Edelaen's posts
Posted in games that give you nostalgia feelings.
Posted 4 years ago

For me it's barbie games on CDs lmao... Any games I could play only with CDs.
Especially I've always been inlove with these old flash games on miniclip.com and other wonderfull flash game websites.
Old sonic games and Mario, of course.

Posted in Games you're looking forward to this year?
Posted 4 years ago

I'm really waiting not particullary games, but actually DLCs for AC Valhalla.
The first one will be out very soon, during spring time.


Posted in happy lunar new yearrrr
Posted 4 years ago

Oh yay! Happy New Year!
I hope that Ox will be more merciful towards us than the Rat was! 8D

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@nephila: Oh, you responded! Thank you so much, I even sent you a message because I was really interested. Thank you for accepting my request! 8D
I've just checked out your art, and I'd say it looks very interesting! It's so rare to meet alien-themed art that may have interesting vibes and be so inspiring. I also love nuditiy in art, it feels so open-minded and refreshing, nature-loving. Good job!
I would say that my tips aren't kind of magic that may change your mind by one second, but it helps me a lot and I really like to share it with people, because there are so many talented artists around I would like to watch after. The thing is - it depends on your goal how would you like to improve or develop your style. Do you want it to keep grafical, or turn into semi-realism and so on.
But this what really helps to me:
1) References are your best friends, they really help to understand what's going on with your composition.
2) Light theory. This helped me to improve my art cordinally and give a volume to the artwork.
3) Long Practise on special details like arms, legs, anything you are unpleased to deal with.
4) Finding an inspiration from different artists - for me it's the best part. 8D When you are trying to reach the level of your favourite artist and overcome them.
I know this can be obvious for you, but these things really help a lot. I wish you best luck with your fantastic art, rock it up, you hit the right road. Your topic is rare, and that's your zest! <3

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Thank you so much, that would help me to improve my avi! 8D

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Thank you so much! Checking this out already!

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Didn't know you guys have that! Do you have a link to check it out please?

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Thank you for letting me know about that! I enjoy pixel art here, so as items - they are gorgeous!

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: That sounds wonderful, I'll be there to take a look at the record! 8D

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Oh, thank you so much for the invitation, but I'll be sleeping by the time this thing will start up! 8D
My time is GMT +3 (9 hour difference between Voltra and my time).

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Sounds like a nice loaf of experience you've gained! I wish us best luck to find such a nice time out here or another place. People doesn't find valuable communities where they can dedicate their life for every day, so I'm glad about our wonderful experiences. <3

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Time will show, maybe they will figure out something if they want to make community live again. At least, we have wonderful memories to share. I've met so many valuable people in my life out there, one person changed my life drastically. I would also like Gaia not to be dead and rise and shine once again, but now I've got nothing to say, actually.

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: I guess you are right. There are many more nuances than just radically do something. Looks like it's gone forever, unless time will show that Gaia may rise from the dead.

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Thank you for accepting!
Ohhh, now I get the point. Thank you for telling me about what was wrong.
I'm also thinking about gold sinks, or re-adressing all gold to plat and start from the beginning.
Community could bring the auditory back, but I don't know why they aren't doing it.
So many years have passed through and all what I get (as I've noticed) is a daily-giving prize with ammount of millions-billions gold.
I'm sure it's not an easy task to remake all the economy of such a huge community, but nothing is being done, just dumped.
I may not be right, but it's what I see.