Edelaen's posts
Posted in Do you have any tattoos?
Posted 4 years ago

@bioshock: Oh, I see! I like when people do tattoos that are movie/game/cartoon based. They always look interesting actually. Wear it proudly! 8D
@totalanimefan: No problem at all. I know what you are feeling, I've got mental problems myself. You are strong, you'll make through this, I promise! <3
@wildfire: That absolutely makes sense. My tattoos are also personal, but I wouldn't be shy to show them. I even like to tell stories and meanings about them. However, we all have our personal private things. Wear proudly what you have, but don't be afraid of who you are. There are many truths in our life, and no one has a permition to harm you or tell you what to do! Be well! 8D
@goblinsandtea: That's plenty of ideas, you gotta rock them up! 8D Looks like you'd like to show all your personality out - that's a huge respect from me! Good luck with your surgery though, I wish you to be well and healthy! 8D
@megaame: There is nothing wrong having just one tattoo with no significant meaning. It's still part of you, and if you enjoy it, that's what it should be. <3 But If you had a chance to make another tattoo, what could it be? Would it have a meaning to you? 8D
@amber lynne: I'm so sorry to hear that, this is very deep meaning. I know what a disaster that could be because alcohol also ruined my family. You are strong person! What about your other tattoos - rock it up! It's always nice to have under your skin something you love or enjoy. <3
@sorrowthemad: Yes, I made them with huge meaning of mine. I'm glad I've got brother around here, I'll be happy to chat with you anything about Norse, gods, runes etc... Unfortunately, many people that I know doesn't really know the meaning of norse symbolism at all. They were making their Norse tattoos with sketchy knowledge, by mixing it up with another themes and so on... That made me angry so much, because I'm very protective about what I love. It's like a mini disrespect, you know. But I'm not a fan of making labels for people, if they got the lack of knowledge, it's their problem, not mine... 8D
Vindenshjerte - is much more like the state of my spirit, or my mind, describing my personality. I feel like I'm all in one with the Air Element, that's why I name myself as "Wind-hearted". I do use it for roleplays sometimes too, because why not! 8D
@onsenmark: That's very nice! I hope you'll get it soon and rock it up! 8D

Posted in [~The Kitty Lounge~]
Posted 4 years ago

@kittybeary: Oh, that's very nice! Do you like old Disney cartoons? They are very well made. When I was a child I've been spending most of my time watching old Disney cartoons. What about anime - I also had a bunch to watch. Even now I can watch it sometimes. I'm adored of Ghibli movies too. Which one is your favourite? I'm inlove with Kiki's Delivery Service and Spirited Away. 8D

Posted in Do you have any tattoos?
Posted 4 years ago

@wildfire: You seem to put so many sense into your tattoos, isn't it? Me either!
I really like tattoos with mandalas and lotuses, these themes are very sacral and spiritually refreshing. Do you have meanings of your tattoos, or any stories? The right thing is when you are feeling your tattoo. If questions like "shall I do it/shall I not" stick up in your mind you should think about another sketch or transform it until you are fully satisfied with it. At least that's my experience and little advice.

Posted in Do you have any tattoos?
Posted 4 years ago

@totalanimefan: I'm so sorry you are experiencing this. I hope this will go away once and you'll be free from it! I wish you to be healthy! <3

Posted in Language Learning Lounge
Posted 4 years ago

@starlight: Of course! If you have any questions or troubles with russian - do not hesitate to ask!
Oh yes, I know about these two words "quiet" and "quite", so do I know their meanings.
My problem is that my fingers mix up always, that's why I'm making these mistakes. My apologies, I'll fix it up! 8D
The real problem I'm facing are tenses.
We, russians, have only past, present and future tenses.
But I can easily lose myself in english tenses. After so many years of learning english I'm still making mistakes. Only practical speaking and intuition can help me to figure out which tense to use, lol...

Posted in Am I the only Immortal around here?
Posted 4 years ago

@amber lynne: Thanks for the advice, I hate crashes... Such a butt pain. 8D

Posted in Do you have any tattoos?
Posted 4 years ago

@ruby: Oh that's nice! Do you plan to get a tattoo in the future? 8D
@nephila: I've been considering for quite long time what to make, then it just happened. Even though I'm a planner much. But you need totally feel, what you want. I really love your ideas, especially fan of ancient/celtic stuff is awesome! 8D Go on, everything will look amazing on you, because it's something you'll definetely love!
@Sorrowthemad: Duuuuuuuuude, Norse Pagan out here too! Hail Alfadir, brother! 8D
It's so nice to have someone here who is into Norse things!
Yeah, I'd like to have something runic too. Like a bracelet, like Einar Selvik does have.
I'd be so happy to chat about it with you!
I'm practicing Norse magic - I can consult you about runic meaning for your tattoos, if you have a desire.
Oh I'm so happy.
Dear @Ruby, thank you for summoning your dude here! 8D
@totalanimefan: This may be funny - I'm also terrified of needles, but I'd say they are so much invisible in tattoo machine, that they are not much to be afraid of. It's not like a regular shot, needle moves super fast and it doesn't go deep. 8D
@amber lynne: I love your flower tattoo! And stars seem to be interesting. Does your tattoos have a meaning? 8D

Posted in Am I the only Immortal around here?
Posted 4 years ago

@amber lynne: Oh I see, that's really cool. 8D I love full-impact mages.
Low HP but huge damage, like, "maybe I can't kill you with my fist, but can do it with my brain" lol.
Wish you luck with your game anyway. Maybe I'll download and play it too very soon.

Posted in Am I the only Immortal around here?
Posted 4 years ago

@amber lynne: Hell yeah, high five for this one! 8D
Do you always play as long-ranged classes or do you prefer close-ranged ones? I've always really liked warrior type classes, but mages are more interesting imo.

Posted in Count to 1 million
Posted 4 years ago


Posted in Count to 1 million
Posted 4 years ago


Posted in Am I the only Immortal around here?
Posted 4 years ago

@amber lynne: I remember playing as a long range class. I guess that was a Cryomancer. But as I can see there are many more appeared after some years. And you? Which class do you play? 8D

Posted in Do you have any tattoos?
Posted 4 years ago

Hello guys!
So that's the question.
I have 3 of them. First is on my thigh - Yggdrasil tree from Norse mythology.
Second one on my right shoulder - little Mjolnir with rowanberries and walknut, and third one - Caduceus of god Mercury (Hermes) decorated with lavender flowers.
I'm also planning to make some more with runes on my arms.
So do you have any? Or would you like to have any?
If you don't - what do you think about them at all?
Let's babble about it. 8D

Posted in Am I the only Immortal around here?
Posted 4 years ago

@amber lynne: As an experienced lonely mmo player, I'd say that it much more matters what YOU particullarry feel about the game you play. If you enjoy it, it doesn't matter how many stamps and labels it gets. I've enjoyed many games, that weren't perfect at all, and still enjoying them. Because you know, there are so many people with their own opinions, but it really matters if you actually enjoying things no matter what others say. If Skyforge transforms into P2W and you'll still be playing it, nothing matters. Your game is your game. <3