thing though. Even if it does look hella off. Mine isn't centered either so. xD
Lol, I think you did a really good job on making it funny. Heck, I loved the axe bit. But having some serious tones in the story isn't bad either. :) I mean, it is a story about yanderes. xD Gotta have a balance between funnies and serious times. :)
Of course! We can DM eachother back and forth on discord about it. :) We just gotta think of a good way for them to meet. xD Jace is much older than Arata by a few years for sure. (He's in his late 20s but he isn't quite 30 yet either.) Of course! Sketch, line, color, and most importantly, have fun with it. :D I'll even try shading and highlighting for it. xD
Yeah, exactly. Wanna keep things nice and chill.
Only on DLive. On twitch, not so much. Plus for all I know, the people on Dlive switched over to twitch, but I may never know. I can't cashout the points I gathered on there though. ^^;; I have to have over 4k before I can. But yeah, you are right. I'm more likely to get followers on Twitch due to the content and stuff like that. Plus my average on views can be pretty steady. The issue is wanting people to talk so it doesn't seem like I'm talking to myself. xD But I understand that people wanna lurk too.
Lol, its cool. I know its on PC (not recommended), the Switch, PS3 and PS4, and the Xbox.
Ooof, I can understand. I usually look things up to get past a point if needed. But if you get it again and get stuck, feel free to ask me. I've beaten Okami several times. Also, the fortune teller is a good way for getting hints in the game too. :)
Lolz, same. xD I try to reply as soon as I can, so I am sorry if I don't reply right away. Getting distracted is a pain.
I honestly love how those kinds of keybords sound, plus half the time they type pretty smoothly. The one I have now is pretty good, but the keys are starting to slightly stick and the typing isn't as smooth anymore. Plus I make a whole lot of typos on it too. Either adding extra letters or the wrong letters. xD
That's the same with me, but if I'm in a hard mission and I can't pause, it usually has to wait. Its harder to pause when you are in a public mission or a mission with friends. Unless you can trust your friends to make sure your safe, you are practically a sitting duck unless you find a safe spot.
I get it 100% plus I'm the same way. I had a friend of mine offer to pay extra to shade and highlight his commission since "It looks better". And I'm sure it would be the same way for me. If I actually sat down and tried, I'm sure I'd get better at it, but I'm with you, I don't care enough to do so.
I can't remember the name of the website, but it was pretty greek or roman kind of style, they had that as an option, but after 2 slots, it costed bricks for more slots on an item. I think I had several items saved with different color pallets. I don't remember the name of the site though. I know I have a neeked avatar of Prisma on there with 4 eyes. I never went back on due to my art shop dying and lack of people to talk to. Pretty much the same reason why I'm not as active on here. DX But I'm sure you are talking about a different website. xD
I know you do, lol. ACCEPT IT! YOUR ART IS AWESOME AND I WISH I COULD PASTE IT ALL OVER MY TWITCH AND OTHER THINGS! But I would also use my own work. Plus I would never use your artwork on my twitch without your permission. :) It either being in the description box, my avatar on there, or on my stream overlay.
Ooof, I will say this, my art style is cute, but there is only so much you can do on making certain things look adorable. Plus dark colors can be hard to make something look cute, but there are several acceptations out there, you know? If that happened to me, I probably would have stated that their avatar wasn't easy to make "cute" due to the colors and how boring it looked.
I posted the one I did of Kitten and her warframe and someone gave me a rough guess of 10k plat. I really don't want to go lower since I also take some time on sketches. Even if it takes me an hour just to do so. Then of course, the lining might take longer. The coloring also takes time too. Heck, I wouldn't want to under price you on something that is rainbowed or has more colors in the hair. It just doesn't seem right.
Oof, I would probably react the same way. I'm not good at math, so I wouldn't have remembered that. xD
That would make sense to me. Plus having the cheat sheet is good if someone requests a drink you didn't know existed.
Yeah, it is, but it comes with a whole lot of stuff. Practice bottles full of liquid, a mixing cup and spoon, the oz measure, and a DVD/CD rom that has the lessons on it as well as a work booklet. Its worth the price if you want to learn. :)
I wish you luck on that. :( I think that's probably the main reason why I didn't want to go to school once I graduated high school. I don't want to have to deal with all that debt.
I know, right? Its ridiculous!
As long as they are in their yard and not walking up to you or anyone else that isn't a part of their family, it should be fine. But if they are having parties, it would be wise to call the cops due to them breaking the 10 or more people rule as well as social distancing.
I think when it comes to art streams, if it is your friends that are joining, its one thing, plus talking with them is nice. :) But the art streams get pretty popular if I'm streaming freebies. Though I think I'm gonna close off the freebie streams for quite a while. X_X;; I don't want to have to wait forever and a day just for someone to answer a thread, you know? Plus once it does pick up, I'm usually already done with art and want to do something else.
Yes lol, sounds like a plan to me. :) Any topic is on the table as long as people keep it civil and don't cause a fight. xD
That's what I'm gonna guess.
At least you are a cure angry potato shark thing. :)
Oooh! I would love that! One thing is for sure, if you see me making a post about it on twitter, you'll know I have it. XD I'll probably be posting pics of how cute my character looks or what ever else. xD

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

Yeah, I agree. People are really mean online and just the littlest thing you post online can be used against you, even if its just plain innocent. But at least they got banned. I hope they never mess with you again though.
Yeah, I'm ok if it is with people we know, but not with people we don't know. Like, if I don't know that person, I don't want him to tell him my name. Heck, even though I know a few of my online friend's names, I just call them by their user since its easier.
Oof, even if you told me your real name, I'd forget and just keep calling you Yura, its easier to remember. xD
That makes sense on why you left now, I thought it was due to something else. I'll tell you about that in DM later too.
I'm actually in the middle of revamping my server here very soon since I have reached affiliate and more people could be joining the server. I'll be making new rules and that is going to be including in it (no irl noods of yourself as well as sensitive topics). Not that many people post in the NSFW chat and not many people know that its a thing too.
I just know once Dallas left the server, you left not long after he did. You two were the most active people there besides Chi. Zerg isn't active anymore either since he's been busy IRL, but I understand on why you didn't like him too.
I wasn't hurt when you left, I kinda figured you left since you weren't really active in there. Plus when we were talking on Discord, I never brought it up since I knew you had your reasons. Plus I'm not the kind of person to ask and pry on why someone left.
Once the revamping is done, I'll let you know. If you want to join again, just let me know. :) Its just easier to keep track of my stream notifications there than on my twitter. ^^;;
Orville and I got into a disagreement over a NSFW chibi that I was drawing for free. He was nitpicking on a detail and I told him that I was almost done with the chibi. It caused me not to want to finish the chibi. He wanted to talk to me about it and I ended up forgetting about the entire subject. He kept wanting to bring it up and I told him that I was done talking about it. He ended up getting really mad about it and then stopped talking or posting about it all together.
Again with Orville, I'll have to tell you more about that later, but just not here. It will have to all be by DM.
Lol, same with you! I love your art work so much, so I wouldn't complain if you picked one of mine and slammed a doodle in my face. xD
I haven't really been using my dA that often since I don't think anyone views my things on there. I'm only still there for the CS that I'm in.
Yes, I know, right? I think that's the main reason why I started to draw Warframe fan art, but I also started it mostly for the armor practice.
Makes sense to me. I know I have different names on several avatar websites (Gaia being one of them). This username is pretty much what I use every where. Twitch didn't have this username available, so I had to get creative with it.
I don't really remember. I think it could be because they didn't give credit? But they stated in the about info that they will give credit if the artist contacts them. But again, no one knows how to read.
I can do that with trying on CSP so... xD Most of the time is just me messing around.
Thank you <3
I could be over exaggeration on it though. XD But yes, I ordered so many smol cheebs from you too. xD
No it really isn't. I think the worse is with really bad mic quality too. Ouch, I hate having to do that. DX
You know, if your hubby loved the icon, who care's if someone thinks its twitch worthy or not. Heck, if you did an icon version of Kitten and I decided to use it as my icon on Twitch, I wouldn't care if no one liked it. If I like it, that's what matters.
Ah, makes sense to me. :) I just enjoy reading it since its so damn funny.
OMG! If you do that, let me know. I can do the coloring if you want me to. xD I think it would be a ton of fun and I enjoyed coloring in your line art. Arata and Jace would get along so well. xD I sorta want to link them on toyhouse now. xD
Yeah, people do that on there a whole lot. Plus I didn't want to open to people who weren't even going to watch my stream again, you know? I had almost 50 people following me on there. I actually just checked back on there and its at 29 followers now. But its ok. I'm probably not gonna return there unless something bad happens to me on twitch.
No problem :)
Lolz, your cool. If you do finish Okami, it has a really good ending.
Yes, it will be. :D[
Lol, same here. I have to keep jumping between this post and my last post since I keep getting off track and trying to remember on what it was we were talking about. So I apologize for missing details or lack of response.
My keyboard doesn't have any fancy sounds so. xD
Lol, if I message anyone on discord, I'm not expecting a reply right away, I tell that to friends too. xD I had a friend respond telling me they were sleeping and I told them that I wasn't expecting them to reply so quickly. xD
I would guess so, I don't really shade my things often, but I'm pretty sure it would work just fine like that. If anything, just play around with colors for the shading and go from there. I did the google copy/paste in the past for artistic things, but I don't really do it that often. I just wanted to draw galaxies and wanted to see where it went from there. :) It always ended up looking amazing!
I know, right? Black/white with red, but you don't want the red or the white. Its sad when you think you found the perfect item and it just doesn't work out the way you wanted it to.
Lol, same here. But at least you are trying to fit in the details, but the end results look really nice and clean. :)
OMG! Just thinking of doing a Gaia commission makes me think back to when I was first doing pixel art. Some dude wanted me to do pixel art of some avatar of his and stuff. His avatars looked exactly the same way, but only had one item difference. Then he bitched about some detail and I had to remind him that I was working on a 50x50 canvas and he shouldn't have requested something that looked so damn similar. He left and never came back. I personally didn't care and I really didn't like the avatar he was wanting to pay me to pixel, but I needed the gold at that time. I don't think I got any other orders in that shop after that guy either.
But lately, my luck on commissions on Gaia hasn't really been really good either, at least drawing wise. My pixel art gets most of the attention on there, but never my pixel work. I'm so tired of doing that on there too. DX
Lol, at least the colors look much better now?
That's pretty good! But the issue is that my memory is complete shit and doesn't like me half the time. xD But I'm sure if I was to apply at a local bar and go from there, I can get the experience. One of the packaged deals I was looking at had some practice equipment in it. :) But it was almost $200. X_X;;
I really don't want to go back to school, but if I want to get a better job, I kinda have to. DX Almost everything with higher pay requires some kind of degree.
Yeah, you'd think so, but I saw so many people over there at walmart today. Plus no one is really paying attention or doing the social distancing either. Its really made me mad too. I'm sure you saw my post on twitter about some lady backing into my hubby on purpose.
It wouldn't surprise me if that is the case though.
Yeah, I did, but I average out between 6 or 10 people actively watching. Plus most of the people watching aren't people who follow me, plus they don't say anything in chat. ^^;; But it really depends on what I'm doing and stuff though. I think the most I've capped out on people watching was 15, but it was a warframe stream. I haven't gotten that high in a while though.
I don't blame you for getting bitter, I'd be the same way. As for shutting someone up about it, I tend not to say anything to them. I either avoid the person completely or just stop playing with them entirely. I did that with a lot of friends before so. xD
Eh, true. xD
Yeah, I'm ok if it is with people we know, but not with people we don't know. Like, if I don't know that person, I don't want him to tell him my name. Heck, even though I know a few of my online friend's names, I just call them by their user since its easier.
Oof, even if you told me your real name, I'd forget and just keep calling you Yura, its easier to remember. xD
That makes sense on why you left now, I thought it was due to something else. I'll tell you about that in DM later too.
I'm actually in the middle of revamping my server here very soon since I have reached affiliate and more people could be joining the server. I'll be making new rules and that is going to be including in it (no irl noods of yourself as well as sensitive topics). Not that many people post in the NSFW chat and not many people know that its a thing too.
I just know once Dallas left the server, you left not long after he did. You two were the most active people there besides Chi. Zerg isn't active anymore either since he's been busy IRL, but I understand on why you didn't like him too.
I wasn't hurt when you left, I kinda figured you left since you weren't really active in there. Plus when we were talking on Discord, I never brought it up since I knew you had your reasons. Plus I'm not the kind of person to ask and pry on why someone left.
Once the revamping is done, I'll let you know. If you want to join again, just let me know. :) Its just easier to keep track of my stream notifications there than on my twitter. ^^;;
Orville and I got into a disagreement over a NSFW chibi that I was drawing for free. He was nitpicking on a detail and I told him that I was almost done with the chibi. It caused me not to want to finish the chibi. He wanted to talk to me about it and I ended up forgetting about the entire subject. He kept wanting to bring it up and I told him that I was done talking about it. He ended up getting really mad about it and then stopped talking or posting about it all together.
Again with Orville, I'll have to tell you more about that later, but just not here. It will have to all be by DM.
Lol, same with you! I love your art work so much, so I wouldn't complain if you picked one of mine and slammed a doodle in my face. xD
I haven't really been using my dA that often since I don't think anyone views my things on there. I'm only still there for the CS that I'm in.
Yes, I know, right? I think that's the main reason why I started to draw Warframe fan art, but I also started it mostly for the armor practice.
Makes sense to me. I know I have different names on several avatar websites (Gaia being one of them). This username is pretty much what I use every where. Twitch didn't have this username available, so I had to get creative with it.
I don't really remember. I think it could be because they didn't give credit? But they stated in the about info that they will give credit if the artist contacts them. But again, no one knows how to read.
I can do that with trying on CSP so... xD Most of the time is just me messing around.
Thank you <3
I could be over exaggeration on it though. XD But yes, I ordered so many smol cheebs from you too. xD
No it really isn't. I think the worse is with really bad mic quality too. Ouch, I hate having to do that. DX
You know, if your hubby loved the icon, who care's if someone thinks its twitch worthy or not. Heck, if you did an icon version of Kitten and I decided to use it as my icon on Twitch, I wouldn't care if no one liked it. If I like it, that's what matters.
Ah, makes sense to me. :) I just enjoy reading it since its so damn funny.
OMG! If you do that, let me know. I can do the coloring if you want me to. xD I think it would be a ton of fun and I enjoyed coloring in your line art. Arata and Jace would get along so well. xD I sorta want to link them on toyhouse now. xD
Yeah, people do that on there a whole lot. Plus I didn't want to open to people who weren't even going to watch my stream again, you know? I had almost 50 people following me on there. I actually just checked back on there and its at 29 followers now. But its ok. I'm probably not gonna return there unless something bad happens to me on twitch.
No problem :)
Lolz, your cool. If you do finish Okami, it has a really good ending.
Yes, it will be. :D[
Lol, same here. I have to keep jumping between this post and my last post since I keep getting off track and trying to remember on what it was we were talking about. So I apologize for missing details or lack of response.
My keyboard doesn't have any fancy sounds so. xD
Lol, if I message anyone on discord, I'm not expecting a reply right away, I tell that to friends too. xD I had a friend respond telling me they were sleeping and I told them that I wasn't expecting them to reply so quickly. xD
I would guess so, I don't really shade my things often, but I'm pretty sure it would work just fine like that. If anything, just play around with colors for the shading and go from there. I did the google copy/paste in the past for artistic things, but I don't really do it that often. I just wanted to draw galaxies and wanted to see where it went from there. :) It always ended up looking amazing!
I know, right? Black/white with red, but you don't want the red or the white. Its sad when you think you found the perfect item and it just doesn't work out the way you wanted it to.
Lol, same here. But at least you are trying to fit in the details, but the end results look really nice and clean. :)
OMG! Just thinking of doing a Gaia commission makes me think back to when I was first doing pixel art. Some dude wanted me to do pixel art of some avatar of his and stuff. His avatars looked exactly the same way, but only had one item difference. Then he bitched about some detail and I had to remind him that I was working on a 50x50 canvas and he shouldn't have requested something that looked so damn similar. He left and never came back. I personally didn't care and I really didn't like the avatar he was wanting to pay me to pixel, but I needed the gold at that time. I don't think I got any other orders in that shop after that guy either.
But lately, my luck on commissions on Gaia hasn't really been really good either, at least drawing wise. My pixel art gets most of the attention on there, but never my pixel work. I'm so tired of doing that on there too. DX
Lol, at least the colors look much better now?
That's pretty good! But the issue is that my memory is complete shit and doesn't like me half the time. xD But I'm sure if I was to apply at a local bar and go from there, I can get the experience. One of the packaged deals I was looking at had some practice equipment in it. :) But it was almost $200. X_X;;
I really don't want to go back to school, but if I want to get a better job, I kinda have to. DX Almost everything with higher pay requires some kind of degree.
Yeah, you'd think so, but I saw so many people over there at walmart today. Plus no one is really paying attention or doing the social distancing either. Its really made me mad too. I'm sure you saw my post on twitter about some lady backing into my hubby on purpose.
It wouldn't surprise me if that is the case though.
Yeah, I did, but I average out between 6 or 10 people actively watching. Plus most of the people watching aren't people who follow me, plus they don't say anything in chat. ^^;; But it really depends on what I'm doing and stuff though. I think the most I've capped out on people watching was 15, but it was a warframe stream. I haven't gotten that high in a while though.
I don't blame you for getting bitter, I'd be the same way. As for shutting someone up about it, I tend not to say anything to them. I either avoid the person completely or just stop playing with them entirely. I did that with a lot of friends before so. xD
Eh, true. xD

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Having it in a spoiler doesn't sound like a bad idea, actually. So I think I'm going to do that. :)
Oh cool, thank you for letting me know. I also understand that. I'd probably be the same way. I get mad at Gine (my boyfriend/hubby) when he said my actual name on open mic, even if its with friends we know. Though yeah, some times I slip and say his name, but I try to remind him calmly not to say my name on mic. I have a friend that does that too, but luckly he just shortens my name down to V. I have a few online friends that know my name, but that's since we are also friends on facebook.
Actually, I do have a streaming discord. ^^;; You were a part of it, but I know you left. I'm not gonna ask why since I'm sure you have your reasons. :) After you and Dallas left, it became pretty dead, but its kinda picked up again. Tiny, Chi, Luci, a few clan mates and a few people from warframe streams have been helping it be a little more active, even if it isn't by a whole lot. Orville hasn't been active anymore since we got into a bit of a disagreement. I won't talk about that here on the open forums though, its more of a DM thing.
I think that could be the case, actually. ^^;; I do retweet it every so often so people can see it though. Maybe when I pick up in followers, I'll do it again, but in the mean time, I think I'm gonna stop with freebies on there. If anything, I'll just offer freebies to people in my discord and hope for people to post refs. xD I know Scaley has. He has a lot of really cute fursonas.
Lol, I don't have that many on my dA either, so I understand. I think most of the following on there was from all my warframe related posts or fan art. I know I gained a good bit when I shared a random gif I made on warframe with Harrow riding on a roomba, then it happened again (a little bit) when I did some Lotus fanart. Its pretty crazy, you know?
Oof, I know. Like, people have different usernames on streaming platforms, especially on twitch. If setting nicknames were a thing, I'd really like that. Its hard to tell who is from where and they also don't state if they are from Gaia or not, so I have to play the guessing game. I had a troll pop into one of my freebie streams and I had to ask them where they came from. They ended up leaving after I asked.
Oh, I know. I found a facebook page that was called "Why would you draw this?" I shared that NSFYura muppet fan art on there. I told them that I did it on a stream after reading that article, they found it funny and posted it up. Credited my facebook profile. TwT I should have asked them to keep it anon, you know? Yeah, I don't regret drawing it out of sheer boredom, but I didn't post it anywhere else online besides that page (I think its deleted now) and discord.
I'm glad you got to see a bit of it at least. :) Drawing her was really fun and I ended up loving the over all design of her. Plus the effect on the smoke was just perfect! I did it on Sai, but I kinda wish I did it on CSP instead for the gradation blur or what ever its called. xD
Lol, you already know a few OCs of mine that I have fun with, and you have drawn her so many times. I think I might have over 20+ (might be less) art pieces you drew of Prisma alone. Plus she's probably one of my most favorite OCs. I also get that 100%. Two characters I would never sell would be Prisma and Kittens. xD
That's good at least, and yeah, we were pretty happy too. I was really scared and hoped that he wasn't hurt. He was fine though.
Lol, makes sense to me. :) And yeah, you can make it go back to default. In the percentage size, just type in 100 and it will go back to normal.
OMG! Yes! Some are good since they get to the point rather quickly, but most just like to drag on and on. Either about things with their channel or personal life. I usually skip out on them unless I REALLY can't find something or I just end up asking a friend about it.
I wish you luck if you decide to go back into it. :) I'll see about reading it later then. :D And don't delete it! I'm sure there are people that do happen to like it, you know?
Ooof, I sorta want to help you on making 4 panels, but I wouldn't know what to do for you and I wouldn't know where to start. xD I know we talked about the characters of your story meeting characters of mine, but I know we never got too deep into it.
I know, right? But at least there are a lot of cool people on there that share the brushes for free. :) Same thing goes for resources. I was able to find some good pokadots for something I was working on.
Yeah, for sure! :) The only time the layers merge is unless you do that or save it as a PNG or JPEG. xD
Yeah, but the points on there are only given out to people who are active in the stream chat. It was crypto points from what I understand, you could cash it out, if I remember correctly. But it was really rare when someone threw points at you and people who weren't even a regular to your stream would be asking you to open the box. It got annoying. =_=;; Like, it wasn't even at 50 points and people wanted me to pop it. The only people who joined the streams constantly never asked me to do it.
Lol, your cool. :) Plus some times games in general are more fun to play with others, you know?
Lol, I can say the same thing with pokemon. I finished LittleBigPlanet 2, DmC: Devil May Cry, Saint Row 3 and 4, and Okami. And I think you have a point with animal crossing. Its the same with Stardew valley too. There really isn't an end game for the story line unless you do the end game kind of things.
I wish you luck on that. The only path crossing game that I've ever played was Shadow the Hedge hog and I never finished beating it to find each different path, sadly. I'm gonna have to try to find an emulated version of the game though. I loved playing it a whole lot. :)
Lol, that's all I can do. xD Just keep building it up and hope for the best. :)
Its cool. Plus it makes your pages much cleaner and less time to scroll through. :) I don't really mind huge posts, especially when I'm talking with someone. Conversations jump around a whole lot and its just easier to have it in one post. (Sorry about that, I've never had that happen to me, but I try to keep it short some times, unless there is a lot to talk about.) That's good at least. :)
I don't think we will either. I know a lot of people do this in here anyways, but I can't really direct you to who does it and who doesn't do it. xD I know I don't do it since no one ever really talks in my threads unless its something randomly posted in the chatterbox like forum.
I know right? I wish I could afford to get some IRL. xD And I get that too. Its best to color it with a dark grey then turn the opacity down. Not sure if that helps out though. And she's really cute! Its pretty sublte, but that is ok. :) Same thing goes for pastely.
Yeah XD But nothing we can do on that. Plus colors tend to be weird for Gaia items too. Its either too light for the pink or too dark. Same thing goes for blacks. Its the worse when you are wanting to try to match up something with older items too!
I mean, there is a lot of things the mind can do, and its hella weird. We can't always make things "exact" but its because we are only human. I had someone ask me about a certain detail on their OC that they wanted me to do during a live stream. I told them that I couldn't due to the pose of the base (which was true) but you'd think people would be less picky over details on a freebie. If they were paying me for it (RLC or gold/volts), I wouldn't have cared, but still, that urks me.
Lol, I feel that. Maybe its the setting on your screen? I know when I switched screens, some colors were much brighter than they were or more dull than they were. Its a pain either way. I don't know how they do it either. DX I usually just guess and hope for the best.
I'm hoping he does. DX
I wish you luck with trying to find a new place to work as well as going back to school. I'm probably going to look into seeing about taking some online courses. I want to see about getting into either bartending or coding. Which ever comes first, you know? I just have to look up the prices. My mom said she'd help me with paying for them too. As long as I keep up my grades and stuff.
Even if they were, I wouldn't want to risk getting sick. I wouldn't want to bring it home, you know?
I know, right?
Probably, but I just wasn't expecting it, you know? Lolz, I have a few colors in mind, Its just deciding on how to get it out of my head it the issue. :)
Eh, probably. It probably doesn't help that people could be streaming more due to the pandemic. And yes, it is a cool system. UwU
Yes I did, 50 is for affiliate. The next part is partnered, but I have to have more than 75 viewers a stream before that's considered. xD I'm probably not gonna get to that point til YEARS from now. xD
Lol, pretty much. And that's the same thing for me. I had a friend tell me how to play Saryn and I never played with her again. It was the same for Harrow at one point of time.
I know, right? It sounds like Jace, but the female part is not correct for Shyla at all.
Actually, I do have a streaming discord. ^^;; You were a part of it, but I know you left. I'm not gonna ask why since I'm sure you have your reasons. :) After you and Dallas left, it became pretty dead, but its kinda picked up again. Tiny, Chi, Luci, a few clan mates and a few people from warframe streams have been helping it be a little more active, even if it isn't by a whole lot. Orville hasn't been active anymore since we got into a bit of a disagreement. I won't talk about that here on the open forums though, its more of a DM thing.
I think that could be the case, actually. ^^;; I do retweet it every so often so people can see it though. Maybe when I pick up in followers, I'll do it again, but in the mean time, I think I'm gonna stop with freebies on there. If anything, I'll just offer freebies to people in my discord and hope for people to post refs. xD I know Scaley has. He has a lot of really cute fursonas.
Lol, I don't have that many on my dA either, so I understand. I think most of the following on there was from all my warframe related posts or fan art. I know I gained a good bit when I shared a random gif I made on warframe with Harrow riding on a roomba, then it happened again (a little bit) when I did some Lotus fanart. Its pretty crazy, you know?
Oof, I know. Like, people have different usernames on streaming platforms, especially on twitch. If setting nicknames were a thing, I'd really like that. Its hard to tell who is from where and they also don't state if they are from Gaia or not, so I have to play the guessing game. I had a troll pop into one of my freebie streams and I had to ask them where they came from. They ended up leaving after I asked.
Oh, I know. I found a facebook page that was called "Why would you draw this?" I shared that NSFYura muppet fan art on there. I told them that I did it on a stream after reading that article, they found it funny and posted it up. Credited my facebook profile. TwT I should have asked them to keep it anon, you know? Yeah, I don't regret drawing it out of sheer boredom, but I didn't post it anywhere else online besides that page (I think its deleted now) and discord.
I'm glad you got to see a bit of it at least. :) Drawing her was really fun and I ended up loving the over all design of her. Plus the effect on the smoke was just perfect! I did it on Sai, but I kinda wish I did it on CSP instead for the gradation blur or what ever its called. xD
Lol, you already know a few OCs of mine that I have fun with, and you have drawn her so many times. I think I might have over 20+ (might be less) art pieces you drew of Prisma alone. Plus she's probably one of my most favorite OCs. I also get that 100%. Two characters I would never sell would be Prisma and Kittens. xD
That's good at least, and yeah, we were pretty happy too. I was really scared and hoped that he wasn't hurt. He was fine though.
Lol, makes sense to me. :) And yeah, you can make it go back to default. In the percentage size, just type in 100 and it will go back to normal.
OMG! Yes! Some are good since they get to the point rather quickly, but most just like to drag on and on. Either about things with their channel or personal life. I usually skip out on them unless I REALLY can't find something or I just end up asking a friend about it.
I wish you luck if you decide to go back into it. :) I'll see about reading it later then. :D And don't delete it! I'm sure there are people that do happen to like it, you know?
Ooof, I sorta want to help you on making 4 panels, but I wouldn't know what to do for you and I wouldn't know where to start. xD I know we talked about the characters of your story meeting characters of mine, but I know we never got too deep into it.
I know, right? But at least there are a lot of cool people on there that share the brushes for free. :) Same thing goes for resources. I was able to find some good pokadots for something I was working on.
Yeah, for sure! :) The only time the layers merge is unless you do that or save it as a PNG or JPEG. xD
Yeah, but the points on there are only given out to people who are active in the stream chat. It was crypto points from what I understand, you could cash it out, if I remember correctly. But it was really rare when someone threw points at you and people who weren't even a regular to your stream would be asking you to open the box. It got annoying. =_=;; Like, it wasn't even at 50 points and people wanted me to pop it. The only people who joined the streams constantly never asked me to do it.
Lol, your cool. :) Plus some times games in general are more fun to play with others, you know?
Lol, I can say the same thing with pokemon. I finished LittleBigPlanet 2, DmC: Devil May Cry, Saint Row 3 and 4, and Okami. And I think you have a point with animal crossing. Its the same with Stardew valley too. There really isn't an end game for the story line unless you do the end game kind of things.
I wish you luck on that. The only path crossing game that I've ever played was Shadow the Hedge hog and I never finished beating it to find each different path, sadly. I'm gonna have to try to find an emulated version of the game though. I loved playing it a whole lot. :)
Lol, that's all I can do. xD Just keep building it up and hope for the best. :)
Its cool. Plus it makes your pages much cleaner and less time to scroll through. :) I don't really mind huge posts, especially when I'm talking with someone. Conversations jump around a whole lot and its just easier to have it in one post. (Sorry about that, I've never had that happen to me, but I try to keep it short some times, unless there is a lot to talk about.) That's good at least. :)
I don't think we will either. I know a lot of people do this in here anyways, but I can't really direct you to who does it and who doesn't do it. xD I know I don't do it since no one ever really talks in my threads unless its something randomly posted in the chatterbox like forum.
I know right? I wish I could afford to get some IRL. xD And I get that too. Its best to color it with a dark grey then turn the opacity down. Not sure if that helps out though. And she's really cute! Its pretty sublte, but that is ok. :) Same thing goes for pastely.
Yeah XD But nothing we can do on that. Plus colors tend to be weird for Gaia items too. Its either too light for the pink or too dark. Same thing goes for blacks. Its the worse when you are wanting to try to match up something with older items too!
I mean, there is a lot of things the mind can do, and its hella weird. We can't always make things "exact" but its because we are only human. I had someone ask me about a certain detail on their OC that they wanted me to do during a live stream. I told them that I couldn't due to the pose of the base (which was true) but you'd think people would be less picky over details on a freebie. If they were paying me for it (RLC or gold/volts), I wouldn't have cared, but still, that urks me.
Lol, I feel that. Maybe its the setting on your screen? I know when I switched screens, some colors were much brighter than they were or more dull than they were. Its a pain either way. I don't know how they do it either. DX I usually just guess and hope for the best.
I'm hoping he does. DX
I wish you luck with trying to find a new place to work as well as going back to school. I'm probably going to look into seeing about taking some online courses. I want to see about getting into either bartending or coding. Which ever comes first, you know? I just have to look up the prices. My mom said she'd help me with paying for them too. As long as I keep up my grades and stuff.
Even if they were, I wouldn't want to risk getting sick. I wouldn't want to bring it home, you know?
I know, right?
Probably, but I just wasn't expecting it, you know? Lolz, I have a few colors in mind, Its just deciding on how to get it out of my head it the issue. :)
Eh, probably. It probably doesn't help that people could be streaming more due to the pandemic. And yes, it is a cool system. UwU
Yes I did, 50 is for affiliate. The next part is partnered, but I have to have more than 75 viewers a stream before that's considered. xD I'm probably not gonna get to that point til YEARS from now. xD
Lol, pretty much. And that's the same thing for me. I had a friend tell me how to play Saryn and I never played with her again. It was the same for Harrow at one point of time.
I know, right? It sounds like Jace, but the female part is not correct for Shyla at all.

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Yeah, I wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to tag your main account since you have it as privated. ^^;; That's the main reason why I tagged your art one. xD I mean, you'd think, but I posted it on about 3 discords. My discord, an art discord I'm in, and a closed species one that I'm sorta active in. Plus half of the time when I post a freebie thread on my twitter, it just sorta get skipped over, you know? It gets likes, but no one really comments on them, so I'm probably just gonna not post my freebie streams on there anymore or offer freebies til I get a certain follower count. I'm about 21 followers away from my goal though.
Yeah, I know. X_X;; Plus people tend not to read on there as well, so that doesn't really help. I think the last freebie stream I did, only one person joined from there and that was it. I drew them since they were active in chat then about 2 to 3 other people joined and I decided to stop since Titania Prime was released that day too.
Yes lol. They also don't make me forget certain things I did either on or off stream. xD
Lol, yeah, I was drawing her on stream for her clothes, and maybe a little bit of coloring for her too. I was having fun with it more than anything though. :)
I can't open the windows at all due to the cats. The last time we had the door open, though my hubby didn't close it fully, the cat escaped and we didn't know where he was. We found him, thankfully. But that's a good thing. Don't want to get his grandmother sick, you know?
Oof, I don't even mess with brush settings. X_X;; I just go with the smaller size and hope it looks ok.
Oof, but I'm sure you didn't mean to. But I wish you luck if you decide to change it up.
Lol, same here. Most of those tutorials don't get to the fucking point though, which is an issue.
I mostly have read OCY, I never got around to reading the maid comic. ^^;; I was planning on making a few warframe related comics due to conversations I had with clanmates, but I never got around to do it.
No no no, its nothing involved with twitch, its actually all CSP's version of dA points. You can read more info about that here though. But most of the brushes on CSP is free from what I've seen.
You can still save it as an PNG, but sending the files would be more of like this: Lets say you can't seem to get this coloring right on some kind of galaxy like theme or you don't feel like doing line art. You send the CSP file to me over discord, I do what you need, and I send the file back to you. That's all it is. Sorry if I confused the heck out of you. DX
If you did, it was probably over there on DLive. I was originally just going to keep my art streams on DLive, but I forgot where to find my stream code on there, so I just stuck with Twitch for everything now. But I also understand on not getting caught on with it though. I'm mostly into it for the lore, but the game play is fun with good friends. I wasn't really interested in it the first time I started to play though. I had a huge minecraft kick around that time. xD
I try to keep it fresh for everyone, so I try to have some kind of plan, even if its just random conversations during gameplay. I'm planning on streaming a few lore related quests here for a few friends though. I don't mind replaying them since I enjoyed most of the quests.
And nothing is wrong if you can't finish a game. :) Heck, I've been playing Skyrim for YEARS and I've never seen the ending. But that's also because I'm having waaaay to much fun modding the game. xD
That's pretty much what I'm hoping for. I'm probably going to add that into my description on twitch. Mostly because I can't tell you how many times someone has let me know that the stream has been lagging. X_X But it seems to only happen for one game and not for anything else I do. But I think the warning will help a little, even if it doesn't help much.
Yeah lol, they are getting pretty long, huh? We just have a lot of things to talk about. xD Hopefully we don't get into trouble with it though. If anything, I can just make a thread in the undercurrent and we can talk in there about everything there lol.
Yeah... xD I guess that's why I started to practice warframes so I can learn to do it. Even though they are all really simple.
I'd love the galaxy outfit more than anything, if I'm honest. I made a Gaia avatar version of her wearing a galaxy dress. The only thing wrong with it is the hair color. The teal is on top, not at the ends. DX RIP. But I couldn't find any other hair that fits her personality. I have this avatar on right now, plus making her made me broke on Gaia. RIP. xD
Lol, that's why I included this with her posts. xD But I get it with the RL refs. I would love to draw fan art of my favorite characters from shows with real live people, but its harder due to that. Don't want to mess up on their skin, eye, or hair color, you know? I did a pixel fan art of some rapper I like and got the eye color wrong. DX I barely use the base/shading/highlight. I just use base and that's it. I hate shading.
Yeah... DX I had to make him realize that today too. He's not too happy about it, but he understands at least. At least they are helping. My mom is the only one working, and she's been guilt tripping me on the whole job thing. :( I can't tell you how many times I told her that I was trying and got 0 results. I only got one rejection letter, but that was due to me being hella nervous due to having a video interview over a physical one. I don't think my gaming headset on my head helped my case though, but it was the only thing I had that had a decent mic for it.
I get that 100%. I think the only reason why I'm trying on design now is due to actually having a theme in mind, if that makes any sense, you know? A friend designed this outfit for my persona. (Yes, he traced over her original ref with hair and stuff then added the clothing.) I was kinda hoping just for him to draw it in his anime style. DX I wasn't expecting him to do it, but he did a really good job of designing her outfit though.
The whole stream point thingy is a new thing on twitch actually. ^^;; I wasn't expecting those, but those are only used for people who reached affiliate though. DX
Lol, I wouldn't care if you did well or not. My thing is, just have fun with the game, no need to get competitive and don't back seat game. xD Suggestions are ok though, just don't tell me how to play a character unless I ask. xD
Edit: I forgot to put this in the post! I was listening to some music and this song came on. Complete yandere male vibes from it. xD

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Yeah, lol. If I post it up again, I'll be sure to tag you sooner. I also forgot that I posted up on facebook too, so I'm gonna have to do a few of my friends on there. ^^;; So at least 3 slots (I think) has been filled. Then I had two friends on another server wanted me to draw their OCs, but I told them that they should had said something sooner. Plus 2 friends had memed the missing character (since I only drew 8, it had 9 panels!) with art I did for them in the past.
Oof, I understand. I still have a MYO for some new traits for the last Seoc event. I remade one of the owner's Seocs. I did a really good job with it too. This is her, btw.
You and me both. The only time I go outside is to walk to the gas station (If I need to stretch my legs) or go to the store.
Ah, I see. If you try again, just take your time on it. I tend not to go into major details til I get to the coloring and lineart. Makes it easier that way, for me at least.
I saw it up on Twitter, I really love how it looks. :D Plus I understand on the cleaning part, I did that today as well. ^^;; Also, I'm the same way on shading non chibi things. DX But I'm also not really good at shading. My lineless art tends to get shaded more than my other art works.
Oof, same here. The most I've worked on was for my persona for her main info, the rest of it hasn't even been finished for backstory and current story.
Of course. :) Taking your time with things is a good idea too. Plus with everything that's going on, its probably for the best.
I saw a brush that I liked, but I have to pay for it using "coins". You gotta buy those. :( It sucks since I saw a whole lot of cute ones on there too.
Yeah. :D I just have to drag and drop the file into discord and send it to you that way. :) So if you wanted me to color in some line art or resize something, you'd just have to send me the file. Its the same way with PSD files. As long as it isn't too big for discord to handle, you should be fine.
Yeah lol, that's why I've been alternating between Warframe and art streams, but I'll play something else every once and awhile. But luckly no one has said anything about the games getting boring for them. Plus I tend to get a lot of views and follows when I'm playing something that's popular. The only issue I'm having right now is with the stream lagging a while lot. A friend of mine is helping me with getting it fixed, but he said that it seems to be happening to small streamers at the moment. Anyone who has over 10k followers (at least) isn't having a issue with their streams. Its kinda sad since I don't want it to be choppy or laggy for my viewer base. :(
Of course, lol. :) And can do, I just need to make the plat/gold on Gaia and the volts on here. xD Oh, I know you are! <3 I love your art so much. I wanna eventually get art of all my characters in your style! (Warframes being the only ones not getting art in your style since I know you find them hard.)
Yeah, that would be Kitten. I mostly have my drawn refs of her on toyhouse. The game screen shots were for when I was first requesting art of her. ^^;; I still use them since its easier for me to give someone the color pallet of the character, you know?
Pretty much, that's all I can do. And all good, you should probably save your muns for now since its importaint. I already said something to my hubby about him buying cigs. They are REALLY pricey and we can't afford to spend $6 or $8 per pack.
Yeah! That was actually the one she based the character off of, the pink/yellow one. I was telling her how I was trying to make her but lost inspiration for her automatically. I'm sure you remember the design I was using. Her name is Maple and here is the link to her Toyhouse if you wanna check her out. :)
I mean, it was originally, but that was with subs. But subbing like that gives you the option to use the emote everywhere, even on someone else's stream. You can buy bits to throw at people, but that's all I know. Here is an image of what you can buy with stream points. Lucky I don't follow anyone that streams in "sub only" mode.

Agreed. ^^;; I have friends say, "Oh, I killed more things than you did! gET gEwD!" I tell them to shut up and that it isn't a competition. I end up not playing with that person anymore, but I'll keep playing the game. Some times I see that I'd kill more than my clan mates, but I'm usually surprised with it since they get more kills than I do usually. xD

Posted in Lock please
Posted 5 years ago

@Valefor: Thank you for letting me know. I'll see about getting the line art and coloring done when I can.

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Lol, all good. Not really sure when I'll be doing it again. On a closed species discord I'm in, there is an event that's going on. I gotta create a Seoc for someone on there. :) I already have a few ideas.
Its the same exact thing for me, so I get it. And I agree, the pandemic hasn't really been the easiest thing to deal with. There isn't really much we can do at the time being.
That makes sense. A friend of mine told me that emotes are a good 258x258, not sure if that helps. XD Also, I wish you luck on getting your things on toyhouse done for your characters. :) I should do the same, but I'm lazy. xD
I can't wait to see it, once you post it, that is. But I wish you luck with it. Just take your time with your art. :)
I downloaded a few for star/galaxy ones. I need to find a few more though. xD The ones I have I can't change the colors for the galaxy unless I use the hue shift, and I keep forgetting where to find it. And I understand on that completely, I've been using those mostly for background and not on clothing. Plus that reason there is why there is a pink version of my persona's dress. xD
Yeah it does. :) We could just send the CSP files to eachother over discord if we draw eachother's characters. XD But only if you want to.
Yeah, it does. Dx
Nothing wrong with alternating, everyone streams something different and some people can be more chill. Some streamers even have set days they stream on. I should see about doing that soon and probably alternating between art and game streams for certain days. But I'm not sure yet.
I understand on that, most of my friends commission me too, but I think it counts. But I also get that art is just a hobby for you. I honestly with I could throw the virtual money at you too. xD I need more cute chibis of either Prisma or Jace and Shyla from you. I would offer up my persona for you to draw her in one of her alt outfits, but I remember you said she was too hard to draw, and I don't wanna over whelm you.
I get the stable job thing. Right now, RLC and streaming (if people sub) is the only way for me to make a little money, but I do agree that it isn't stable in the slightest. A few friends of mine are buying art from me. So far, its just been for $5 each, but its ok. :)
Yes! I'd totally be down for a trade! But I'm gonna have to wait til after the event that I was telling you about. Plus I have a character in mind already. :) I got her design from a friend of mine since she was going on a moth kick a while back.
It is a pretty neat system, plus I think its nice that its implemented. I would love everyone that watched and follows me to use the emotes too, you know? I don't want them to feel that they have to pay to use the emotes with real money. Especially since I have them up on my discord for use on there.
Yeah, pretty much. I don't really do much on the competitive side since I've never really been competitive myself. I usually just take my time with things and have a lot of fun with it. :)

Posted in Lock please
Posted 5 years ago

@Valefor: Sketch is all done. What do you think? I finished the sketch up on my stream tonight.

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Yeah, sorry that my streams are at really odd hours of the night. X_X;; I haven't been able to sleep at night, despite feeling really tired. I could lay down in bed for hours at a time and I still couldn't fall asleep.
Random question, for the doll like doodle, like in your sig post, do you draw that in a square or do you draw it in a different way? I'm mostly just curious on that part. ^^;;
I understand. Most of my stuff on my streams has been personal or for other people. There isn't much of an in between. But I wish you luck on getting your personal art or what ever else done. :)
Lol, I've been watching videos every so often or asking friends for advice on it. A few friends has given me a lot of pointers on good brushes to use. But I understand on wanting to stick with what you know. Hell, I'm the same way. xD Took me a while to finally give in and try something different since my copy of Sai has been acting up. XwX;;
Yeah, pretty much the point of it. Have a better emote? Hope someone buys a higher tier sub to use it and you make money off of it, but it really depends on the person and if they like the content of your streams. I think the price for tier 1 is about $9 or so. I know once I reach 15 subs, I can add in another emote to it, but I know at least 2 to 3 people subbed to me by using their free month of Amazon Prime. I don't think it gives me much, but I think its ok. I think I have about $5 currently on my twitch from subs, but I wouldn't know how much it would take me to pay out on it. If I was to guess, maybe $50, could be lower, could be higher, I'd have to check. But I'm also not expecting to make money off of my subs as well as my art work. I know a lot of people call it cute though, but trying to sell art for RLC is a pain. One thing is for sure, if you ever do and I had the money, I'd be throwing it at you and telling you to draw as much as you want. xD
Yeah, I think its just a restriction kind of thing, you know? But I think its also because it encourages people to be active in the stream as well as talk in it. The more points they gather, they can buy the emote to use for 24hrs or highlight a message in a stream. I've done it a few times in a friends stream, both buying the emote and highlighting a message. According to twitch, its for user engagement and to make the chat more lively, but I don't really think it works for smaller channels like mine. But my friends like using it, so that's all that matters to me. :)

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Lol, its cool. And sorry you missed that stream, but I'll probably have another one in the future.
Yeah, I think your regular size you draw on should be fine, you just have to resize it once you're done. You don't have to draw on the entire canvas to make one though.
Even if you decide to get it for animation or not, its a good program. The brushes aren't too bad either. :) Plus there are tons of brushes you can download that other people has made. I have a few a friend has sent me to use too. They are really good for lineart.
Yeah, they can buy it, but its only to be used on your channel only and they can use it for only 24 hours. But you gain about 50 points for watching 10 minutes or so and you also gain about 10 points over time. Its really cool.

Posted in Lock please
Posted 5 years ago

@Valefor: Hey, I wanted to give you an update on your commission. I've only worked on the face part. I'll post another sketch update when I can.

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Lol, she's really awesome, plus I think she usually makes anyone feel really welcome. :) Plus feel free to ask questions about the game I'm playing if needed. Especially if its Graveyard Keeper. Anyone new to that game can get really confused. I know I was when I first played it til I watched a few videos.
The best advice I can give for emotes is to draw on a bigger canvas, but make sure its still in a square shape. I usually draw in a 500x500 canvas, so it helps. Plus if your art program has a way of resizing it built in, that helps too. All you'd need to do is just type in what you want to resize it to. I'm pretty happy that I learned that pretty quickly on CSP. That's probably the best program I've ever bought alone for my art work. I'm so happy I got it on sale.
Yeah lol, I'm glad its much crisper than my first attempt. I'll probably try to do more emotes later.
Yeah, so far a few people have used them. :) Plus since I have it enabled for people to buy the emotes through stream points, a whole lot of people can use them.

Posted in Starting from scratch. ;;;
Posted 5 years ago

@Yandere: Everyone that's been in my chat is pretty friendly so far. MagicSweetChi is usually in there and is the one to greet just about anyone. Same goes for Tiny Woosh. They are my mods.
Yes, lol. Though that emote is for my subs. But since there are stream points on my server, people can buy the emote with the points they gathered up. I would love to buy some from you if you decide to do so. xD
Yeah, I didn't know this til yesterday night. I was able to resize a icon I made for my stream points using that. I drew it up on a 500x500, and I was able to resize it down to 28x28, 56x56, and 112x112. You gotta upload each file like that too. One of my friends on twitter usually resizes her emotes down to 258x258 and goes from there.
I actually re did the emotes, so I think it looks much better than it did before.
Both are 28x28.
Old version

New version, less pixelated.

Old version

New version, less pixelated.

Yeah, you'd think so, but not a lot of people are doing that.