Edelaen's posts
Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: I don't really remember why inflation had started but "Lanzer" sounds very familiar. Could you remind me please what happened? Because anything I remember - shocked out and mad people around the site complaining about ruined community.

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: So sad that gold inflation just ruined the website. I remember that active members on Gaia have been holding the position from 30k till 100k people, depending on the day time. Now it's fairly 2-3k. What a doom. And everyhting costs billions and trillions. That hurts much. :"U

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@lilypoo: Ooooh yes, thank you very much! 8D <3

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Ohhhh yes, ZOMG was fun.
But I remember playing it and getting stuck at some quest or I don't really remember where. But it was fun anyway.
I was a gold hunter much, and when I've opened my Art Shop I became a rich babe lmao.
Gaians were hungry for any art people could afford, so was I. I've been drawing art + buying art from other talented artists + buying items from the wish list.
Ah, what a wonderful time. And that movie on YT "NIGHT OF THE LIVING NOOBS" is still my favourite, lol.

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@lemonshark: Thank you, buddy! 8D
@goblinsandtea: Hi there! Oh, I've played many of them. I enjoy Elder Scrolls series, AC Valhalla, Dragon Age series, The Witcher and mmorpgs. What about my art - soon I'm planning to make a thread about it, because my works are disordered on many websites. I've made a post in this thread a bit higher - under the spoiler you may see one art of mine. Thank you for asking!
@nephila: Nah, I didn't mean a style or anatomy advices or critiques towards your art, just little tips that could help you to improve only from your own mind, that is all. It is very nice that you've found yourself! Can I see you DA anyway? 8D

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@lilmisskushy: Hello There! Thank you so much for your kindness, I really appreciate your help, this is very generous offer! <3 Thank you very very much!

@nephila: Can I give you some advises that really helped me to progress? There are few steps that make you understand your work more and when you will figure it out you'll be like: "Oooooh that's it". 8D
I've got many galleries, but some of them contains old works, so I should figure it out actually. I've got DA account too, but I wasn't updating it for a while. I need to create a new account and start from the beggining. At least, I can show you my last work.

@Fading Kings: Hello there, and thank you! Yes, I already really like this place. I'd like to be in that wonderful family.

@totalanimefan: I will always remember these outstanding fun times on Gaia with bootygrab game, chatterbox fun, art, roleplaying and so on. I've been watching even old videos on youtube about it and that was really joyful... Then it's really sad that Solia is dead. That community have always impressed me with fantasy themed mood. I'd be happy to stay here for a while. You guys are my saviours. 8D
@Ruby: Hello there! Thank you for a warm welcoming! 8D And yeah, I was trying to figure these hairs out to make it look like my canon as close as possible.

Posted in Hi I'm very lost, pls help
Posted 4 years ago

@seihou: Oh yay! Thank you, right into the spot! 8D

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Gaia was fun in 2000's, I absolutely agree. Then things went wrong so much, I tried to move to Ernya too. I was extremely sad when they closed the community. I have an account on Solia, but I don't know if it's dead. As I can see the website is still running.

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Thank you!
Yes I have!
Everything have started from Gaia, then I've visited many other Avatar Communities.
Now I'm sticking up with Gaia still (but rare), also, Eldarya - if you know about this otome game.
It has dressing up option too.
I wanted to try out something even newer and found out about this website today. I think I'll stay here for a while. Got nice impressions.

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Oh yesssss, thanks! I really enjoy these items, they are wonderful. And the colors are so right for me, that's my canon! 8D Soon I will make a proper look for my avi and will be rocking it up! 8D

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@chiffonorange: Hello there, nice to meet you! 8D Thank you very much! <3

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@nephila: Hello there! Thank you for your kindness! 8D And you know, it's never too late to start, just do it. Practise makes it all!
@totalanimefan: You are very welcome! See you around then. 8D

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@sunny: Thank you so much, Sunny! Take your time, I hope to see you around! 8D
@totalanimefan: Thank you once again, Total! You are very generous person who gives marvelous impression! 8D

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: Oh, Total, that's a lot of nice items!!! 8D I'm so happy, thank you so so much. That's Totally kind! <3