Frizz's posts
Posted in Frizz's Sandcastle Contest
Posted 7 years ago

You're relaxing with Violet when you notice a figure dart through the crowds of people having fun at the beach. You think it's familiar, but it's too fast for you to gauge. Maybe it was just your eyes playing tricks on you?
"Pst, hey," you hear a whisper and turn to see Frizz crouched down behind the umbrella acting like she's perfectly hidden. She has a hand cupped over her mouth as if practicing a secret way to communicate.
"Oh, hello Frizz!" Violet greets her with a smile, but the Guardian puts a finger up to her own lips and makes a 'shh' sound. Violet blinks but nods and lowers her voice, "We're being secret! I see." She excitedly leans her head closer to the Guardian, "Commander Sheepig! Our mission briefing, if you would. Watery supposed to be watching?"
Frizz grins at the eagerness while you fall to the sand in exasperation. "Quick to get it! Well, look over there," she points and you see Virgil and Vreg constructing a massive, yet unorthodox palace of sand and other questionable materials. "It's... well, it's amazing, isn't it?"
"Yes, my brother does seem to be enjoying himself! This is cause for shellebration!"
Frizz giggles but you inwardly groan at the pun. "I can get behind that for sure, but I dunno. They don't have any competition and like, building a sandcastle should be the one thing anyone does when they go to the beach, right?!"
Violet shuts her book with a glint in her eye. "Valid point, Commander. What do you propose?"
"Mm, glad you asked," the Guardian winked. "I have the blueprints right here for their demise! I mean... their increased enjoyment, heheh."

Posted in June Crate Items Feedback Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Hey Volties!
Your feedback about last months crates was really helpful! Reading what you think could be done better really gives us a good perspective from your point of view. It helps us rethink the sets in ways we might have not considered in the beginning. We can't wait to hear what you guys have to say about this months crates.
Now we know that sometimes perhaps a set is not your cup of tea or doesn't fit your particular style, so try to look for things that we could use constructively. Like for example: If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this then I would find use for that set more in my outfits. Or another example would be: This particular mod or pose is being repeated, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well.
In order to create a standard rating we will be doing a five star rating review. So for each set your reviewing do a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 to let us know how much you like the overall set.
We are looking for feedback regarding the way the sets layer, originality, variety in poses, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories, those are just some suggestions for the direction you can take your feedback in.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive and don't just say "It looks bad, I don't like it." As it's not very useful to us.
Here is a template to start off your review:
Rainbow Mesh
Midsummer Night's King
Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback, you are being very helpful!

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage
Posted 7 years ago
Static carries Frizz to safety as she sniffles softly.

(Crybaby now available in Joyful Jamboree. Reminder: all participants in this thread will also receive a free unlocked EI tomorrow.)

(Crybaby now available in Joyful Jamboree. Reminder: all participants in this thread will also receive a free unlocked EI tomorrow.)

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage
Posted 7 years ago
Scene Five: Finale
[User AliceinZombieland & friends have altered the tale to avoid catastrophe.]
Static could just barely dodge to the side of the cleaver as it came crashing down with the Duchess behind it. The impact caused some muck to splash upwards which splattered harmlessly against the barrier that constantly flickered around Static's form. He thought she had gotten way faster and as she spun to face him, he realized it was the truth.
It was as if she were possessed.
"I'll kill you, boy! Stand still and let me KILL YOU!" Spit flew out of her mouth with the words as she lunged for him, tearing through the muck as if it were nonexistent. The cleaver began to glow with a soft white hue as she swung it rapidly at the Guardian, and he was forced on the defensive. The weapon struck his barrier once and there was a spark. Twice, and a crackle. Three times, and a piece of it actually shattered into particles.
"I have to stop her... but how?" He grunted as he was thrown back by the force of the blade, and Frizz, held carefully in his arms, squealed. As the Duchess wound up for another torrent of blows, the piglet stared at her and tried to concentrate. Her eyes narrowed and her tail uncurled. Bright yellow streaks of energy began to shoot out from the frizz adorning her body and as she let out a mighty snort, the energy coalesced into a single bolt that struck the cleaver with a ferocious clap.
The Duchess released her hold on the weapon with a howl, but it didn't seem to be in her tone or voice. It was higher-pitched while hers was deeper, and as it came out from her mouth, it spoke: "Finally! Finally free, I am. Free from madness, and free from being her cooooo~" The word trailed off as the cleaver sunk into the muck, ruined by Frizz' spell.
"You did it, Frizz!" Static smiled down at her and she snorted in approval. "Hey... Duchess, are you okay now?" He called out tentatively to the woman who was currently standing in a very strange, hunched over posture. At her name, she jerked upright and glanced to him with blinking eyes.
"Oh, aren't you just the sweetest? And I do behold a cute companion cradled in your arms! Come, come. The Duchess must serve you tea, tea for years! We must sit and talk, talk forever about everything and nothing. I'm so, so very lonely ever since my chef, Portlan - oh, bless his soul - fell into the muck and never came out! That said, why are we in the muck? We must get out of here before HE comes, you see, for he has the muck and I have the cottage. But you'll surely like me more."
Static and Frizz looked at each other before he spoke again, "Uhm, that's... really alright. We thank you for the offer, but we have to go find our brother-"
The Duchess narrowed her eyes and the friendly tone she held just moments ago turned to a more fitting growl, "Would I be most correct in assuming you're DECLINING my most gracious offer, boy? And after I've extended a genuine invitation to you, as the Queen would extend a game of croquet!" She clenched her fists and stomped towards them through the muck.
Static could only frown. "Frizz," he began softly while floating away quickly. "I'm really not sure about this world." A nod from the piglet.
[User AliceinZombieland & friends have altered the tale to avoid catastrophe.]
Static could just barely dodge to the side of the cleaver as it came crashing down with the Duchess behind it. The impact caused some muck to splash upwards which splattered harmlessly against the barrier that constantly flickered around Static's form. He thought she had gotten way faster and as she spun to face him, he realized it was the truth.
It was as if she were possessed.
"I'll kill you, boy! Stand still and let me KILL YOU!" Spit flew out of her mouth with the words as she lunged for him, tearing through the muck as if it were nonexistent. The cleaver began to glow with a soft white hue as she swung it rapidly at the Guardian, and he was forced on the defensive. The weapon struck his barrier once and there was a spark. Twice, and a crackle. Three times, and a piece of it actually shattered into particles.
"I have to stop her... but how?" He grunted as he was thrown back by the force of the blade, and Frizz, held carefully in his arms, squealed. As the Duchess wound up for another torrent of blows, the piglet stared at her and tried to concentrate. Her eyes narrowed and her tail uncurled. Bright yellow streaks of energy began to shoot out from the frizz adorning her body and as she let out a mighty snort, the energy coalesced into a single bolt that struck the cleaver with a ferocious clap.
The Duchess released her hold on the weapon with a howl, but it didn't seem to be in her tone or voice. It was higher-pitched while hers was deeper, and as it came out from her mouth, it spoke: "Finally! Finally free, I am. Free from madness, and free from being her cooooo~" The word trailed off as the cleaver sunk into the muck, ruined by Frizz' spell.
"You did it, Frizz!" Static smiled down at her and she snorted in approval. "Hey... Duchess, are you okay now?" He called out tentatively to the woman who was currently standing in a very strange, hunched over posture. At her name, she jerked upright and glanced to him with blinking eyes.
"Oh, aren't you just the sweetest? And I do behold a cute companion cradled in your arms! Come, come. The Duchess must serve you tea, tea for years! We must sit and talk, talk forever about everything and nothing. I'm so, so very lonely ever since my chef, Portlan - oh, bless his soul - fell into the muck and never came out! That said, why are we in the muck? We must get out of here before HE comes, you see, for he has the muck and I have the cottage. But you'll surely like me more."
Static and Frizz looked at each other before he spoke again, "Uhm, that's... really alright. We thank you for the offer, but we have to go find our brother-"
The Duchess narrowed her eyes and the friendly tone she held just moments ago turned to a more fitting growl, "Would I be most correct in assuming you're DECLINING my most gracious offer, boy? And after I've extended a genuine invitation to you, as the Queen would extend a game of croquet!" She clenched her fists and stomped towards them through the muck.
Static could only frown. "Frizz," he began softly while floating away quickly. "I'm really not sure about this world." A nod from the piglet.
I ran from her with my sister in hand. I hope she finds friendship one day.

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage
Posted 7 years ago
Scene Four
[User AliceinZombieland's action, forged by the community, has been decided upon. Tale altered.]
"You don't have to do things like this to make people like you," Static tried to reason with her while floating over the muck. "They're horrible things and people will hate you. You don't want that, do you Duchess?" He offered a gentle smile and she seemed to pause for a moment, but then snarled in annoyance.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! What could you possibly know? You're just an infuriating little brat! You should be dead! DEAD I SAY!" She took a running step towards him, but the muck of the swamp immediately slowed her down. Cursing, she fought to lumber and splash forward. "But wait..." She suddenly stopped and stood perfectly still which caused Static to look at her in confusion. "They can't be my precious babies if they're dead. They can't be my children then, can they? But if I eat them, they're always with me-" She let out a scream as the cleaver shook violently, and for a brief moment the two Guardians could see her breath form a wispy face that faded away like smoke.
"What was that...? Duchess, are you-" Static gasped as the woman abruptly leapt from her spot like a frog and plunged towards him with the cleaver still vibrating wildly. It was letting out a constant hum like metal rubbing together, and the sound filled the area with dread.
[User AliceinZombieland's action, forged by the community, has been decided upon. Tale altered.]
"You don't have to do things like this to make people like you," Static tried to reason with her while floating over the muck. "They're horrible things and people will hate you. You don't want that, do you Duchess?" He offered a gentle smile and she seemed to pause for a moment, but then snarled in annoyance.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! What could you possibly know? You're just an infuriating little brat! You should be dead! DEAD I SAY!" She took a running step towards him, but the muck of the swamp immediately slowed her down. Cursing, she fought to lumber and splash forward. "But wait..." She suddenly stopped and stood perfectly still which caused Static to look at her in confusion. "They can't be my precious babies if they're dead. They can't be my children then, can they? But if I eat them, they're always with me-" She let out a scream as the cleaver shook violently, and for a brief moment the two Guardians could see her breath form a wispy face that faded away like smoke.
"What was that...? Duchess, are you-" Static gasped as the woman abruptly leapt from her spot like a frog and plunged towards him with the cleaver still vibrating wildly. It was letting out a constant hum like metal rubbing together, and the sound filled the area with dread.
I Have to Think Fast!

Now's the perfect time for a counter, isn't it?

If I repel her, she might be hurt badly... but if that's the only way...

None yet. Write your own and convince users it should be here!

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage
Posted 7 years ago
Scene Three
[User Siron's action has been decided upon. Tale altered.]
As Static stares ahead, his vision begins to cloud and he sees red for a moment. Shaking his head clears his perspective, however, and he darts over to the cage instead of paying the Duchess much mind. "Frizz, don't worry. I'll get you out right away!" He tries destroying the chains that lock the gate with his magic, but what he conjures up seems to fizzle out as it connects with the bars.
"It's protected?" He glances around quickly and finds a zweihander in one statue's hand. It's a very large two-handed sword. Ripping it out of the unmoving hands, he's just about to cut the chains when he hears heavy breathing behind him.
The Duchess' voice bellows out: "Such a naughty child. First you try to take my precious baby, and now you're STEALING? The punishment for these crimes is DEATH!" She swings her cleaver downwards, and Static uses the zweihander to parry. Sparks fly as the blades connect, but the Duchess' strength is vast, and the cleaver is winning.
Seeing his chance, Static guides the cleaver with his own weapon and pretends to lose his footing so that it falls, with force, into the chains securing the gate of the cage. The chains snap under the pressure, the bars bend, and Frizz leaps out! She squeals wildly and with a snort, slams her butt into the Duchess' leg as small payback before joining Static by his side.
"Frizz, let's get out of here!" Relieved, Static swoops her up in his arms and flies up to the only window in the room. He cradles her to his chest and generates a field of energy around him that shatters the glass when he flies through. She's squealing, happily this time, with a smile on her snout though he can't see it.
Floating down to the murky ground, he examines their surroundings for a moment. It appears to be a swamp of some sort with a few large mushroom stems jutting up to an unknown end. There are many tall willow trees and several thicker trunked trees. Static is around knee-high in sludge and it's impossible to see the bottom.
"You think you can get away from me, boy?" Her voice bellowed from inside before a giant hand grabbed onto the windowsill to hoist her up. "Nobody has escaped Mommy, and why would they want to? Her cottage is the only place, the only home they should want to be!" She squeezed through the window and ungracefully fell into the sludge. "Mommy isn't as young as she used to be," she grunted out while still clutching the cleaver in her other hand. "But you kids are more rowdy than ever! Why can't you just BEHAVE?"
Static hovered away from her slowly. He wasn't the best talker of the Guardians, but maybe he could calm her? Then again, he didn't want any other child put into this predicament. "I know you're lonely, Duchess, but that doesn't mean you can hold people here. They need freedom, too." Frizz snorted her agreement.
The Duchess furrowed her gaze, seemingly thinking about it?
[User Siron's action has been decided upon. Tale altered.]
As Static stares ahead, his vision begins to cloud and he sees red for a moment. Shaking his head clears his perspective, however, and he darts over to the cage instead of paying the Duchess much mind. "Frizz, don't worry. I'll get you out right away!" He tries destroying the chains that lock the gate with his magic, but what he conjures up seems to fizzle out as it connects with the bars.
"It's protected?" He glances around quickly and finds a zweihander in one statue's hand. It's a very large two-handed sword. Ripping it out of the unmoving hands, he's just about to cut the chains when he hears heavy breathing behind him.
The Duchess' voice bellows out: "Such a naughty child. First you try to take my precious baby, and now you're STEALING? The punishment for these crimes is DEATH!" She swings her cleaver downwards, and Static uses the zweihander to parry. Sparks fly as the blades connect, but the Duchess' strength is vast, and the cleaver is winning.
Seeing his chance, Static guides the cleaver with his own weapon and pretends to lose his footing so that it falls, with force, into the chains securing the gate of the cage. The chains snap under the pressure, the bars bend, and Frizz leaps out! She squeals wildly and with a snort, slams her butt into the Duchess' leg as small payback before joining Static by his side.
"Frizz, let's get out of here!" Relieved, Static swoops her up in his arms and flies up to the only window in the room. He cradles her to his chest and generates a field of energy around him that shatters the glass when he flies through. She's squealing, happily this time, with a smile on her snout though he can't see it.
Floating down to the murky ground, he examines their surroundings for a moment. It appears to be a swamp of some sort with a few large mushroom stems jutting up to an unknown end. There are many tall willow trees and several thicker trunked trees. Static is around knee-high in sludge and it's impossible to see the bottom.
"You think you can get away from me, boy?" Her voice bellowed from inside before a giant hand grabbed onto the windowsill to hoist her up. "Nobody has escaped Mommy, and why would they want to? Her cottage is the only place, the only home they should want to be!" She squeezed through the window and ungracefully fell into the sludge. "Mommy isn't as young as she used to be," she grunted out while still clutching the cleaver in her other hand. "But you kids are more rowdy than ever! Why can't you just BEHAVE?"
Static hovered away from her slowly. He wasn't the best talker of the Guardians, but maybe he could calm her? Then again, he didn't want any other child put into this predicament. "I know you're lonely, Duchess, but that doesn't mean you can hold people here. They need freedom, too." Frizz snorted her agreement.
The Duchess furrowed her gaze, seemingly thinking about it?
What Should I do?

Seize this opportunity. Attack the human!

Run and try to hide. Maybe her eyesight's bad.

None yet. Write your own and convince users it should be here!

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage
Posted 7 years ago
[NOTE: Rules have been updated on front page for clarification on timeframe and user actions! Thank you!]

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage
Posted 7 years ago
Scene Two
The Duchess, in her immense size, charges forward and the cottage begins to rumble. She lets out an almost feral roar while swinging the cleaver with impressive might at the Guardian's head. Static is prepared for this, however, and darts between her legs, away from the weapon that smashes a hole in the floor. She growls and spins to face him, but she's far too slow.
He lashes out with a crackling fist to her side, but stops just short. His fingers are trembling, and his eyes flash for a moment. His body falls inert as if he's suspended in air.
She's staring down at him now, eyes narrowed with a smirk. "What's this? Is the child afraid to strike his dearest mother? Good, you SHOULD BE!" She rears back a leg and lets it fly right into Static. The Guardian is seemingly struck with her full might and launched through a wall to land in what appeared to be a bedroom. There's a large bed next to him with a nightstand, and expensive items fill this room. Statues stand at attention, tapestries line the walls, and exotic objects are crammed into each other to make the floor barely visible.
As Static got to his feet, a barrier of soft blue energy flickered around him before turning translucent once more. Her blow didn't have an effect. "Should I... really hurt her? But she's a human..." His voice was a whisper, but drowned out by sudden and painfully familiar squealing. His ears perked and he jerked his head up to look in the far corner.
There, packed between a mound of stuff, was a cage. The piglet inside was ramming the gate, and striking the bars uselessly with her hooves. Her eyes were moist with tears and as he gazed into them, he knew what had to be done. He smiled very gently and said: "Frizz, it's okay. I'll get you out... okay? It'll be... okay." There was something off about his way of speaking.
The Duchess, in her immense size, charges forward and the cottage begins to rumble. She lets out an almost feral roar while swinging the cleaver with impressive might at the Guardian's head. Static is prepared for this, however, and darts between her legs, away from the weapon that smashes a hole in the floor. She growls and spins to face him, but she's far too slow.
He lashes out with a crackling fist to her side, but stops just short. His fingers are trembling, and his eyes flash for a moment. His body falls inert as if he's suspended in air.
She's staring down at him now, eyes narrowed with a smirk. "What's this? Is the child afraid to strike his dearest mother? Good, you SHOULD BE!" She rears back a leg and lets it fly right into Static. The Guardian is seemingly struck with her full might and launched through a wall to land in what appeared to be a bedroom. There's a large bed next to him with a nightstand, and expensive items fill this room. Statues stand at attention, tapestries line the walls, and exotic objects are crammed into each other to make the floor barely visible.
As Static got to his feet, a barrier of soft blue energy flickered around him before turning translucent once more. Her blow didn't have an effect. "Should I... really hurt her? But she's a human..." His voice was a whisper, but drowned out by sudden and painfully familiar squealing. His ears perked and he jerked his head up to look in the far corner.
There, packed between a mound of stuff, was a cage. The piglet inside was ramming the gate, and striking the bars uselessly with her hooves. Her eyes were moist with tears and as he gazed into them, he knew what had to be done. He smiled very gently and said: "Frizz, it's okay. I'll get you out... okay? It'll be... okay." There was something off about his way of speaking.
What... Shall I do?

Attempt a strike. Chip away at her mountainous form..

Continue to protect yourself. It'll wear her out.

None yet. Write your own and convince users it should be here!

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage
Posted 7 years ago

Some ways from the swamp where the Duchess' cottage was nestled, Static looked back and gave a sigh of relief. He floated lower to the ground and gently set his sister down. "I'm so glad you're safe, Frizz," he smiled and knelt down, gave her tiny form a big hug which she tried to return but couldn't. She merely wiggled in his arms and rubbed her snout against him to show affection.
"Oh, but..." He reared back with a tilt of his head. "Where's Spark? Weren't you two together?" She nodded with a snort of affirmation. "Is he in danger?" She stared at him for a moment and after putting a hoof up to her chin as if in contemplation, shook her head. "Uhm... why are you still in that form?" She gave him another hard look.
A few seconds went by, and then a full minute.
"Can you... not turn back?" He finally asked with a frown, and she nodded with a tear. "Ohhh nooo..."
(UPDATE! Thread is still open for participation! Congratulate yourselves [you earned it!], discuss the lore, or chat! ALL PARTICIPANTS IN THIS THREAD WILL BE GRANTED A FREE CRYBABY EI. Offer ends at 12 PM Voltra Time tomorrow, when the thread will be closed. Grants will be rewarded after Chapter Ten begins.)

Some ways from the swamp where the Duchess' cottage was nestled, Static looked back and gave a sigh of relief. He floated lower to the ground and gently set his sister down. "I'm so glad you're safe, Frizz," he smiled and knelt down, gave her tiny form a big hug which she tried to return but couldn't. She merely wiggled in his arms and rubbed her snout against him to show affection.
"Oh, but..." He reared back with a tilt of his head. "Where's Spark? Weren't you two together?" She nodded with a snort of affirmation. "Is he in danger?" She stared at him for a moment and after putting a hoof up to her chin as if in contemplation, shook her head. "Uhm... why are you still in that form?" She gave him another hard look.
A few seconds went by, and then a full minute.
"Can you... not turn back?" He finally asked with a frown, and she nodded with a tear. "Ohhh nooo..."
(UPDATE! Thread is still open for participation! Congratulate yourselves [you earned it!], discuss the lore, or chat! ALL PARTICIPANTS IN THIS THREAD WILL BE GRANTED A FREE CRYBABY EI. Offer ends at 12 PM Voltra Time tomorrow, when the thread will be closed. Grants will be rewarded after Chapter Ten begins.)

Posted in May Crate Items Feedback Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Hey Volties!
Your feedback about last months crates was really helpful! Reading what you think could be done better really gives us a good perspective from your point of view. It helps us rethink the sets in ways we might have not considered in the beginning. We can't wait to hear what you guys have to say about this months crates.
Now we know that sometimes perhaps a set is not your cup of tea or doesn't fit your particular style, so try to look for things that we could use constructively. Like for example: If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this then I would find use for that set more in my outfits. Or another example would be: This particular mod or pose is being repeated, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well.
In order to create a standard rating we will be doing a five star rating review. So for each set your reviewing do a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 to let us know how much you like the overall set.
We are looking for feedback regarding the way the sets layer, originality, variety in poses, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories, those are just some suggestions for the direction you can take your feedback in.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive and don't just say "It looks bad, I don't like it." As it's not very useful to us.
Here is a template to start off your review:
Pond Sailing
Spring Showers
Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback, you are being very helpful!

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage
Posted 7 years ago
Scene Five: Finale
[User AliceinZombieland & friends have altered the tale to avoid catastrophe.]
Static could just barely dodge to the side of the cleaver as it came crashing down with the Duchess behind it. The impact caused some muck to splash upwards which splattered harmlessly against the barrier that constantly flickered around Static's form. He thought she had gotten way faster and as she spun to face him, he realized it was the truth.
It was as if she were possessed.
"I'll kill you, boy! Stand still and let me KILL YOU!" Spit flew out of her mouth with the words as she lunged for him, tearing through the muck as if it were nonexistent. The cleaver began to glow with a soft white hue as she swung it rapidly at the Guardian, and he was forced on the defensive. The weapon struck his barrier once and there was a spark. Twice, and a crackle. Three times, and a piece of it actually shattered into particles.
"I have to stop her... but how?" He grunted as he was thrown back by the force of the blade, and Frizz, held carefully in his arms, squealed. As the Duchess wound up for another torrent of blows, the piglet stared at her and tried to concentrate. Her eyes narrowed and her tail uncurled. Bright yellow streaks of energy began to shoot out from the frizz adorning her body and as she let out a mighty snort, the energy coalesced into a single bolt that struck the cleaver with a ferocious clap.
The Duchess released her hold on the weapon with a howl, but it didn't seem to be in her tone or voice. It was higher-pitched while hers was deeper, and as it came out from her mouth, it spoke: "Finally! Finally free, I am. Free from madness, and free from being her cooooo~" The word trailed off as the cleaver sunk into the muck, ruined by Frizz' spell.
"You did it, Frizz!" Static smiled down at her and she snorted in approval. "Hey... Duchess, are you okay now?" He called out tentatively to the woman who was currently standing in a very strange, hunched over posture. At her name, she jerked upright and glanced to him with blinking eyes.
"Oh, aren't you just the sweetest? And I do behold a cute companion cradled in your arms! Come, come. The Duchess must serve you tea, tea for years! We must sit and talk, talk forever about everything and nothing. I'm so, so very lonely ever since my chef, Portlan - oh, bless his soul - fell into the muck and never came out! That said, why are we in the muck? We must get out of here before HE comes, you see, for he has the muck and I have the cottage. But you'll surely like me more."
Static and Frizz looked at each other before he spoke again, "Uhm, that's... really alright. We thank you for the offer, but we have to go find our brother-"
The Duchess narrowed her eyes and the friendly tone she held just moments ago turned to a more fitting growl, "Would I be most correct in assuming you're DECLINING my most gracious offer, boy? And after I've extended a genuine invitation to you, as the Queen would extend a game of croquet!" She clenched her fists and stomped towards them through the muck.
Static could only frown. "Frizz," he began softly while floating away quickly. "I'm really not sure about this world." A nod from the piglet.
[User AliceinZombieland & friends have altered the tale to avoid catastrophe.]
Static could just barely dodge to the side of the cleaver as it came crashing down with the Duchess behind it. The impact caused some muck to splash upwards which splattered harmlessly against the barrier that constantly flickered around Static's form. He thought she had gotten way faster and as she spun to face him, he realized it was the truth.
It was as if she were possessed.
"I'll kill you, boy! Stand still and let me KILL YOU!" Spit flew out of her mouth with the words as she lunged for him, tearing through the muck as if it were nonexistent. The cleaver began to glow with a soft white hue as she swung it rapidly at the Guardian, and he was forced on the defensive. The weapon struck his barrier once and there was a spark. Twice, and a crackle. Three times, and a piece of it actually shattered into particles.
"I have to stop her... but how?" He grunted as he was thrown back by the force of the blade, and Frizz, held carefully in his arms, squealed. As the Duchess wound up for another torrent of blows, the piglet stared at her and tried to concentrate. Her eyes narrowed and her tail uncurled. Bright yellow streaks of energy began to shoot out from the frizz adorning her body and as she let out a mighty snort, the energy coalesced into a single bolt that struck the cleaver with a ferocious clap.
The Duchess released her hold on the weapon with a howl, but it didn't seem to be in her tone or voice. It was higher-pitched while hers was deeper, and as it came out from her mouth, it spoke: "Finally! Finally free, I am. Free from madness, and free from being her cooooo~" The word trailed off as the cleaver sunk into the muck, ruined by Frizz' spell.
"You did it, Frizz!" Static smiled down at her and she snorted in approval. "Hey... Duchess, are you okay now?" He called out tentatively to the woman who was currently standing in a very strange, hunched over posture. At her name, she jerked upright and glanced to him with blinking eyes.
"Oh, aren't you just the sweetest? And I do behold a cute companion cradled in your arms! Come, come. The Duchess must serve you tea, tea for years! We must sit and talk, talk forever about everything and nothing. I'm so, so very lonely ever since my chef, Portlan - oh, bless his soul - fell into the muck and never came out! That said, why are we in the muck? We must get out of here before HE comes, you see, for he has the muck and I have the cottage. But you'll surely like me more."
Static and Frizz looked at each other before he spoke again, "Uhm, that's... really alright. We thank you for the offer, but we have to go find our brother-"
The Duchess narrowed her eyes and the friendly tone she held just moments ago turned to a more fitting growl, "Would I be most correct in assuming you're DECLINING my most gracious offer, boy? And after I've extended a genuine invitation to you, as the Queen would extend a game of croquet!" She clenched her fists and stomped towards them through the muck.
Static could only frown. "Frizz," he began softly while floating away quickly. "I'm really not sure about this world." A nod from the piglet.
I ran from her with my sister in hand. I hope she finds friendship one day.
Scene One
You're such a noisy boy... but don't worry," the Duchess grinned impossibly wide and the Guardian could hear her teeth slowly grind. "I'll lead you to a real quiet place, child, where no one can ever hurt you. That's all I've ever done for my precious babies, you know?"
She held the massive cleaver aloft and just then, Static could see how worn it truly was. The blade had clearly been reforged and resharpened time and again, and even though it was like a razor's edge now, there were identifiable chips throughout. What unnerved him, however, was the dried substance coating the alloy. It seemed so drenched in the color that it was almost a red blade.
He was starting to understand and the more he did, the longer his mind lingered in a haunted place of the past. He thrust a palm forward and clenched a fist, shaking his head to steel his nerves.
Nerves of fear they were not, but rather hesitation at what he'd do...
What should I do?

Open with intent to end it fast.

Watch her. Be ready for anything.

None yet. Write your own and convince users it should be here!
Scene Two
The Duchess, in her immense size, charges forward and the cottage begins to rumble. She lets out an almost feral roar while swinging the cleaver with impressive might at the Guardian's head. Static is prepared for this, however, and darts between her legs, away from the weapon that smashes a hole in the floor. She growls and spins to face him, but she's far too slow.
He lashes out with a crackling fist to her side, but stops just short. His fingers are trembling, and his eyes flash for a moment. His body falls inert as if he's suspended in air.
She's staring down at him now, eyes narrowed with a smirk. "What's this? Is the child afraid to strike his dearest mother? Good, you SHOULD BE!" She rears back a leg and lets it fly right into Static. The Guardian is seemingly struck with her full might and launched through a wall to land in what appeared to be a bedroom. There's a large bed next to him with a nightstand, and expensive items fill this room. Statues stand at attention, tapestries line the walls, and exotic objects are crammed into each other to make the floor barely visible.
As Static got to his feet, a barrier of soft blue energy flickered around him before turning translucent once more. Her blow didn't have an effect. "Should I... really hurt her? But she's a human..." His voice was a whisper, but drowned out by sudden and painfully familiar squealing. His ears perked and he jerked his head up to look in the far corner.
There, packed between a mound of stuff, was a cage. The piglet inside was ramming the gate, and striking the bars uselessly with her hooves. Her eyes were moist with tears and as he gazed into them, he knew what had to be done. He smiled very gently and said: "Frizz, it's okay. I'll get you out... okay? It'll be... okay." There was something off about his way of speaking.
What... Shall I do?

Attempt a strike. Chip away at her mountainous form..

Continue to protect yourself. It'll wear her out.

None yet. Write your own and convince users it should be here!
Scene Three
[User Siron's action has been decided upon. Tale altered.]
As Static stares ahead, his vision begins to cloud and he sees red for a moment. Shaking his head clears his perspective, however, and he darts over to the cage instead of paying the Duchess much mind. "Frizz, don't worry. I'll get you out right away!" He tries destroying the chains that lock the gate with his magic, but what he conjures up seems to fizzle out as it connects with the bars.
"It's protected?" He glances around quickly and finds a zweihander in one statue's hand. It's a very large two-handed sword. Ripping it out of the unmoving hands, he's just about to cut the chains when he hears heavy breathing behind him.
The Duchess' voice bellows out: "Such a naughty child. First you try to take my precious baby, and now you're STEALING? The punishment for these crimes is DEATH!" She swings her cleaver downwards, and Static uses the zweihander to parry. Sparks fly as the blades connect, but the Duchess' strength is vast, and the cleaver is winning.
Seeing his chance, Static guides the cleaver with his own weapon and pretends to lose his footing so that it falls, with force, into the chains securing the gate of the cage. The chains snap under the pressure, the bars bend, and Frizz leaps out! She squeals wildly and with a snort, slams her butt into the Duchess' leg as small payback before joining Static by his side.
"Frizz, let's get out of here!" Relieved, Static swoops her up in his arms and flies up to the only window in the room. He cradles her to his chest and generates a field of energy around him that shatters the glass when he flies through. She's squealing, happily this time, with a smile on her snout though he can't see it.
Floating down to the murky ground, he examines their surroundings for a moment. It appears to be a swamp of some sort with a few large mushroom stems jutting up to an unknown end. There are many tall willow trees and several thicker trunked trees. Static is around knee-high in sludge and it's impossible to see the bottom.
"You think you can get away from me, boy?" Her voice bellowed from inside before a giant hand grabbed onto the windowsill to hoist her up. "Nobody has escaped Mommy, and why would they want to? Her cottage is the only place, the only home they should want to be!" She squeezed through the window and ungracefully fell into the sludge. "Mommy isn't as young as she used to be," she grunted out while still clutching the cleaver in her other hand. "But you kids are more rowdy than ever! Why can't you just BEHAVE?"
Static hovered away from her slowly. He wasn't the best talker of the Guardians, but maybe he could calm her? Then again, he didn't want any other child put into this predicament. "I know you're lonely, Duchess, but that doesn't mean you can hold people here. They need freedom, too." Frizz snorted her agreement.
The Duchess furrowed her gaze, seemingly thinking about it?
What Should I do?

Seize this opportunity. Attack the human!

Run and try to hide. Maybe her eyesight's bad.

None yet. Write your own and convince users it should be here!
[User Siron's action has been decided upon. Tale altered.]
As Static stares ahead, his vision begins to cloud and he sees red for a moment. Shaking his head clears his perspective, however, and he darts over to the cage instead of paying the Duchess much mind. "Frizz, don't worry. I'll get you out right away!" He tries destroying the chains that lock the gate with his magic, but what he conjures up seems to fizzle out as it connects with the bars.
"It's protected?" He glances around quickly and finds a zweihander in one statue's hand. It's a very large two-handed sword. Ripping it out of the unmoving hands, he's just about to cut the chains when he hears heavy breathing behind him.
The Duchess' voice bellows out: "Such a naughty child. First you try to take my precious baby, and now you're STEALING? The punishment for these crimes is DEATH!" She swings her cleaver downwards, and Static uses the zweihander to parry. Sparks fly as the blades connect, but the Duchess' strength is vast, and the cleaver is winning.
Seeing his chance, Static guides the cleaver with his own weapon and pretends to lose his footing so that it falls, with force, into the chains securing the gate of the cage. The chains snap under the pressure, the bars bend, and Frizz leaps out! She squeals wildly and with a snort, slams her butt into the Duchess' leg as small payback before joining Static by his side.
"Frizz, let's get out of here!" Relieved, Static swoops her up in his arms and flies up to the only window in the room. He cradles her to his chest and generates a field of energy around him that shatters the glass when he flies through. She's squealing, happily this time, with a smile on her snout though he can't see it.
Floating down to the murky ground, he examines their surroundings for a moment. It appears to be a swamp of some sort with a few large mushroom stems jutting up to an unknown end. There are many tall willow trees and several thicker trunked trees. Static is around knee-high in sludge and it's impossible to see the bottom.
"You think you can get away from me, boy?" Her voice bellowed from inside before a giant hand grabbed onto the windowsill to hoist her up. "Nobody has escaped Mommy, and why would they want to? Her cottage is the only place, the only home they should want to be!" She squeezed through the window and ungracefully fell into the sludge. "Mommy isn't as young as she used to be," she grunted out while still clutching the cleaver in her other hand. "But you kids are more rowdy than ever! Why can't you just BEHAVE?"
Static hovered away from her slowly. He wasn't the best talker of the Guardians, but maybe he could calm her? Then again, he didn't want any other child put into this predicament. "I know you're lonely, Duchess, but that doesn't mean you can hold people here. They need freedom, too." Frizz snorted her agreement.
The Duchess furrowed her gaze, seemingly thinking about it?
What Should I do?

Seize this opportunity. Attack the human!

Run and try to hide. Maybe her eyesight's bad.

None yet. Write your own and convince users it should be here!
Scene Four
[User AliceinZombieland's action, forged by the community, has been decided upon. Tale altered.]
"You don't have to do things like this to make people like you," Static tried to reason with her while floating over the muck. "They're horrible things and people will hate you. You don't want that, do you Duchess?" He offered a gentle smile and she seemed to pause for a moment, but then snarled in annoyance.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! What could you possibly know? You're just an infuriating little brat! You should be dead! DEAD I SAY!" She took a running step towards him, but the muck of the swamp immediately slowed her down. Cursing, she fought to lumber and splash forward. "But wait..." She suddenly stopped and stood perfectly still which caused Static to look at her in confusion. "They can't be my precious babies if they're dead. They can't be my children then, can they? But if I eat them, they're always with me-" She let out a scream as the cleaver shook violently, and for a brief moment the two Guardians could see her breath form a wispy face that faded away like smoke.
"What was that...? Duchess, are you-" Static gasped as the woman abruptly leapt from her spot like a frog and plunged towards him with the cleaver still vibrating wildly. It was letting out a constant hum like metal rubbing together, and the sound filled the area with dread.
I Have to Think Fast!

Now's the perfect time for a counter, isn't it?

If I repel her, she might be hurt badly... but if that's the only way...

None yet. Write your own and convince users it should be here!
[User AliceinZombieland's action, forged by the community, has been decided upon. Tale altered.]
"You don't have to do things like this to make people like you," Static tried to reason with her while floating over the muck. "They're horrible things and people will hate you. You don't want that, do you Duchess?" He offered a gentle smile and she seemed to pause for a moment, but then snarled in annoyance.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! What could you possibly know? You're just an infuriating little brat! You should be dead! DEAD I SAY!" She took a running step towards him, but the muck of the swamp immediately slowed her down. Cursing, she fought to lumber and splash forward. "But wait..." She suddenly stopped and stood perfectly still which caused Static to look at her in confusion. "They can't be my precious babies if they're dead. They can't be my children then, can they? But if I eat them, they're always with me-" She let out a scream as the cleaver shook violently, and for a brief moment the two Guardians could see her breath form a wispy face that faded away like smoke.
"What was that...? Duchess, are you-" Static gasped as the woman abruptly leapt from her spot like a frog and plunged towards him with the cleaver still vibrating wildly. It was letting out a constant hum like metal rubbing together, and the sound filled the area with dread.
I Have to Think Fast!

Now's the perfect time for a counter, isn't it?

If I repel her, she might be hurt badly... but if that's the only way...

None yet. Write your own and convince users it should be here!

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage
Posted 7 years ago
Static has finally found his sister, Frizz!
It would appear, however, that she is being kept by a dangerous entity...
The Duchess will not hand her over quietly.
Lead Static to victory in this fight!
This is a story-driven battle where your input will decide the outcome from scene to scene.
Static can Attack, Defend, or take a User Action.
These three choices are highlighted in an example below:
@Static: Time for an attack!
@Static: Quick, defend yourself!
@Static: [Blank until User Action is posted and agreed on by at least 5 users]
User Actions are special in that they aren't restricted to just Attacking (option 1) or just Defending (option 2).
If you write your own idea of what Static should do, and other users ping you and agree, your User Action will become reality.
You will have an estimated 45-60 minutes to vote.
Hint: There may be times where you know best.

All participants will be granted a FREE Crybaby EI.
Additional copies will be available in Joyful Jamboree for purchase with Mushrooms.
Static has finally found his sister, Frizz!
It would appear, however, that she is being kept by a dangerous entity...
The Duchess will not hand her over quietly.
Lead Static to victory in this fight!
This is a story-driven battle where your input will decide the outcome from scene to scene.
Static can Attack, Defend, or take a User Action.
These three choices are highlighted in an example below:
@Static: Time for an attack!
@Static: Quick, defend yourself!
@Static: [Blank until User Action is posted and agreed on by at least 5 users]
User Actions are special in that they aren't restricted to just Attacking (option 1) or just Defending (option 2).
If you write your own idea of what Static should do, and other users ping you and agree, your User Action will become reality.
You will have an estimated 45-60 minutes to vote.
Hint: There may be times where you know best.

All participants will be granted a FREE Crybaby EI.
Additional copies will be available in Joyful Jamboree for purchase with Mushrooms.

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage
Posted 7 years ago

Chapter Nine